Charges To Be Upgraded To Attempted Murder For Bowling Alley Suspect

October 6, 2023

Charges will be upgraded against a 19-year old Cantonment man  accused of shooting a teen following a bowling alley incident just before 1 a.m.  on September 23.

Nicholas James Vallia was originally charged with aggravated battery using a deadly weapon. The State Attorney’s Office says that the charge will be upgraded to first degree attempted murder when Vallia is arraigned on October 20. He is also charged with discharging a firearm from a vehicle, firing into a vehicle or building, and criminal mischief.

Vallia allegedly shot into a car that had been parked outside of DeLuna Lanes, striking a 17-year old male in the arm and stomach. The Escambia County Sheriff’s Office said the shots were fired somewhere on Nine Mile Road after the victim became involved in an argument with another group of people.

Vallia was released from the Escambia County Jail on a $46,000 bond seven minutes after surrendering at the Escambia County Jail.


12 Responses to “Charges To Be Upgraded To Attempted Murder For Bowling Alley Suspect”

  1. David on October 7th, 2023 6:49 pm

    brianh, Right on. So did my kids. Today one is an RN at a cancer center, and the other is a two tours infantry and gun truck Commander in Iraq, and now is a counselor for the VA. So it all boils down to the one thing that is severely lacking in the world today, which is individual morality and Christian upbringing and loving discipline.

  2. David Huie Green on October 7th, 2023 5:49 pm

    “Virtually IMPOSSIBLE to prove his intent was to kill him….NEVER HAPPEN.”

    Not needed to be proven.

    “Indeed, the standard jury instruction for attempted second-degree murder provides that the State must prove two elements beyond a reasonable doubt: 1) that the defendant intentionally committed an act which would have resulted in the death of the victim except that someone prevented the defendant from killing the victim or the defendant failed to do so; and, 2) that THE ACT WAS IMMINENTLY DANGEROUS TO ANOTHER AND DEMONSTRATED A DEPRAVED MIND WITHOUT REGARD FOR HUMAN LIFE,”

    If I shoot into a crowd or even into a car with a single occupant, I am not innocent of attempted murder simply because I didn’t pick a particular victim to kill.

  3. brianh on October 7th, 2023 10:49 am

    Saddened, hate to break it to you BUT everything you listed did NOT cause this. Heck, I’ve watched violent movies, played violent games yet I have never shot anyone. The problem is a breakdown of morals in this nation.

  4. Not again on October 6th, 2023 6:56 pm

    Another way to look at TV influence would be to say that if a person watched dozens of episodes of “Without a Trace”, that person would desire to go missing, or to become a missing person investigator, or to become a police actor with relationship problems.

    Since I like to watch reruns of “Without a Trace”, I can tell you first hand that I desire to be none of those.

  5. Not again on October 6th, 2023 6:39 pm

    I suppose guns magically emerge through the TV screens while watching an episode of CSI, from car CD players while listening to rap, or game sticks turn to real firearms while playing video games.

    More logically, a child’s family, friends, and social community would likely have a MUCH greater influence on a teen’s desire to obtain and use a weapon in this manner.

  6. MariThaBomb on October 6th, 2023 1:28 pm

    Oh come on Let’s not blame violent movies or violent video games or violent anything even a violent household doesn’t mean that someone is going to act violent It is all within you to act out and that’s what these children or people choose to do My children played games we watch, scary movies, violent, and none of my kids are acting violent

  7. MR REALITY on October 6th, 2023 12:42 pm

    Virtually IMPOSSIBLE to prove his intent was to kill him….NEVER HAPPEN.

  8. Saddened on October 6th, 2023 11:33 am

    So sad for all involved. All these kids have seen their whole life are violent video games, violent movies, violence on TV. They make it look so normal. These boys had a dispute and it ended in gun violence. Should never have gone this far. The 19 year old has scarred his life forever amongst other things. The 17 year old underwent major surgery. I pray they learned that guns and violence are not the answer. Something has got to change in this country.

  9. Good grief! on October 6th, 2023 10:35 am

    Hey kids (and adults), the best place to be at 1:00 A.M. is at HOME!!!!!

  10. Carola on October 6th, 2023 10:30 am

    Smitty, they aren’t thinking, that’s the problem.
    It is sad. 19 yrs old what a future.

  11. Smitty on October 6th, 2023 9:22 am

    Play stupid games, you win stupid prizes! Sad how these youngsters are thinking these days.

  12. Spill The Tea on October 6th, 2023 9:11 am

    Listen, I am 100% sure the young man that was shot was not as innocent in this situation as he has claimed to his Mother to be, but shooting at someone is a no go. The second Vallia drew that gun, he threw his life away. In my family, you don’t pull out a gun unless you plan to use it and there better be a good reason for you to pull out that gun. Decisions were made and not it is going to cost on both sides.