Beulah Master Plan Open House Set For August 24

August 10, 2023

District 1 Commissioner Jeff Bergosh will host a  Beulah Master Play Plan open house on August 24.

During the open house, staff will showcase a presentation for the Beulah Master Plan and discuss methodology for the plan. Attendees will be able to participate in a question-and-answer session following the presentation. Comment forms will be available at the door.

The open house will take place from 6-7 p.m. at Beulah Middle School, 6001 West Nine Mile Road.

The Beulah Master Plan is funded by a grant from the U.S. Department of Treasury under the RESTORE Act program


2 Responses to “Beulah Master Plan Open House Set For August 24”

  1. Olin Schultz on August 11th, 2023 9:15 am

    So here we go again! Let’s talk about the infrastructure that will not be in place just to be told that the roads will be built. I contacted the department of transportation concerning the new 4 lane and interchange at I10. There are no monies allocated for the next 5 years so more of the same problems that have existed since Bergosh started this drawn out process. It seems the only answer to this problem is to vote a new Commissioner in before we have forward progress. Putting the cart before the horse is never the answer to the already broken system!

  2. John Connor on August 10th, 2023 10:16 am

    Discuss what plan? We have seen the plan you already have and it’s starts with inadequate road system, subdivisions in any field that sells and bumbling the OLF sale. The County should never be the developer so saving 200 and so acres so you can develop it into commerce never works. Example is the commerce park just north of Cantonment as prime example of a failure. You played developer and it literally has 3 small tenants after 20 so years ago when you started it.