New Program Will Provide Supplies For Escambia Teachers

September 26, 2023

A new Escambia County Public Schools program called “Tools for Teachers” aims to provide teachers the tools they need in the classroom without spending their personal money.

Teachers were surveyed to determine classroom supplies on which they spend their own money, and those items will be stocked in the store.  The warehouse will order and stock the supplies, and package and deliver them to individual teachers at their schools.  The Foundation will raise the funds through grants, donations and in-kind donations of products to stock the store.

More than half of the teachers surveyed spend over $400 per year on classroom supplies.  This partnership will stock teachers’ top 12 most needed items, both traditional supplies and items such as healthy snacks, ziplock bags and bandaids.

“The Foundation is so excited about this new program supporting teachers.  In partnership with the Escambia County Public Schools Warehouse, we have been working on this project for over a year, with a goal of supplying teachers with the items they most often spend their own money to purchase,”  said ECPS Foundation Executive Director Jo McArthur.  “With our launch, we will send supplies to all of our new teachers, helping them to be equipped with the supplies they need in their classrooms.   We all know that teachers are hard working, dedicated and always go the extra mile.  Our wish is to help ease their load financially through the ‘Tools for Teachers’ program.”

On October 1, ‘Tools for Teachers’ will roll out to 175 new teachers with an initial box of supplies.  In January, teachers at high-need schools will be added.  By next summer, the goal is to have all 2,700 teachers in the program

A prominent Pensacola business man, who wishes to remain anonymous, made a $50,000 contribution to launch the program.

The Foundation has three grant applications out that will provide additional funding.  In addition to the access to free supplies, the program will get a lot  more for its money, as the warehouse orders in bulk, and prices are typically less than one third of the retail price for each item.


5 Responses to “New Program Will Provide Supplies For Escambia Teachers”

  1. Cantonment Mom on September 26th, 2023 1:18 pm

    I have alot of friends who are teachers and this is great news to hear. Thank you to the anonymous business man who donated and got this started. I hope you are truly blessed in life.

  2. thetruth on September 26th, 2023 10:20 am

    Teachers in Alabama get $1,100 a year from the state for classroom supplies. How can Florida only give $275 to their teachers with all of the lottery and tourism revenue ??

  3. Willene Bryan on September 26th, 2023 8:13 am

    This is great for helping the teachers. Thanks to all that started this up. I know they will appreciate any help they can get,

  4. L. Miller on September 26th, 2023 8:03 am

    Will the Tools for Teachers be offered to private school teachers as well or just for public school?

  5. Kathy on September 26th, 2023 6:13 am

    Anything to help teachers – sounds like an awesome program.