Man Charged With Murder Of Driver Beaten Following Fatal Pedestrian Crash In Atmore

September 22, 2023

An Atmore man was arrested Friday morning for murder in connection with the beating death of a driver following a fatal pedestrian crash in Atmore last August.

Kendrell Madison, 39, was booked into the Escambia County (AL) Detention Center following a traffic stop in Atmore about 5:40 a.m. Friday.

Alabama State Troopers said Kenneth Elbert Harrison of Silverhill, Alabama, was driving a 2005 Chevrolet Tahoe that struck 24-year old Hannah Annette Martin on Highway 31 at The Tavern of Atmore about 11:50 p.m. on August 5. The Atmore Police Department said they arrived to find Martin with severe injuries. She was transported to the hospital where she was pronounced deceased.

Harrison stopped his vehicle in the Tavern parking lot.

Police originally said Harrison was beaten by an angry mob, but now says Madison was solely responsible for the murder.

“While on the scene, the responding officers discovered Harrison laying on his stomach in the parking lot of the Tavern unconscious. When the officers rolled him over, they discovered that Harrison had severe injuries to his face that disfigured his facial features. Due to his extensive injuries the officers thought at the time that Harrison may have been assaulted by one or more people,” Atmore Police Sgt. Darrell McMann said Friday morning.

Harrison was transported by ambulance to Atmore Community Hospital and then airlifted to a Mobile hospital where he later died.

Police said the assault was not caught on nearby security cameras, but “valuable” audio recordings were captured.

“The investigation revealed that Harrison sustained the injuries when he was forcefully driven into the pavement and the impact caused the injuries. The assault occurred as everyone’s attention was focused on Martin. Harrison was not assaulted with a weapon nor was he assaulted by more than one person. Investigators developed a person of interest but continued to seek witnesses and await the results of search warrants that had been obtained during the investigation which led to the delay in making an arrest,” McMann said.

Atmore Police said the decision to charge Madison with murder was made in consultation with the Escambia County (AL) District Attorney’s Office.


8 Responses to “Man Charged With Murder Of Driver Beaten Following Fatal Pedestrian Crash In Atmore”

  1. Cantonment Mom on September 25th, 2023 1:33 pm

    @Previous atmore resident – wow, really?! I have 2 children (grown now) but no matter what–this was an accident that happened in front of many witnesses-I would have never turned on this stranger and beat his face into the pavement to the extent of disfiguring this mans face and ultimately killing him! There probably was alcohol involved (they were at the Tavern), which we all know makes you do stupid things—but any decent person, under the influence or not-would never go to the extent over an accident, no matter what. This man should never be free again to do this. He is an animal and should be caged like one.
    Prayers to this poor girl’s family as well as Mr. Harrison’s family. I can’t imagine getting either one of those phone calls and pray I never will.

  2. Danyelle on September 23rd, 2023 9:14 pm

    I have lost a child in front of me but the GRACE OF GOD helped me. We should all know that he beat that man beyond recognition now that’s insane!

  3. Previous atmore resident on September 23rd, 2023 7:22 pm

    For all of those condemning I hope you never have to witness your family lose their life in front of you. I’m not saying the man deserved to lose his life either. However, if someone hit my child or family member, I cannot tell you how I would respond in that very moment. I do know my emotions would be running extremely high. This is a sad situation all around. Two lives were lost in a situation that should have been preventative and my thoughts are will both families. For the rest of you, how’s the view from holding yourself so high above others and judging someone without even knowing the circumstances surrounding the situation?

  4. Bill T on September 23rd, 2023 1:40 pm

    Should have be a lot more charged but in the mean time this one will get out of prison probably early he’s 39 he’ll be 171 years old on early release!!!!!

  5. Danyelle on September 22nd, 2023 8:47 pm

    Man what a shame, I’m surprised nobody stepped in to help the poor man getting beat to death, especially when it was an accident.

  6. Charles Bronson on September 22nd, 2023 8:26 pm

    How does a mob to turn into one man scapegoat?

  7. Robert on September 22nd, 2023 5:41 pm

    From a mob to one guy? Hmmmmmm…

  8. James Wildon on September 22nd, 2023 5:33 pm

    Wow… what a real shock LOL