Mother And Son Both Indicted With First Degree Murder In Home Depot Fatal Shooting

August 30, 2023

Both the mother and son accused in an Escambia County Home Depot shooting have been indicated for first degree murder.

An Escambia County grand jury returned the murder indictments Tuesday against 20-year old Keith Agee and 50-year old Sheila Agee. Keith Agee was also indicted on two counts of aggravated battery.

They are both accused in the death of 18-year old Brooklyn Sims on August 11 at the Home Depot on Davis Highway.

According to the Escambia County Sheriff’s Office, the mother and son collaborated in the hours leading up to the murder in a series of text messages. Sheila Agee reportedly gave Sims a ride to work at the store where she was shot by Keith Agee.

Keith Agee and Sheila Agee are both being held without bond and are scheduled for arraignment on September 1.

Read the text messages is this previous story.


11 Responses to “Mother And Son Both Indicted With First Degree Murder In Home Depot Fatal Shooting”

  1. Mike J. on September 1st, 2023 9:27 am

    @Bob, you are not being complete with your description of cost. See if you can answer this:
    Why does it cost $2mil (if that’s accurate) to execute a guilty murderer?
    I think the answer is lawyer’s fees. I didn’t say eliminate fees a few days ago. I said REDUCE fees by law to a manageable level.
    Liberals are always generous with other people’s money. You want everyone through taxes to pay for lifetime incarceration of convicted murderers. Perhaps the people who want to keep them alive (like you) should be the only people paying for it.
    Also, if all murderers were executed swiftly, the criminal community would get the message not to murder people. What a better world that would be.
    And that’s my opinion. You don’t have to like it.
    Have a nice day!

  2. Bob on August 31st, 2023 12:35 am


    You still haven’t given a reason to support the death penalty. What would killing these people do that life in prison would not?

    @Mike Honcho

    It costs about $19,000 to keep someone incarcerated per year. Assuming that both of these people live to be 80, that means life in prison would cost about $1.7 million.

    Costs to execute a person vary wildly, but the median is $2 million. So two executions would cost taxpayers roughly $4 million.

    Additionally, executions make prison overcrowding *worse*, since inmates cannot be included with the general population and require extra resources and personal to guard.

  3. Mike Honcho on August 30th, 2023 4:06 pm

    Stop trolling. Death penalty for someone who committed murder is cheaper and doesn’t clog up the prisons.

  4. Well on August 30th, 2023 1:00 pm

    Bob the justice system is to civilized for some of the people that come through it.
    And I know you don’t agree but some cases don’t leave shreds of doubt about someone’s innocence or guilt

    Light him up , lock her up.

  5. Mary on August 30th, 2023 10:29 am

    The look of fear on her face, I’m sure cannot compare to the fear on that young woman’s face as she was being gunned down & murdered
    May God have mercy in both of you!

  6. Susie on August 30th, 2023 9:18 am

    Either they have no care in the World, are completely ignorant or both.

  7. Bill T on August 30th, 2023 7:47 am

    The apple didn’t fall far from the tree !!!! What a disgrace!! These two will dance with the devil soon!!!!

  8. Bob on August 30th, 2023 7:45 am


    I’m going to ignore how disturbing it is that you would advocate killing people for money, and instead just point out that capital punishment costs about twice as much as life in prison.

  9. Anne on August 30th, 2023 6:55 am

    GOOD…..these two are forever linked by their horrible Murder.
    Should they be found Guilty the Death Penalty should be invoked.
    Why not “Life”? Because I don’t want to have MY Tax Money spent to keep them for decades in state custody.

  10. BGH II on August 30th, 2023 5:40 am

    Good news right here. The mother may have not pulled the trigger but she delivered this young lady to HD and more or less dared her son to act as he did. Such an evil woman as is her son for committing such an act. Then the momma had the gaul to show up at this young ladies balloon release. There’s just been way too much evil going on here lately in this area. I don’t blame anyone but the devil in all of this.

  11. JTV on August 30th, 2023 5:30 am

    Come on Florida, Let’s have a mother and son lethal injection night.