Inmate Serving Life For Attempted Murder Of Police Officer Accused Of Assaulting Century Correctional Officer

September 17, 2023

A Century Correctional Institution inmate assaulted a correctional officer recently, according to the Florida Department of Corrections.

Inmate Jack Holt assaulted an officer. He is serving a life sentence for a 2004 attempted first degree murder in Miami-Dade County after he shot and wounded a female police officer with an AK-47.

“Staff responded appropriately, and the inmate was subdued,” FDC said.


5 Responses to “Inmate Serving Life For Attempted Murder Of Police Officer Accused Of Assaulting Century Correctional Officer”

  1. David Huie Green on September 17th, 2023 5:00 pm

    I wonder where he got an AK-47. I remember looking down into the barrels of three pointed at me. It inspired cooperation.

    (They decided not to kill me, in case you were wondering.)

    David for better decisions
    such as not wandering into prohibited areas

  2. Bob on September 17th, 2023 2:15 pm

    @John Connor

    If you think “treating people like human beings” is an unrealistic job requirement, then I’m glad you aren’t working there anymore.

  3. John Connor on September 17th, 2023 1:34 pm

    I didnt work on the compound for long at Century before I realized the inmates run that place. I decided as a TEA this is not for me. You couldn’t pay me enough to deal with the trash that is in that place. Of course the FDC wants you treat them like people but they lost that right. They are in that dump for a reason and trust me 95% of them will take from you if given another chance too. If you are looking to work there, DONT!

  4. Bill T on September 17th, 2023 9:17 am

    Knowing this convict has nothing to lose treat him accordingly!!! People like this should have been executed so this wouldn’t happen!!!

  5. bob c on September 17th, 2023 7:37 am

    When they have no greater punishment than Life in Prison, they have nothing to lose.