Escambia County Public Schools Awarded $1.5 Million Esports Gaming Grant by U.S. Department of Defense

October 18, 2023

Students at seven schools– Bailey, Beulah, Brown-Barge, and Ransom Middle Schools; Escambia, Tate, and West Florida High Schools. will benefit from a $1.5 million, 5-year project designed to promote Esports Escambia County Public Schools (ECPS).

Esports: E is for Everyone provides military connected students from all walks of life an opportunity to be part of a team at seven military-connected schools within the Escambia County Public Schools (FL). The DoDEA-funded 5-year project seeks to build a sustainable competitive gaming ecosystem that is welcoming and inclusive of everyone. Bridges will be built between military-connected students and communities who engage in Esports, making student learning transitions seamless. The benefits of Esports will reach far beyond the four walls of the classroom and expose military-connected students to technology, teamwork, competition, and diversity, while preparing them for successful college and career paths.

“Esports: E is for Everyone is an innovative approach to engage students in social-emotional learning and hands-on problem solving that will motivate, inspire, and foster grit within our students,” said Monica Willis, ECPS Grants Specialist and author of the grant. This marks the 11th competitive grant that the Department of Defense Education Activity (DoDEA) has awarded the school district since 2010.

Access to coaches, equipment, resources and competitions will afford rich experiences for all students at four ECPS middle schools and three ECPS high schools. New extra-curricular Esports teams will pique interest, increase attendance, spark ingenuity, and remove physical and social barriers to ultimately close achievement gaps.

Military-connected students will have the opportunity to make meaningful connections while honing their skills and exploring scholarship opportunities at hundreds of colleges. The characteristics and skills utilized by successful Esports team members directly correlate to the skills needed for students to become college and career ready citizens.


6 Responses to “Escambia County Public Schools Awarded $1.5 Million Esports Gaming Grant by U.S. Department of Defense”

  1. Jay on October 26th, 2023 5:24 pm


    Y’all don’t seem to understand what this means. Y’all think this leads to nowhere and is just for “gaming”.

    While it is for “gaming” it’s not different than having your kids play soccer/football hoping they get scholarships to play in a college or university.

    What this is offering is kids the chance to become Pro Competitive Gamers. Who naturally make more money than probably anyone reading this at their current jobs.

    Don’t believe me look up a 18 yr kid named M0nesy he plays a video game called Counter Strike and is a Pro at such a young age and makes 6 figures.

    Sadly yall think this is also only in America when in reality this goes on globally and is probably the future for most of our kids who love “gaming”. Not everyone wants to be pro gamers like not everyone wants to be a doctor or a soccer player.

    So if you kid says hey I wanna be in this program and try to become a pro gamer push them. They could be the next Scump(multi millionaire retired pro) the next shroud(Multi millionaire retired pro). Don’t put down your next generation because you were raised without such possibilities.

  2. kane on October 19th, 2023 12:07 pm

    @mnon I think you missed the point that’s a D.O.D grant they are not playing video games they are learning to fly drones and kill our enemies starting in middle school. It’s a recruitment program disguised as education.

  3. EricM on October 19th, 2023 10:41 am

    @mnon. You are absolutely correct.

  4. Cheryl on October 19th, 2023 10:22 am

    @MNON I know the future is so scary!!! Back in my day kids played with sticks and ate bugs right out of the dirt- they also had to walk from molino to atmore just to get to school. Crazy times we’re living in- so crazy.

    The problem with our education system is definitely technology and DEFINITELY NOT the banning of books, rewriting history to try and make us look better instead of acknowledging past mistakes and learning from them, physically and mentally disabled kids being denied basic care, the encouraged bullying by certain parents, and funding for school not being evenly distributed so all the schools can afford kids similar opportunities.
    It’s totally technology that’s the problem.

    Stop relying on the schools to parent your children, technology and even gaming is completely fine in moderation. Teach them how to balance it for their health.
    ONE NORE THING “Esports” are a great alternative for disabled kids who can’t take part in physical activities, but still want to participate in team competitions.

    Take care and have a wonderful day y’all

  5. Bob on October 19th, 2023 9:44 am


    This is how we get kids interested in “math and advanced tech”. Kids today are learning machine learning to create AIs that can solve games faster, learning programming to create mods and applets, and statistical analysis to analyze emerging metas.

    Just out of curiosity, are you equally upset about how much our schools are spending on football programs?

  6. mnon on October 19th, 2023 5:17 am

    Nice that’s exactly what our students were missing… more gaming. This is absurd and the reason the US is behind academically compared to other countries. Instead of math and advanced tech, we have them gaming and wondering if their gender is correct. This is the reason why the US will collapse into a socialist state, owned by China.