Coast Guard Cutter Dauntless Returns Home To Pensacola After Patrol

August 20, 2023

The crew of the U.S. Coast Guard Cutter Dauntless (WMEC 624) returned to their homeport in Pensacola Saturday following a 42-day patrol in the Windward Pass.

Operating under the Seventh Coast Guard District’s area of responsibility in support of Operation Vigilant Sentry and Homeland Security Taskforce — Southeast, Dauntless’ primary mission was deterring dangerous, illegal migration.

Notably, Dauntless’ crew contributed to the protection of life at sea by detecting an overloaded 60-foot vessel with 274 persons aboard. Dauntless worked with other Coast Guard assets to safely interdict the vessel at sea and handle the subsequent care and repatriation of the individuals.

In addition, the Dauntless crew also supported the Coast Guard’s counterdrug mission by detecting one go-fast vessel suspected of carrying illegal narcotics in Haitian waters.

“I am extremely impressed with the crew’s excellent performance during the ship’s first patrol in more than nine months following an extended maintenance period,” said Cmdr. Aaron Kowalczk, commanding officer of Dauntless. “The Dauntless’ crew continues to provide for the safety of mariners and the enforcement of maritime laws and treaties.”

Dauntless is a 210-foot Reliance-class medium endurance cutter. The cutter’s primary missions are counter-narcotics operations, migrant interdiction, living marine resource protection, and search and rescue in support of U.S. Coast Guard operations throughout the Western Hemisphere.

Story/photos by Ensign Olivia Gonzalez for, click to enlarge.


4 Responses to “Coast Guard Cutter Dauntless Returns Home To Pensacola After Patrol”

  1. Lee on August 20th, 2023 8:01 pm

    Russell G LeClair Jr. Thanks for your service, I was privileged to have served onboard Dauntless and Diligence. Dauntless in Galveston and Diligence in Port Canaveral, we traded in Diligence for the Vigilant when she went to MMA in 1990, so I also served on Vigilant, 210’s are fantastic cutters. We got the full bang for the buck with them.

  2. Deborah Daugherty on August 20th, 2023 2:06 pm

    Thank you for your service!!

  3. Russell G LeClair Jr on August 20th, 2023 1:37 pm

    Great story about the Dauntless. I served on her from 1970-71 when she was homeported in Miami Beach. For your information, the first photo is of the Dauntless I believe but the second is of the USCGC Diligence, (WMEC 616) a sister 210 foot cutter!

  4. Lee on August 20th, 2023 1:27 pm

    The “Dirty D” been doing the same mission for over 50 years. When I retired off her flight deck in 2004 I figured she’d probably have a good 10 years left, boy was I wrong. Great crews keep them sailing. Semper Paratus.