Search Warrants In Escambia Net 17 Pounds Of Cocaine, Fentanyl Pills, $300K And 13 Suspects

August 24, 2023

The Escambia County Sheriff’s Office and the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) have concluded a months-long narcotics investigation.

ECSO deputies, along with Pensacola Police Department, Santa Rosa Sheriff’s Office, Okaloosa County Sheriff’s Office, Florida Highway Patrol, State’s Attorney’s Office, United State’s Attorney’s Office, FBI, IRS, and Florida Department of Law Enforcement, served a total of eight search warrants throughout Escambia County.

As a result of this investigation, authorities seized over 17 pounds of cocaine, over 200 pills of fentanyl, one pound of methamphetamine, some marijuana, a stolen AR-15 style rifle, and three handguns.

The  investigation resulted in 13 arrest warrants, six vehicle seizures and over $300,000 in cash.

Editor’s note: The labels on the photograph were added by the ECSO prior to release.


12 Responses to “Search Warrants In Escambia Net 17 Pounds Of Cocaine, Fentanyl Pills, $300K And 13 Suspects”

  1. Truth on August 28th, 2023 9:07 am

    They should take the money and fix the old jail up since they house inmates in it.

  2. cottage hill on August 24th, 2023 5:28 pm

    I wish i could see the dealers in Cottage hill get picked up. Its bad up here!!

  3. William Reynolds on August 24th, 2023 12:15 pm

    “Where are the names?”

    The story says “The investigation resulted in 13 arrest warrants”, not that they were arrested (yet). Names of unarrested suspects are not always released.

  4. Kane on August 24th, 2023 12:15 pm

    Send them to China? Nah they wouldn’t prosecute one of their big revenue sources. That’s where the fentanyl is coming from these days of course via the Mexican drug routes of course.

    All that cash should go to drug treatment facilities and outreach programs police get plenty of funding from our tax dollars this isn’t San Francisco.

    I don’t recall anyone getting mad at doctors and saying “lock’em up for life” when it was discovered that they were the ones that started the fentanyl/opioid hell that we are living in today. Even the Purdue family got to keep their money and freedom and they knew exactly what these drugs would do.

    And lastly that’s a lot of shake in that weed just saying I wouldn’t buy it XD

  5. Old Skinny on August 24th, 2023 12:13 pm

    Where are the names?

  6. Justaguy on August 24th, 2023 11:44 am

    I understand the comments regarding giving the money to the departments. However, they aren’t lacking funding at all. Even though I now reside in Alabama, I’m from the Pensacola area and in the surrounding counties (in both states) there is a horrific drug problem. Anyone with eyes can see that on any given day. Would it not be more practical and productive to take these funds that are used to destroy families and individual lives and ultimately communities- and put this to helping these people overcome that which is claiming their very souls? I get it… someone is probably going to respond with, “that’s their choice” or “it’s a disease”. Ok, either way… it really and truly points back to sin. They need Jesus. I know. I spent 25 years in a living hell and He was the only answer. Putting that money towards starting and funding recovery programs IN THE JAIL would be a great start. These dealers should be prosecuted to the fullest and the active users held accountable as well. But one thing I have learned in my recovery and in helping others, is that the addiction is a symptom of an underlying issue- again, it all points back to sin. What I’m saying is that it seems to make more sense to focus on getting the users clean and help them come to a saving faith in Christ, so that they get out of that cycle, as opposed to buying more vehicles, etc. Especially when the funding is already there or available. One thing that can’t really be argued against is that if there are less users, that’s less business for these dealers. Even a bad tree cannot grow fruit if it isn’t watered.

  7. JTV on August 24th, 2023 9:18 am

    Every penny confiscated, of every bust, should go to the departments who made the bust. All other confiscated items (guns, vehicles, boats, houses) should be sold and added to the cash the departments get.

  8. W. Ward on August 24th, 2023 8:51 am

    My, my, my, 17 lbs of coke, over 200 fentanyl pills, a pound of meth, dang good job gentlemen! A congratulations I would say is in order! I wish ya’ll could take some of that $300K & have yourselves a night out to dinner with your families but I know that’s not possible. You certainly earned it. 17 lbs of coke? Now that’s something to ponder, looks like ya’ll moved up the food chain a little. Darn good job! Stay on em, I know it’s a small amount compared to what’s being found at the border but I for one am proud of your efforts & the results. Now when do we get to see who was arrested & for what? We will get to see the pictures of these fine upstanding rodents won’t we?

  9. JJ on August 24th, 2023 8:37 am

    Send them all to China. China has the death penalty and requires the family to pay for the bullits

  10. Mary on August 24th, 2023 8:31 am

    WONDERFUL!!! Thank you!! Trash like these people are too sorry to get a job! They peddle death, destruction, misery to families and as Hildee said, give them life!
    Some will say that they supply because of the demand & that’s true, but as long as the supply is so easily available, there will always be a demand!
    Lock them up & throw away the key or maybe utilize the death penalty for drug dealers of this level. They peddle death sentences, that should be good enough for them.

  11. Not again on August 24th, 2023 8:16 am

    See all those bills? They have an origin!

    Users. Adults making small purchases.

    And the money works its way back to the sources, growers, and manufacturers of this junk.

    That picture says ten thousand words about our community’s problem with drugs.

  12. hildee on August 24th, 2023 2:07 am

    for the fentynal alone all should receive life in prison, they are dealers in death and misery… lock’em up throw away the key