ECUA Rates Increase 9.5% For Sanitation With ‘Free’ Second Can, 5% For Water And Sewer
October 2, 2023
Emerald Coast Utilities Authority rates increased effective October 1 by 9.5% for all sanitation customers and a 5% for water and sewer customers.
The 9.5% increase raises the rate for one 90-gallon container from $27.67 to $29.88 and includes an optional additional trash or recycling can at no cost.
Facing a potential $1.8 million shortball and big problems with the wrong items being placed in recycling cans, staff had proposed a more modest 3.5% rate increase for sanitation customers plus a $3 a month recycling fee.
ECUA staff had proposed a 4% rate increase for water and 6% for wastewater. The board approved an increase to both water and wastewater by 5%.
ECUA customers can make their request for a second sanitation can by calling customer service at (850) 476-0480 Monday through Friday, 8:30 a.m. – 5:00 p.m or by using an online contact form. Customer who wish to continue using a current recycling container do not need to call.
13 Responses to “ECUA Rates Increase 9.5% For Sanitation With ‘Free’ Second Can, 5% For Water And Sewer”
Every year or two they get a rate increase. Between ECUA and FPL increases and elderly on fixed incomes will be suffering to buy food. It should not be our responsibility to pay for all the new growth and lack of trucks to handle the mess. How about the county commissioners take a pay cut to cover costs since they have approved this growth with no infrastructure.
@David Rogers
Imagine hating your community and the environment so much that you actively sabotage recycling efforts.
I have always recycled properly. After reading this scam, starting tomorrow my trash goes in recycling can and recycling goes in the garbage can. I will do my best to cost this company every dime I can.
I’m surprised they voted for rate increases for themselves — NOT!!!!
ECUA gets a combined increase of 14.5%. I get a 3% raise on Medicare. That sounds fare!
You are spot on. I understand the arms on the truck have a hard time grabbing the small cans. There are cameras and the driver should be checking for such and then report the incident to their supervisor so the can is replaced in a timely manner. It shouldn’t take that long to get a replacement can.
RWA,I bet your garbage can fell into the garbage truck and the driver did not care.
Are private water company and private garbage collection rates also going up? Is this an utility provider-wide increase, or just ECUA?
A few weeks ago my mother’s garbage can went missing the day it was emptied. I called to report the can was missing and was told a new can would be delivered. A week later I called again to follow up. It took two weeks to get a replacement can. No credit is given for the time that she didn’t receive service. I understand that increases are, at times, necessary but the customer service is lacking.
With annual inflation rates (at least over the past couple of years) above 5%, I can understand the rate increases on this. But, I can’t help wondering; how much long-range planning, between the zoning people and ECUA, is being done prior to granting all of these apartment complexes and higher density home developments?
The numerous residential developments and apartment communities have got to have a significant impact on the water and wastewater requirements of ECUA.
Some one needs a new F550 to drive home every night….. while driving generally above the posted speed limit by 15mph+ getting there. I’ve seen y’all in 29 , Pine Forrest and Blue Angel after 3:30…….
Be mindful of the customers money.
ECUA has no plan on how they will implement the board’s new policy on trash and recycle cans. I called last week and was told they can’t even answer all the requests for the new “free” second can and it could be weeks.