Century Man Arrested For Meth Trafficking, Weapons Charges Following Traffic Stop

August 25, 2023

A traffic stop led to the arrest of a Century man on several weapons and drug charges.

Ladarrious Tamiraye Lett, 29, was charged with possession of a firearm and ammunition by a convicted felon, trafficking methamphetamine, possession of a controlled substance without a prescription and possession of marijuana.

Lett was the front seat passenger in a vehicle stopped on Pensacola Boulevard by the Escambia County Sheriff’s Office for window tint violation.

Deputies located a .25 caliber handgun in Lett’s pocket, a located and chamber rifle in the trunk, 69.7 grams of crystal methamphetamine and a marijuana cigar in the glovebox, four alprazolam tablets in Lett’s pants pocket, ammunition in the center console, alprazolam in the center console, an additional 41 rounds of ammunition in the center console, ammunition in the glove box, and additional pills in his pants pocket, according to an arrest report. All of the items were attributed by deputies to Lett.

Lett also had a large quantity of cash and a cellphone on his person, deputies said.

Lett was released from the Escambia County Jail on a $63,000 bond.


15 Responses to “Century Man Arrested For Meth Trafficking, Weapons Charges Following Traffic Stop”

  1. Bob on August 26th, 2023 10:23 am


    I’ve never sold meth. I grew up with two parents who lived me and taught me why dealing drugs was bad. I grew up with positive role models who didn’t sell drugs. For a while, I struggled financially, but with the help of friends and family I was able to build a life for myself without having to resort to crime.

    I had a bunch of advantages that other people don’t.

    I don’t know why this guy first decided to sell drugs. I don’t know what his family life was like. I don’t know what role models he had growing up. I don’t know what kind of support structure he had.

    Calling him “sub-human” because he faced a different challenges that you never had to is disgusting.

  2. Hmm on August 26th, 2023 10:06 am

    It’s time to start going after the judges for giving these idiots bonds, he probably out rn getting back up snd destroying lives.

  3. Stumpknocker on August 26th, 2023 12:44 am

    @Bob, yes he’s been given the benefit of doubt according to his records as well as empathy and sympathy, but yet he continued to break the law. And using your term sub human, well if not sub human then why must he be separated from others?

  4. anonymous on August 25th, 2023 10:35 pm


    just because someone has firearms and has past charges does not by all means mean that he’s going to kill someone. that’s like saying if you own a firearm your gonna go out on the streets and hurt someone too. i bet if it was anyone in your family or anyone you know you wouldn’t be talking like this but hey dis on all the people who have a past right? not saying drugs and things are right but you can’t say something about guns and stuff when you have no idea about any kind of situation.

  5. Bob on August 25th, 2023 1:42 pm


    “appears you are okay with bad behavior”

    Not at all. This guy should absolutely be incarcerated until he is capable of safely rejoining society as a functioning human being.

    But he’s also a human being who deserves empathy, just like anyone else. The fact that so many people in this community think that anyone who commits a crime, loses their home, or develops an addiction is sub-human is disgusting.

  6. Enough on August 25th, 2023 12:43 pm

    You are correct @not again, @Bob appears you are okay with bad behavior.

  7. DP on August 25th, 2023 11:01 am

    Please do your research before you sympathize with this loser. His criminal history is significant and thanks to the First Judicial Circuit he’s still on the street doing what he’s been doing for years. Cage this thug like a rabid dog. When one of those guns is used on the street or in another crime and someone you love gets killed it’ll be too late. These animals have no desire to do right so put them away FOREVER.

  8. Jr on August 25th, 2023 8:48 am

    @ Not Again….you said exactly what I was thinking. I personally know there’s a better way out there…a person just has to get to THAT POINT in their life to WANT better and DO better. This mess…this disease has gotten too much out of hand.

    outlived my addictions

  9. Bob on August 25th, 2023 8:47 am

    @Not Again

    I’m genuinely glad that you’ve never been in a position where you had to struggle financially, or went through an event that was so traumatic that you were tempted to turn to drugs/alcohol to dull the pain.

    Sadly, some people don’t have that luxury. Some people are working jobs that pay $11/hour while rent is $1600/month, so when someone offers them a quick, easy job that will pay enough to make sure their bills get paid and their kids have a roof over their head, they have to seriously consider it.

    Almost 30 years ago, one of my neighbors lost his wife, daughter, and all of his worldly possessions in a house fire. He started drinking heavily, and a few years later took his own life. I don’t consider him an evil person. Just someone who got dealt a nasty hand of cards and was just trying to find a way to deal with the pain.

  10. Bill T on August 25th, 2023 8:45 am

    Apparently this one has seen trouble before and was given a chance to do better !!! Instead decided to do worse and now it shows just how important going to jail is to this person!!! Apparently he don’t care!! With all this being said throw him under the jail leave him there for a very long time !!! Why !!! Because he ain’t going to change for the better and he dont care about himself or others!!!!

  11. Susie on August 25th, 2023 8:43 am

    Century has more problems than just finding people to properly run the City. Reminds me of “Hills have Eyes” movie. Good Lord with the drugs, thugs, bugs…. Escambia County needs to step it up a notch to before it gets worse. I love my home here still these drugs and thugs are ruining Paradise!

  12. Work'n it on August 25th, 2023 7:59 am

    Supply and demand.

    Better living through modern pharmacology

    It’s capitalism

    He’s an entrepreneur

  13. sam on August 25th, 2023 7:49 am

    getting a job would never be a thought in some peoples mind.

  14. Wow on August 25th, 2023 7:47 am

    What I don’t understand, is why is the bail amount so low? These knuckleheads make serious money and have the means to be set free immediately, to go kill again and make more money. SMH

  15. Not again on August 25th, 2023 7:21 am

    Ah, the continuing saga of adults using and selling drugs in Escambia County, destroying families and the community in the most drug infested county in Florida. Fueling the drug trade locally, regionally, and abroad. Taking people’s lives into the jaws of hell.

    And, nope, I’m showing no mercy or sympathy because pushers and the buyers don’t give a darn about anyone or anything else. There’s no excuse. Poverty, pain, sorrow. There are other means, and legal at that, to overcome those issues. A sizable part (but not all) of the homelessness we see starts with drug addiction, too.

    Glad you got caught.