Special Election Date Set For Century Mayor, Council Seat (And How To Get Appointed To The Council Sooner)

September 8, 2023

Election dates have been set for the office of mayor and one council seat Century, and there is a chance for a resident to be appointed to the council before the election.

Interim Council Appointment

Ben Boutwell resigned as mayor on August 22. Then on August 28, Luis Gomez, Jr. resigned from his seat after being appointed interim mayor.

On September 19, the council will appoint a new interim council member. Any resident interested in an appointment to office through November 11 is asked to call the town hall at (850) 256-3208 to express interest. The person must be a registered voter in the town.

Special Election

The special primary election will be held on Tuesday, October 17 in a contest with three or more candidates. If that necessitates a runoff, it will be held during the general election.

The general election in a contest with only two candidates will be held on Wednesday, November 1 (along with any necessary runoff).

Candidates may qualify at the Supervisor of Elections Office at 213 Palafox Place in Pensacola from 9:30 a.m. on Tuesday, September 26 through noon on Friday, September 29 and at Century Town Hall from 9:30 a.m. until 3 p.m. on September 27.

An registered voter in the Town of Century can qualify. A candidate for mayor must have resided in the town for six months prior to qualification date, but there is no previous residency requirement for council. The qualification fee for town council is $50; the qualification fee for mayor is $126.32.

The office of mayor pays $10,131.98 annually, while a council member is paid $3,714.92 each year.

The oath of office will be held on Veterans Day, Saturday, November 11 at 10 a.m.

NorthEscambia.com photo, click to enlarge.


8 Responses to “Special Election Date Set For Century Mayor, Council Seat (And How To Get Appointed To The Council Sooner)”

  1. Anon on September 8th, 2023 8:56 pm

    I feel like at this point century is just kinda beating a dead horse

  2. Thomas Paine on September 8th, 2023 6:33 pm

    As long as council members are elected for reasons other than ability you will
    Continue to see the same defective results.

  3. Connie on September 8th, 2023 10:47 am

    I would love to be on council, but not with the existing council. To get this town up and running we need all new council with a vision for growth. I love Century and want to see it be the place it should be. Please people stand together and get a new vision and a new council. Let’s think positive!

  4. Ed on September 8th, 2023 10:10 am

    Yes your taxed are going to these clowns but I want you to know that all the citizens in Century are not like these clowns there are good people in Century and it’s time for us to stand up vote these clowns out and put good people k
    In those seats

  5. J-THE-G on September 8th, 2023 9:23 am

    How do we just disband the town, like how do we get that on the ballot? I kind of doubt anyone qualified even lives in Century at this point and if they do the moronic council will make sure they can’t do any good.

  6. tg on September 8th, 2023 9:03 am

    Who in their right mind would want this job.

  7. Willis on September 8th, 2023 7:39 am

    @ steve

    Not if you haven’t paid them.

  8. Steve on September 8th, 2023 6:39 am

    are my taxes going to these dummies playing dumb games ?