Byrneville Subdivision Plans Filed For 122 Acres

August 13, 2023

Plans have been filed for the “Byrneville Subdivision” on 122 acres near Byrneville Elementary School.

But the plans are much different than most we’ve reported on. The applicant, John Dean of Pensacola, wants to split the 122 acres on two parcels into just four residential lots — three that would be 20-25 acres each and one at nearly 55 acres.

The minor subdivision fronts both West Highway 4 and Byrneville Road in front of the elementary school.

Byrneville Subdivision is in the initial internal review stage at the Escambia County Development Review Committee.


11 Responses to “Byrneville Subdivision Plans Filed For 122 Acres”

  1. John Dean on September 28th, 2023 2:25 pm

    Shared by John Dean, part owner

    Responding to ‘ProudArmyParent’ and ‘Gary’ above: The subdivision property did not
    need to be rezoned. It is still zoned for ‘Agriculture/Residential.


  2. John Dean on August 27th, 2023 11:12 am


    My sister and I own this property. We decided to sell it as parcels instead attempting to find one buyer for the entire acreage.

    This is a SIMPLE subdivision of the property meaning that no property changes will be made unless future buyers want that to make a change. These will be simple parcel sales by us. The county only allows one single-family home per 20 acres.

    The county allowed one sale before subdivision approval. Parcel 1 (55 acres fronting highway 4) has been sold. Subdivision approval will allow us to sell the 3 remaining parcels.

    Parcel 1 3 homes (55 acres)
    Parcel 2 1 home (25 acres)
    Parcel 3 1 home (23 acres)
    Parcel 4 1 home (20 acres)

    6 single-family residences, 6 happy families

    I hope this information reduces any stress you may be feeling related to the sale(s).

    Please do not attempt to inquire about these parcels. When my sister and I are ready to sell, we will post FOR SALE signs and a contact phone number


  3. Gary on August 17th, 2023 2:56 pm

    Is there going to be a rezoning meeting on this. The community needs to be aware of what is going on around them. This is the first I have heard of a subdivision in our area.

  4. Curious on August 16th, 2023 10:37 am

    Why would you want it zoned as a subdivision if you want 4 homes on it. There is no need to have it zoned for subdivision then. They definitely have plans for more than 4 homes.

  5. Rasheed Jackson on August 14th, 2023 8:48 pm

    4 homes and people are complaining. If you don’t want people moving up here then buy up all the land!! I have land and if I am offered the right price, you better believe I will sell it. I have offered it to local folks at below market price but they decided not to buy. One individual told he would give me what I paid for it, 15 years ago. People buy land as an investment not so their neighbors can live in isolation, or to break even on. If you want isolation then buy all the land around you, but remember that is a lot of land!!

  6. ProudArmyParent on August 14th, 2023 6:16 pm

    Has rezoning been asked for? We the community need to stand up and say no re-zoning! If Molino can shut it down, so can we!!!

  7. Mary on August 14th, 2023 9:10 am

    There’s a hog farm right there too. I hope they like the smell. There goes the peace and quiet.

  8. J.s on August 13th, 2023 7:01 pm

    I truly hate it but also knew it was coming i just wish people would just sit on there property and not sale!!! we don’t need a bunch of people moving this way

  9. Sheila hubbird on August 13th, 2023 4:33 pm

    There goes our tiny quiet community,
    Once a developer comes in, it’s divided more and more.

  10. Leah on August 13th, 2023 4:18 pm

    I moved here almost twenty years ago. I like the quiet. I am not for any subdivision in this area.

  11. ThePreachersWife on August 13th, 2023 10:02 am

    I know several years ago the school was interested in purchasing some land to build and then sell the old property. I believe finances were a problem.