Cunningham Appointed Interim Century Council Member

September 20, 2023

Henry Cunningham was sworn in Tuesday night as an interim member of the Century Town Council.

The council was tasked with filling the seat recently vacated by Luis Gomez, Jr. who was appointed interim mayor after the August resignation of Ben Boutwell.

Three people — Cunningham, Calvin Cottrell, Jr., and Eddie Hammond — submitted their names to be considered for the seat.

Council member Sandra Jackson made a motion to appoint Hammond, saying he was the first one to call her. Hammond’s appointment failed on a 2-2 vote — Jackson and Alisha Johnson in favor, Shelisa McCall and Dynette Lewis against.

Jackson then made a motion to appoint Cunningham, saying he was the second one to call her. His appointment passed on a 4-0 vote.

“I’m here to work; I’m ready to work. So let’s go get it,” he said. “Century has been my home. I grew up here; it’s an honor for me to be serving on the town council. I’m proud to be here, and I’m looking forward to working with everybody.”

Cunningham’s time as an interim council member will be brief. An elected council member will take office on November 11 following a special election. photos, click to enlarge.


17 Responses to “Cunningham Appointed Interim Century Council Member”

  1. Carola on September 23rd, 2023 3:30 am

    Time to purge! It’s like all the council members are bumper cars, they just keep running into another not knowing what direction is next! Please don’t spend $40,000 on decorating the bumper car rink with Christmas decorations!
    Grow some common sense, soon!

  2. No dissolving Century! Make it Better! on September 21st, 2023 8:17 am

    Century does not need to be dissolved it needs people in the town council that actually care about the economic growth of the town and NOT their own pockets. This town has potential and all of us that live here deserve better! I hope Mr. Cunningham is able to make a difference or at least sus out the crooks in his short time there. Good luck, friend. Also, please do better about posting town meetings so the people can actually show up and give their input, I believe that’s how it’s supposed to work anyways whenever you’re not being shady. Don’t forget the Date, Time & Address when posting. ✅

  3. BIG JOHN on September 20th, 2023 10:23 pm


  4. Dee on September 20th, 2023 9:58 pm

    Judging by the grammar of the concerned commenters and apparent applicants for the council position, no wonder why Century is in the state it has been for so long. Maybe get some people in there that are qualified to make decisions for the good of the town instead of someone who dialed a phone number first…or second.

  5. Dissolve Century on September 20th, 2023 9:23 pm

    If this town council is truly concerned with the economic growth of Century. This town council should consider dissolving the town and letting the county take over the government.

  6. Willis on September 20th, 2023 9:18 pm

    Echoing what Chelleepea said.

  7. John on September 20th, 2023 7:19 pm

    Town of Century is a joke they have all that grant money but yet nothing gets fix heck they don’t even fix the water pipes u drive by some where see water coming up for days and yes I live here in century so I see a lot

  8. Onlooker on September 20th, 2023 4:32 pm

    Very Poor Choice to fill the seat

  9. I'm Just Saying on September 20th, 2023 2:51 pm

    First of all I am African American. There is NO diversity on Century counsil. Nepotism and cronyism is alive and well, Mayor sister-in-law is president, new appointee is the buddy from church. It’s my opinion if people start calling the governor (who don’t like Black People anyway) complaining, there will be no more Century. There are three council members and mayor that attend the same church. I am sure that there MORE qualified people in this town better than we have elected. People that wanted to make a difference quit when they got frustrated fed up with the ‘know-it-alls’ or ‘my-way-or-no-way’ attitudes who think of themselves as the ‘the sharpest knife in the drawer.’ Gomez wanted to be mayor and i say to him, enjoy your short time. A lot of people see yoiu for what you are.

  10. George on September 20th, 2023 12:40 pm

    Well, good luck to Mr. Cunningham. He will need it.

  11. Chelleepea on September 20th, 2023 12:37 pm

    Ex….your attitude is why they didn’t vote you in!

  12. Wow on September 20th, 2023 12:18 pm

    Throw away the entire counsel this has to be the most incompetent group of people serving.. no agenda no leadership nothing gets accomplished at these meetings and I see why..we are appointing people on who called first not on who will help the town. Maybe if we get people in office with common sense instead of having incompetent leadership we’ll get a better result and things accomplished.

  13. Becky on September 20th, 2023 11:14 am

    @Ex, that sort of name-calling is what’s wrong with nearly all levels of government these days, on both sides of the aisle. Doesn’t look like you’d have been able to work *with* the other council members in a civil manner anyway. From years of reading North Escambia, the Century town council seems to be one consistent commedy of errors as it is, and I can’t imagine that they wouldn’t be better served by simply merging with the greater Escambia County government (even with all its existing issues).

  14. tg on September 20th, 2023 10:33 am

    PT Barnham is enjoying this Circus.

  15. Onlooker on September 20th, 2023 9:49 am

    How interesting. The only qualifications needed to be appointed to city council is being the best at dialing a phone. Should be a great addition to the council…Insert eye roll.

  16. Me First on September 20th, 2023 9:43 am

    I’d say the prognosis is grim if the qualifications for city council are who called dibs first…

  17. Ex on September 20th, 2023 7:51 am

    Well I’d like to thank Sandra mcmurry and Alisha Johnson for the support there nothing I’ve wanted but to serve on the counsil better this town and help the people in this town I would also say that McCall Abrams is a LIAR if your word is no good then you are no good I have tried twice to be appointed to counsil uis a Gomez lied the first timeNow we no Gomez and Abrams are liars and do not need to be holding those seats they are a disgrace to the town and I will be calling the government about doing away with the Town charter worst counsil and mayor town has ever had wake u election vote and get rid of the ones yherep century start at specialelectiom