Florida Gas Prices Are Slightly Lower Than Last Week

October 9, 2023

Florida gas prices are moving lower again after a brief increase last week. The state average surprisingly rose four cents by Wednesday, but those gains were quickly erased by the weekend. Now, Florida drivers are paying $3.48 per gallon, which is nearly two cents less than a week ago, and the lowest daily average price since July.

The average price per gallon Sunday night in Escambia County was $3.25, the cheapest metro area in the state. A North Escambia low of $3.25 was available at several Highway 29 gas stations in Cantonment, while Pensacola prices bottomed out at $2.89 at a handful of stations.

“Florida gas prices tried to swim upstream early last week, but were quickly knocked back down by week’s end,” said Mark Jenkins, spokesman, AAA – The Auto Club Group. “Oil and gasoline suffered big losses in the futures market, which could enable pump prices to move lower. However, that could change depending on how the market responds to rising geopolitical tensions following the surprise attack by Hamas on Israel.”

While the Hamas attack on Israel reportedly did not directly impact global supplies, oil prices have risen over the weekend, due to the uncertainty of how things will unfold.

NorthEscambia.com file photo.


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