Multiple Inmates Reportedly Stabbed At Century Prison

August 22, 2023

Multiple inmates were reportedly stabbed during an incident at the Century Correctional Institution Sunday morning.

About 8:45 a.m., the prison called Escambia County for ambulances for the injured inmates. Multiple units that responded from Escambia County EMS  and D.W. McMillan EMS.

Two inmates were airlifted by medical helicopters, according to Escambia County.

“FDC staff observed four inmates with injuries at Century Correctional Institution. Two of the inmates were transported to an outside hospital for further evaluation,” the Florida Department of Corrections told Monday afternoon.

Due to an open investigation by the Office of Inspector General, the FDC would not provide the inmate names or further details. file photo.


21 Responses to “Multiple Inmates Reportedly Stabbed At Century Prison”

  1. David Huie Green on August 25th, 2023 6:23 pm

    “There is a story up right now about a young woman being murdered at Mugs and Jugs. Did she deserve to die because “she knew the risk when she walked into the bar”?”

    Probably not. We didn’t do it to her. Whoever did should probably be punished. But if we put them anywhere, we make that location more dangerous for others even as we make everyone else that much safer.

    Who should we protect? The innocent or the predators? If we can not successfully protect all, that is.

    David for simple choices

  2. David Huie Green on August 25th, 2023 6:17 pm

    “Saying that being stabbed is an acceptable part of being in prison inherently makes the risk of being stabbed a part of the punishment of being sentenced to prison. That’s barbaric.”

    I forget which told us it was acceptable. Please remind me.

    The ones I read seemed to be talking more like the concept of karma, that your own actions lead to your own suffering or your own actions lead to good things. And the Christian context of it is, As ye sow so shall ye reap.

    None of them ever said that it should be set up to be that way. All of us should recognize that since we have no control over what people do within their physical confines, we can influence it but we cannot control them people will continue to be what they were most of the time. We know we cannot stop them outsmarting us or figuring out ways to hurt others. So it is likely that we will notice and comment on the fact that it is something really stupid when they ran such a risk.

    Yes I can agree that thinking you can get away with killing other people and stabbing people is barbaric. And that’s the kind of people that you will be with if you are in prison even if every day every correctional officer and everyone else tells them that hurting other people is a no-no. Perhaps the people they are with tell them otherwise. Regardless, as long as one of them is willing to hurt others of them, being in prison is unavoidably dangerous. We do not have a way to stop them that I know of. Because they will not all cooperate.

    That is why I mentioned the concept of isolating them through something like virtual reality worlds where they don’t come in contact with each other. I do not know if we have the technological ability at this point but it is a techno fix which might work at least somewhat.

    And yes there’s little sympathy for those who showed no sympathy for others: As ye judge so shall ye be judged. We run the risk of being judged if we do something wrong even as they find themselves judged. On the other hand they DID something bad enough to get them placed in prison for the protection of other people. Griping at the non-sympathetic is unlikely to make them more sympathetic.

    You will not get me to be very sympathetic toward bullies, killers, thieves, or any of the others who look at the rest of humanity as simply victims to extort and harm — and I actually try to be decent. So don’t expect the others to be even more sympathetic toward evil people. If they want to repent of evil, good for them. Let them do it and show it and most people will welcome them into the fold but they have to actually do it.

    David for better people

  3. Bob on August 25th, 2023 10:44 am


    If you read these comments, you will see people cheering (or at the least, apathetic) that these people were stabbed because “they committed crimes, so they deserve to suffer”.

    Saying that being stabbed is an acceptable part of being in prison inherently makes the risk of being stabbed a part of the punishment of being sentenced to prison. That’s barbaric.

  4. Bob on August 25th, 2023 10:38 am


    “they knew the risk they were taking when they broke the law”

    There is a story up right now about a young woman being murdered at Mugs and Jugs. Did she deserve to die because “she knew the risk when she walked into the bar”?

    Or do you only victim blame people when you know you won’t receive criticism from your neighbors?

  5. Stumpknocker on August 24th, 2023 9:00 pm

    @Bob and they knew the risk they were taking when they broke the law, it’s what they signed up for.

    @Tiffany you’re right they all belong to someone, so did the string of victims they left behind. And I challenge you to pull some name from inmate look up and they will have a criminal history so let’s stop acting like they only been caught once and it was only a mistake!!!!!

  6. David Huie Green on August 24th, 2023 8:52 pm

    “Cheering for extrajudicial punishment of people you hate is obscene.”

    Misnaming what happened. We have no indication they were being punished for the crimes that got them sent to prison. It is at least reasonable at this time to assume they were involved with people who have committed crimes that got them sent to prison. I pointed out earlier that is one of the problems with giving someone a life sentence for murder or some other violent crime. They will be a danger to others around them and others around them will be a danger to them. If we could stop them from being dangerous, they would have never done the things that got them sent to prison in the first place.

    The idea that you should have separate prisons for different crimes is interesting. Perhaps you could come up with some virtual reality goggles so each one would find himself in a different reality and then strap them down so they couldn’t kill someone else while they were in there or be killed by someone else. It might even be a good idea.

    “They don’t pay the officers enough to deal with this;”

    You have people who need supervision and people already have to be there who need jobs and job training. As has been pointed out, they are not all there for murder or some other violent crime. (Some may have committed those crimes for all we know but we usually don’t know.) Perhaps you could hire inmates to guard the inmates. If they do a good job your overworked situation should come to an end. If they do a poor job they may not last too long and you would have to try someone else at the job. But it is an opportunity and we all know that everybody needs an opportunity or two. Regardless it should be interesting. Pay them enough and money and privileges and you may find enough help to meet your needs.

    “u should go play om the yellow line in the highway”

    Pity for the criminal but not for those who dislike the burden criminals place on society. Effectively saying, “Go kill yourself.” Not a good attitude. “Agree with me or DIE!” Nope, not a good attitude.

    David for better people

  7. Bob on August 23rd, 2023 1:00 pm


    …and some of those inmates are guilty of money laundering or tax evasion.

    Regardless of the crime, they were tried, convicted, and sentenced to time in prison. I can guarantee you that the sentence did not include “being stabbed to death by another inmate”.

    Cheering for extrajudicial punishment of people you hate is obscene.


    Good on you for remembering the value of human life. That is a virtue that is becoming disturbingly rare in our community recently.

  8. Jesse on August 23rd, 2023 11:40 am

    I worked for the prison for several years. The entire problem is a lack of discipline. The place is understaffed, underfunded, and the staff are worn out and apathetic. There is an administration in Tallahassee that has no clue of how to run a prison. The deputy secretary of the Department was the warden at Century for a short while and he was more interested in making himself look good than actually ensuring that security was maintained. After many years of this kind of management the place is out of control and it would take the old guard to come back to fix it. They never will because a once great Department starting going downhill 20 years ago. When one of the bad guys gets loose and kills someone, maybe people like Tiffany and Col Breeeeez will change their mind,

  9. Cindy on August 23rd, 2023 10:10 am

    @ Tiffany. Don’t forget that the folks you’re defending raped someone’s daughter or sister; murdered someone’s father or brother; sold drugs to someone’s child. I’m sure the VICTIMS are loved and missed too.

  10. Joey king on August 22nd, 2023 9:53 pm

    @Tiffany.. thank you for being a human being.. America needs voices like yours.. prison reform is a priority that has been over looked for decades. It is talked about with zero actions made.. God bless you, the corrections officers, & the human beings locked in cages…

  11. John Stanley on August 22nd, 2023 7:53 pm

    Don’t do the crime if you can’t do the time you are locked up with criminals what do you expect to happen? Ok

  12. Selane on August 22nd, 2023 7:52 pm

    I pray for all the men.AC or some ways to keep them cool.
    More worker are needed. Somethingneed to be done for the safety at this Correctional ins. Not just the prisoner but the staff also. It is critical that the State look very closely at all the stabbing over these last days that is a lot and a cry for help
    Help is needed now.

  13. Tiffany Charles on August 22nd, 2023 7:06 pm

    Every one of you sorry excuse for a human being that said and or innplied that these prisoners basically got what they deserve just because of their mistakes should take a long hard look at yourselves because no matter what they did or why they are there DOES NOT MAKE IT okay enjoyable and most definitely NOT A PASS THE POPCORN situation…. These men are still someone’s BROTHER SON HUSBAND FATEHR and they ARE LOVED AND MISSESD and their families pray for them to come home safe and get a chance to move past the mistakes that put them there… so all of u should go play om the yellow line invthe highway

  14. Stumpknocker on August 22nd, 2023 4:57 pm

    @cool breeze, so can we apply your comparison to criminals? They knew the risk when breaking the law and they maybe shot , beat up and at times can’t breathe lol . Sarcasm!!!!!

  15. np630ss on August 22nd, 2023 3:13 pm

    From first hand CO experience at this facility when it first opened, I have a pretty good idea of what is going on. Inmates are SMART. Don’t ever believe other wise. Some of the things they come up with and manage to accomplish would boggle your mind. You will never prevent all violent assaults in a corrections facility but multiple stabbings tells me cell and inmate searches are lax. Unannounced cell shake downs and random inmate searches are the best prevention for stabbings. Accountability for kitchen/eating utensils is an absolute must. They can make a weapon out of a ball point pen – imagine what they could do with a spoon. I don’t know if CCI is under staffed or if their officers are apathetic, but this situation can not continue.

  16. Cool Breeeeez on August 22nd, 2023 12:50 pm

    Can I please have some more butter on my popcorn…. tks

  17. Eric M on August 22nd, 2023 10:46 am

    @cool breeze … be thankful there are ppl willing to do the hard work that keeps these murderers, rapists and child molesters off the street and out of your neighborhood.

  18. Whaaat you talkin about? on August 22nd, 2023 10:45 am

    @ Cool Breeeeez – WHAAAAAT —I’m guessing the vast majority of employees in any work situation assess there MAY be risk but not many choose to accept a job where they have to deal with animals that pretend to be humans. They don’t pay the officers enough to deal with this; I concede there may be officers that may not always be the highest moral character but the majority of every LEO I have ever had the honor to meet are upstanding men and women doing a job that is getting harder every hour of every day

  19. Cavrman32565 on August 22nd, 2023 10:37 am

    Yeah we did choose to be there
    To work and it is our call
    But it f someone does not do it

    Who will???
    Will you

  20. Cool Breeeeez on August 22nd, 2023 8:09 am

    @ Derek

    The staff chose to work there…. They knew the situation….

  21. derek on August 22nd, 2023 1:14 am

    With no A/C the heat is getting to them / all the more reason to live a good life and stay away from drugs snd trouble! i feel bad or the staff !