Man Charged With Burglarizing Construction Site

September 3, 2023

An Escambia County man was arrested for allegedly burglarizing a construction site.

Wilbur Louis Townsend, 50, was charged with trespassing on a construction site, burglary of a structure, grand theft of copper, possession of burglary tools and resisting an officer without violence. The Escambia County Sheriff’s Office said he is also a suspect in other recent copper theft cases, and arrests are pending in those cases.

Deputies said Townsend was caught on surveillance footage entering several buildings on a construction site on Pine Forest. They said he was rummaging through buildings on the construction site, stealing copper wire.

Deputies located him inside of the compound, but he fled. After a brief foot pursuit, he surrendered after being surrounded by deputies and K-9 Streeter..

During the foot pursuit, Townsend discarded several satchels and a backpack containing stolen copper wire, according to deputies.

Townsend remained in the Escambia County Jail Sunday morning with bond set at $23,500.


4 Responses to “Man Charged With Burglarizing Construction Site”

  1. Thiefs on September 5th, 2023 2:50 am

    At least this petty thief was caught unlike most educated white collar thief’s like attorneys politicians bankers and doctors who inflate billls fees receive kick backs for years without ever getting caught.

  2. BGH II on September 4th, 2023 7:14 am

    Hmmmm, caught him on video in the middle of this crime and caught him with his stolen goods? Yep, TENT CITY applicant as well. Another fine citizen right here who chooses a life of stealing cover meaningful employment. I imagine at his age theres no hope in him WANTING to change jobs so, he goes to that TENT CITY place of residence as well that I spoke of on another story.

  3. MAGA on September 4th, 2023 7:00 am

    Bless his heart

  4. David Huie Green on September 3rd, 2023 8:02 am

    Kids these days!! Maybe he’ll grow up by 55.

    “Why were you stealing copper wire?”

    “Because they don’t use silver wire. Duh.”