Frightening Photo Shows Chemical Tanker Truck Passing School Bus Picking Up Kids On Highway 97

August 23, 2023

Photos sent to Wednesday morning show a chemical tanker truck passing a school bus stopped to pick up children on Highway 97 in Walnut Hill.

It happened on Highway 97 near Wiggins Lake Road. A witness said they were stopped behind bus 17-16, and they said the truck had also stopped before passing the witness and the bus.

One photo shows the bus stopped with yellow lights flashing and two children in a driveway walking toward the bus. The 18-wheeler is passing on a double yellow line.

“There is so much wrong with this picture and the actions of this driver,” Florida Highway Patrol Lt. Jason King told us. “Not only are they merely passing on a double solid line, they are passing a school bus with the transition of yellow lights to red lights which means there are students near the bus. And to take matters further, we have a tanker truck which is a whole other level of risk. This is unacceptable…risking the lives of our future leaders for a few extra minutes or for inattentive driving allows for zero excuses.”

The hazmat placard on the tanker is “3264″, indicating that it contains corrosive materials.

King said the FHP will aim to patrol the area, including unmarked patrol vehicles, to observe and hold commercial vehicles and other motorists accountable.

“Risking the lives of our future leaders as well as our bus drivers and others around the area is unacceptable,” he said.

Additional photos clearly show the Maine tag numbers on both the trailer and truck; those were forwarded to the Florida Highway Patrol for follow-up.

Photos for, click to enlarge.


27 Responses to “Frightening Photo Shows Chemical Tanker Truck Passing School Bus Picking Up Kids On Highway 97”

  1. brianh on August 26th, 2023 9:23 am

    Retired LEO,

    So you are all for speed cameras that ticket the owner of the car vs the actual person driving? I also assume you are all in for removing our centuries old system of innocent until proven guilty.

  2. Brenda on August 26th, 2023 8:23 am

    There are mornings on my way to work and coming home from work when I see a school bus slowing down putting on lights I stop until the bus takes off.

  3. Jr on August 25th, 2023 8:59 am

    @ Beach Boy….read the last few sentences of article. Clearly says tag numbers were turned over to FHP.

  4. SW on August 25th, 2023 7:14 am

    @retired LEO
    You had me until ‘cameras’.

    (Also retired LEO).

  5. Master Mechanic on August 24th, 2023 10:47 pm

    Also right rear mud flap on trailer Torn & damaged & doesn’t cover both duels (tires) & D O T reflector tape missing on right rear of trailer.
    Pretrip Inspection Driver ????

  6. Retired LEO on August 24th, 2023 12:12 pm

    Once the tanker driver is identified they should be fired, CDL revoked, and issued any appropriate citations.
    To help with speeding, Change Florida law to enable the use of cameras that record speed and license plates. Issue the appropriate citation to the registered owner of the vehicle.

  7. Beach Boy on August 24th, 2023 11:18 am

    VERY surprised that nothing was said about getting the semi-trucks tag number, take it to the Florida State Tropper office and issue a ticket and warning “if this happens again, the driver will lose his license.” I’m a former school bus driver and have seen plenty of cars passing a stopped school bus with red lights on. BUT NEVER on a double yellow line.

  8. W. Ward on August 24th, 2023 9:33 am

    The facts of the matter are this. Hwy 97, Atmore Hwy as called by many from Hwy 29N is a racetrack. I know I live in Dogwood Park & drivers run up & down this hwy at breathtaking speeds. The ESCSO rarely has the time to commit traffic units up here but they do try. FHP is spread so thin it’s not even funny. Stop & talk to the troopers when you can find one. One comment nailed it, there’s not enough FHP personnel to cover the area & folks that is a fact. Some the most deadly accidents in the county occur on this road alone. From Muscogee Rd north on Hwy 29 you darn well better pay attention. Speed limit signs are useless & the one I like the most “hill blocks view” another waste of money. Sure that photo strikes a nerve but that’s just one incident of way to many.

  9. retired on August 24th, 2023 9:18 am

    You sure won’t find the ECSO (traffic unit) out there enforcing the law, to busy escorting funerals.

  10. River Rat on August 24th, 2023 9:09 am

    That is why Transportation and the Bus Driver’s try to adjust the routes so the kids are loading and unloading on the right hand side of the rode. But, sometimes it is impossible to do that!

    The tanker driver should have his license’s revoked for life and be fined!

  11. Take His CDL on August 24th, 2023 8:42 am

    Take His CDL. My younger brother was being dropped off the school bus in front of our house and was walking in front of the bus as he stepped into the oncoming lane a car passed the stopped bus with its lights flashing and hit my brother rolling him like a dog down the road, he lay unconscious with all his top teeth knocked out, blood running out his ears and mouth. A young lady was running late for work and almost killed him. She never contacted our family. She lost her license for 10 years.
    Never pass a stopped school bus, never.

  12. What does the Law Say on August 24th, 2023 8:11 am

    Double yellow line is the game changer

  13. OhYouKnow on August 24th, 2023 8:06 am

    My younger brother was being dropped off the school bus in front of our house and was walking in front of the bus as he stepped into the oncoming lane a car passed the stopped bus with its lights flashing and hit my brother rolling him like a dog down the road, he lay unconscious with all his top teeth knocked out, blood running out his ears and mouth. A young lady was running late for work and almost killed him. She never contacted our family. She lost her license for 10 years.
    Never pass a stopped school bus, never.

  14. Scary on August 24th, 2023 7:57 am

    Another reason to have law enforcement on this road. I believe it would save many lives and prevent wrecks if we had one patrol that was assigned to this highway.

  15. Gaye Evans on August 23rd, 2023 9:36 pm

    We desperately need turn lanes on Highway 97 and Wiggins Lake Road.
    Turning in going north or south you have vehicles coming down a hill at you. Most dangerous place ever
    Does anyone know how to go about getting the country to put them in, I will not mention why they did not put them in when they installed the bridge.
    The log truck and 18 wheelers are horrible, too fast and take too many chances to pass

  16. hildee on August 23rd, 2023 9:05 pm

    w0w no ” how’s my driving ” placard on the back of that tanker

  17. Freda Whaley on August 23rd, 2023 8:27 pm

    They need to do more than take away their jobs. At least a year in Jail should be imposed as well as huge fines. When I worked as a bus aide while still living in Florida we had this happen all the time. It’s just a matter of time until a child is killed.

  18. derek on August 23rd, 2023 6:11 pm

    The Highway Patrol is too shorthanded to do much. The legislature has failed to increase their numbers in the past 40 years. Under former Governor Scott the patrol actually lost positions.

  19. Frank on August 23rd, 2023 5:09 pm

    To, Still a joke; 18 Wheelers and dump trucks fully laden with dirt going up and down 95A all day, destroying the road that wasn’t made for them. Where might you have come up with that idea. Truckers probably pay way more taxes that you ever have. There is no sign saying “No trucks aloud”. Should they obey the Law? Absolutely, but so should everyone on the road. I saw a Motorcycle on Pine Forest that stopped , then just went. There are idiots everywhere on all type’s of vehicles.

    #1 is our child’s safety!

  20. SW on August 23rd, 2023 3:53 pm

    UN 3264
    Corrosive Liquid, Acidic, Inorganic, NOS (not otherwise specified).
    That is not a typical acid tank trailer.

    Info from the North American Emergency Response Guidebook

  21. Mark on August 23rd, 2023 3:50 pm

    Obviously he was in a rush to get to a job interview, because lord knows he won’t be driving a truck anymore!

  22. still a joke on August 23rd, 2023 3:46 pm

    18 Wheelers and dump trucks fully laden with dirt going up and down 95A all day, destroying the road that wasn’t made for them instead of using Hwy 29. Speeding, one day someone will fail to yield and there will be an incident. It is only a matter of time.

    We know where al the dirt is going… Are they going to pay? Are the Owner/Operators going to pay? What about the speeding? What about the weight restrictions?

    Is there no end to this madness in the pursuit of wealth?!?!?!!!?

  23. Bye bye on August 23rd, 2023 3:21 pm

    You can kiss that CDL goodbye.

    Neither the transporter nor the owner of the chemical will want that driver hauling their property again… ever.

    One of the most outrageous photos I have ever seen.

  24. Paul on August 23rd, 2023 3:04 pm

    It shouldn’t be any problem finding the driver and revoking their CDL.

  25. Robin on August 23rd, 2023 3:04 pm

    He needs to have his Class A and all endorsements revoked!

  26. Robin on August 23rd, 2023 3:03 pm

    The ignorance of people never ceases to amaze me…What, if anything, was that driver thinking

  27. JJ on August 23rd, 2023 3:02 pm

    With a tag number,wouldnt think the company couldnt denigh what the driver did.
    School bis and double yellow line should be enough to remove this driver from the road for a year