Escambia Man Indicted For First Degree Murder In Fentanyl Death

August 31, 2023

An Escambia County man has been indicted for first degree murder for a fentanyl death.

The grand jury returned the indictment against 38-year old Quantae Solethia Sanders for first degree murder death caused by the unlawful distribution of fentanyl for the death of Christopher West on January 18, 2023. According to prosecutors, Sanders was linked to the delivery of fentanyl to West just before he died.

The Drug Enforcement Agency has published that fentanyl is 100 times more potent than morphine and 50 times more potent than heroin, according to the State Attorney’s Office.


8 Responses to “Escambia Man Indicted For First Degree Murder In Fentanyl Death”

  1. Native on September 2nd, 2023 12:24 am

    This should happen for all dealers who peddle this poison. All are guilty of at least reckless endangerment for selling this stuff in the first place and nothing short of murder when a death happens. I’m not a proponent of the death penalty, but this person needs to be locked up for life at the very least.

  2. BGH II on September 1st, 2023 4:29 am

    First of all, @ OLD SKINNY…I’m so very sorry for the loss of your daughter, you are in my prayers as you relive these nightmares that come with reading about this mess.
    I just can’t wrap my head around why people are STILL playing Russian Roulette with this drug that’s killing people daily. I can hear the conversation now between the users and dealers…
    user: ”are you sure this dope isnt laced with Fentanyl?
    Dealer: nawwww man, I promise you, now give me your money and take a hit.
    user: takes hit and falls to the floor dead!!!”
    WAKE UO PEOPLE, that dealer doesn’t care about you. All you are is a LICK and when you fall dead another one will step right up and take the next hit. This drug…and all drugs…has gotten out of hand with their use and availability. The fix of this problem? I wish I had the answers but we’ve all been shaking our head trying to figure out the answer I this question.
    Charging the supplier/dealer with murder such as in cases like this is a start but we all know users/abusers and the supplier doesn’t care about the laws and here just for that next hit/dollar.
    Great job ECSO for your continued work on getting these types off the street and charged. Now, if the judges will just do their part and send them to prison for life. These types that supply this mess that results in a death are no different than had they killed their victim with a gun, knife or a vehicle while driving drunk.

    Just praying to OUR GOD for those in the throes of addiction to finally get clean and sober…you can do it, I did.

  3. John Stanley on August 31st, 2023 9:20 pm

    You could take all the drugs away all the alcohol and man would find another way to get high they’ve been doing it since caveman discovered fermented fruit, so instead of spending all this money on prosecution the money should be used for rehabilitation, my point is people are going to get high and you’re not going to stop them, a lot of you right now are high on one thing or another doesn’t matter if it comes from the corner store a Prescription Pad or some clown on the street, but I don’t understand this fentanyl they say a few little grains of it will kill 10 people but yet they ride around with a pound of it in their backpack, something doesn’t add up, God bless everyone and try to treat each other with kindness and love

  4. luap on August 31st, 2023 3:57 pm

    fentynal is poison, and the peddlers should do life in prison. Even administered in a critical care facility it is very dangerous. A coma was induced on my with fentynal….. took 2 wks for her to wake up

  5. George on August 31st, 2023 2:05 pm

    I still blame the user as much as the pushers. Buying and using drugs is just as illegal as selling the stuff.

  6. Fat Fat on August 31st, 2023 1:55 pm

    @ Old Skinny. I am sorry for your loss, don’t know how long it has been. But since this fentanyl is showing its face in this case. It may be a great time to reopen the case and get Justice for your daughter. And have somewhat of a little closure. It’s time dealers and irresponsible users are held accountable

  7. Old Skinny on August 31st, 2023 10:57 am

    Mixed emotions on this one … SO GLAD that this “dealer of death” has been arrested. Heartbroken that we could never get ECSD to investigate/arrest my ex-son in law for the death of my daughter when she had incidental contact with his fentanyl in their bathroom.

  8. Lisa on August 31st, 2023 8:27 am

    More lives destroyed because of drugs.