EREC’s Fiber Network Goes Live As First Customer Connected In Bratt

August 14, 2023

A portion of a new high speed fiber internet network in North Escambia went live Monday morning with the very first customer of Escambia River Electric Cooperative and partner Conexon Connect.

Service was installed and activated at the Bratt home of William Reynolds, publisher of

A crowd of dignitaries and company officials  gather at the Reynolds home not far from Northview High School to eagerly await the moment when the fiber was “lit” at a symmetrical speed of 2 GB down and 2 GB up — one of the fastest residential speeds available in Escambia County.

“This is a big step for our neighbors throughout the EREC territory as true high speed fiber internet comes to North Escambia,” Reynolds said. “From video conferencing, to telemedicine, to educational opportunities, to simply being able to watch a video without buffering, we now have internet not limited by our choice to live in a rural area. We now have the same opportunities as people in major cities.”

“I could not be happier to have the first fiber customer lit this morning,” Escambia County District 5 Commissioner Steven Barry said.  “I think it’s a fantastic day for Escambia County, and certainly a fantastic day for Escambia River Electric Cooperative. I could not be more excited. The project is unrolling even faster than I could have ever hoped. Thanks to Ryan Campbell and his team at EREC and our partners Conexon. I want to thank them both, the State of Florida, Michelle Salzman state representative for our area. It’s a great day for Escambia County.”


“This is life changing, absolutely life changing,” Ryan Campbell, CEO of EREC, said. “Access to quality internet is important.”

“Access to quality internet is critical to citizens across all of America and in our community,” Rep. Michelle Salzman said. “We don’t have access to an emergency room or health care facility within 45 minutes from here. Being able to do a telehealth medicine appointment could literally be lifesaving. Of course access to education. For those that want to home school or do virtual school, they don’t really have that option if they don’t have quality internet. This will provide another opportunity for the children.”

Campbell said installations are expected to begin this week for additional customers in the Bratt area as fiber backbone construction continues across the rest of EREC’s service area in Escambia County. The fiber internet will also become available later to EREC customers in Santa Rosa County.

EREC and Conexon Connect are investing about $50 million to build the two-county network.


Editor’s note: operates in the cloud; it does not operate on the Conexon service. For over 15 years, it has been hosted by a major provider elsewhere in the U.S. photos, click to enlarge.


9 Responses to “EREC’s Fiber Network Goes Live As First Customer Connected In Bratt”

  1. miixster on August 20th, 2023 10:47 am

    welcome to 2023

  2. SW on August 18th, 2023 8:10 am

    So, William, what’s your review?

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  5. William Reynolds on August 16th, 2023 8:05 am

    “No offense to Mr. Reynolds but wouldn’t a more appropriate “first customer” have been the Bratt School?”

    They already have fiber; the schools have been on a fiber network for years.

  6. Cindy on August 16th, 2023 7:56 am

    No offense to Mr. Reynolds but wouldn’t a more appropriate “first customer” have been the Bratt School?

  7. Cindy Greenwell on August 15th, 2023 4:11 pm

    Do y’all know when I th will be activated in the Bluff Springs area?

  8. tg on August 15th, 2023 8:16 am

    A giant leap forward for north Escambia and Santa Rosa county.

  9. JJ on August 14th, 2023 9:56 pm

    Best thing for N.Escambia to be on the 21century.
    If only our politicians would follow. Cannot stay in the 20th thinking mode!!!