Breakfast And Lunch Are Free For Every Student At 44 Escambia Schools; Others Must Apply

August 3, 2023

Breakfast and lunch are free for all students, regardless of income, during the upcoming school year at 44 schools in Escambia County. Applications must be submitted for free or reduced price lunches at all other schools.

The Community Eligibility Provision (CEP) program means that parents of the students at these schools are not required to submit an application for the Free and Reduced Meal program at that school. However, siblings attending schools not on the CEP list will need to apply for eligibility.

The free meal schools are selected based upon income levels.

Meal applications, or payment, will be required at: Beulah Elementary, Blue Angels Elementary, Cook Elementary, Cordova Park Elementary, Hellen Caro Elementary, Kingsfield Elementary, Suter Elementary, Brown Barge Middle, Ransom Middle, Tate High and West Florida High. Parents at these schools should plan on providing their child with money for their meals until eligibility is established to avoid creating a deficit in their account. Funds can be added to student accounts online at

This program has been in place since 2015 in Escambia County and was not related to the pandemic.

Free meal schools are:


  • Bellview Elementary
  • Bratt Elementary
  • Byrneville Elementary
  • Brentwood Elementary
  • C.A. Weis Elementary
  • Ensley Elementary
  • Ferry Pass Elementary
  • Global Learning Academy
  • Holm Elementary
  • Jim Allen Elementary
  • Lincoln Park Elementary
  • Lipscomb Elementary
  • Longleaf Elementary
  • McArthur Elementary
  • Molino Park Elementary
  • Montclair Elementary
  • Myrtle Grove Elementary
  • Navy Point Elementary
  • Oakcrest Elementary
  • Pine Meadow Elementary
  • Pleasant Grove Elementary
  • Scenic Heights Elementary
  • O.J. Semmes Elementary
  • Sherwood Elementary
  • Warrington Elementary
  • West Pensacola Elementary


  • Bailey Middle
  • Bellview Middle
  • Beulah Middle
  • Ernest Ward Middle
  • Ferry Pass Middle
  • Workman Middle


  • Escambia High
  • Northview High
  • Pensacola High
  • Pine Forest High
  • Washington High


  • Acceleration Academy
  • Achieve Academy
  • Capstone
  • Escambia Westgate Center
  • Hope Horizon
  • Jacqueline Harris Preparatory Academy
  • Success Academy

Free/reduced meal applications are available here.

Pictured: An Escambia County School lunch. Photo for, click to enlarge.


20 Responses to “Breakfast And Lunch Are Free For Every Student At 44 Escambia Schools; Others Must Apply”

  1. Trish on August 4th, 2023 8:41 am

    I think if they can do it for these schools, all schools should get free lunch. How do they even determine which schools do and which ones don’t? With inflation as high as it is and the price of everything going up everyone is struggling. All students should have free lunch

  2. Soobee on August 3rd, 2023 9:56 pm

    Years ago, we had to apply for free lunch for my kids. Fortunately, my kids went to low income area schools so almost all of the kids basically got free meals due to all most being low income families. I do know that it’s embarrassing to some students to get a free lunch when others have to pay. I don’t know what the solution is but I do know that I haven’t seen a good looking lunch like the one pictured in my grandchild’s school with the free lunches. Cold corn dog, apple or other piece of fruit, milk and maybe a side of something else is what I saw but I also know, there are plenty of students that would not be able to afford paying if required. Higher priced rental housing is a big factor and I hope this over building that is being done will force the rent back down a bit.

  3. Bewildered on August 3rd, 2023 4:22 pm

    I cannot stop laughing – Bobby Lei. Pretty sure your comment is a satire. Give each child an unlimited spending account to buy anything they want? Parents no longer have any responsibility to provide. Hey, i am all for extending this government program to the rest of the population. Everything is free – no more work, free housing, food, clothes, entertainment, unlimited cash to spend – paradise

  4. Bob Dobalina on August 3rd, 2023 2:29 pm

    There are lots of wasted tax dollars. Feeding children isn’t one of them. All children should eat free breakfast and lunch. There should not be socioeconomic delineation in a school cafeteria. Rich, poor, in between. Same food. Same price. Free.
    I grew up in poverty. In elementary school, there was actually a separate line for free or reduced lunches. You can imagine the cruelty that came out of that.
    If Escambia can subsidize sporting events, parades, and Blue Angels events, I think nourishing a child is a worthy expense.

  5. @ Bob on August 3rd, 2023 1:03 pm

    It’s ok,
    You’ll develop wisdom and understanding as you age and/or are exposed to situations that require decision-making.

    @Yeah Right

    It’s free at the point of sale. Like free samples in the grocery store.

    Personally, I am more than happy to pay my property taxes if it means that the kids in my neighborhood don’t have to go hungry. I can’t think of a better use of taxpayer funds than promoting the general welfare of our community.

  6. Lebowski on August 3rd, 2023 12:34 pm

    I am confused. If all students were required to pay for their meal, how could we expect parents to provide the meal? Since when has the responsibility fallen on the parent to provide for their family? When will the politicians step up and do what’s right? Somebody has GOT to take responsibility for all of these children.

  7. Bobby Lei on August 3rd, 2023 12:32 pm

    I think free breakfasts and lunches is an outstanding idea. We should also allow the kids to stay after school a little bit and have free dinners. We could pay teachers time-and-a-half to stay after school and monitor the program. Free housing would also be nice because some of these children don’t have a nice comfortable place to sleep. I also believe that at the age of 16, drivers classes should be mandatory, and children should be given brand new cars with all the newest safety devices to keep them safe. Free school supplies and backpacks is a no-brainer. I’m not sure if uniforms is such a good idea, but all children should have access to an unlimited spending account to buy any and all clothing they desire. That way no one can bully another student because they are not as well dressed as another. This would eliminate a lot of stress on families that have to be concerned with going to work and making money throughout the week. It’s about time we took the health and safety of our children and families seriously!

  8. RaD on August 3rd, 2023 10:57 am

    According to Wikipedia, the EC School District consists of 35 elementary Schools, 9 middle schools, and 7 high schools, for a total of 51. This does not include the specialty schools. There are already 37 of those 51 schools on the list for “free” (I dislike the term) breakfast and lunch. I doubt adding all the rest of them is going to make that much difference in the budget, which according to yesterday’s article, stands at $740,000,000 dollars. 740 MILLION DOLLARS.

    If you are going to do it for one of them, just do it for all of them and be done with it.

  9. A. Mitchell on August 3rd, 2023 10:53 am

    School lunches should be free for all school in escambia county. I also think that it would be a good idea to look into a one time school supply fee from each student that would cover uniforms and school supplies. It’s bad enough most of all the supplies bought is thrown into a “community budget “ in the classrooms. Most of the parents in this area care more about spending 200$ plus dollars on fancy brand name shoes instead of buying any school supplies. As well as demanding free lunch and backpacks it needs to be all or nothing. Stop putting families into rich/poor categories.. Uniforms should be mandatory. If all students wore the same outfit then the bullying would decline and take some pressure off of the parents. A change needs to happen.

  10. Big Jim on August 3rd, 2023 10:46 am

    So all Middle and High Schools get a free lunch except Ransom MS, Brown Barge MS, and Tate HS and West Florida HS? Puhleeeze.

    Make it free for all or pay for all (except for students with waivers), but there is no reason to set aside these few MSs and HSs from the rest. Consider that BBMS and WFHS are magnet schools and draw from the whole county, including the geographic areas of the schoools that are blanket-exempted from paying for lunch.

  11. chuck on August 3rd, 2023 10:24 am

    I hear mean spiritedness in what you say.Tell us how free food for kids victimizes you.

  12. Jlb on August 3rd, 2023 9:47 am

    So how do that many make it on the list an leave off so few. Election are coming please district 5 we need new representation.

  13. Jessica Lindley on August 3rd, 2023 9:24 am

    All the schools should have free lunch for kids!!! Especially in this economy where politicians are getting paid ridiculous $$$$$$ for just saying yes or no to things while everyone else is getting taxed on taxed and struggling!! I’m glad they are finally STARTING to move in the right direction.

  14. Bob on August 3rd, 2023 9:16 am

    @Yeah Right

    It’s free at the point of sale. Like free samples in the grocery store.

    Personally, I am more than happy to pay my property taxes if it means that the kids in my neighborhood don’t have to go hungry. I can’t think of a better use of taxpayer funds than promoting the general welfare of our community.

  15. A.W.Thompson on August 3rd, 2023 9:08 am

    Amen good deal all the way around.A.W.Thompson Lower Mosquito Flats Cutoff

  16. S Ferguson on August 3rd, 2023 8:56 am

    For everyone reading these comments: Just saying > There are poor and wealthy people in “every” neighborhood and district in this county. Every child should eat for free or every parent should be required to apply for assistance, not pick and choose.

    I totally agree with that comment. I grew up poor in the Tate district, and my parents had to provide a sack lunch for me. Prepared for me and my siblings were PB&J sandwiches, bologna sandwiches, or cheese sandwiches and a piece of fresh fruit. We were given money to buy milk if we wanted it. I continue to live on that same street, and the poor continue to live there also. So do you think the housing in the Muscogee Road area and even further North is mostly rich and not poor? Think again.

    ALL Escambia Schools should be on the same lunch program or not have it. I wished I had attended a school with fried chicken, pizza, subs, salads, cake, pie, cookies, chips, ice cream, juice, punch, lemonade – and it be FREE !!!!!!!

    But a great lesson was learned from my being raised poor. I didn’t want to live my entire life poor, so I did something about it. I worked, paid my own college tuition, graduated and got an outstanding job. I recently retired from a public utility company. My siblings followed closely behind me and they are doing fabulous.

  17. Yeah Right on August 3rd, 2023 8:13 am

    Nothing is free…. Just take a look at my property tax….

  18. Just Saying on August 3rd, 2023 8:07 am

    Another strike against you Billy! I can hardly wait to see you voted “OUT”!!

    Some of the wealthiest people in this county live in Pensacola proper where PHS is located. They should have to apply based on income too. There are poor and wealthy people in “every” neighborhood and district in this county. Every child should eat for free or every parent should be required to apply for assistance, not pick and choose.

    This entire School Board needs to go. I hope voters in all Escambia County districts will band together and get rid of these biased board members as they come up for re-election! I plan to do my part to get rid of District 5’s Billy Slayton!!!

  19. anne one of two on August 3rd, 2023 7:26 am

    Free for all!

  20. Lou on August 3rd, 2023 6:57 am

    Looks discriminatory to me……should be all or nothing!