335 Lot Subdivision Planned For End Of East Kingsfield

August 22, 2023

A new 335-lot residential subdivision is proposed for the eastern end of Kingsfield Road.

The project would be constructed in one phase on 131 acres for a density of 2.55 single family lots per acre with access from East Kingsfield Road and also from Paddlewheel Way.

The proposal from Hammond Engineering  is set for a pre-application meeting before the Escambia County Development Review Committee on Wednesday.


29 Responses to “335 Lot Subdivision Planned For End Of East Kingsfield”

  1. San on September 1st, 2023 8:08 pm

    The entire state is housing deficient. This contributes to inflation in our state, whether you like it, or not. Pensacola seems to be doing well on filling their part of that gap. Now, what are we going to do with the roads? There’s no way the construction they did for years is going to cover this kind of traffic.

  2. Jlb on August 26th, 2023 10:11 am

    The roads in this area cannot take that many more vehicles. Its the same as pineforest an 9 mile…pineforest an interstate…out elected officials cause huge problems an then take years to address.

  3. J Larry Seale on August 24th, 2023 8:59 pm

    think on this…………
    these home will be right next door to Accent.
    If there is an explosion at that plant, a LOT
    of people are going to get hurt or killed……..
    So go right ahead and have a chemical plant as
    your new neighbor…………..

  4. Builder on August 24th, 2023 7:58 am

    @nani how awesome of you to wish everyone out of a job! Bet your thoughts were different when your home was constructed! SMH

  5. Tammy on August 23rd, 2023 5:59 pm

    Ots all about the money and power between the politicians and the developers at the expense of the taxpayers and quality of life for everyone living here. They don’t give a damn how crowded people are on top of each and the cost to the environment. It’s greed.

  6. Molino Man on August 23rd, 2023 5:01 pm

    I’m still amazed. Don’t you think people were upset when construction started on your cookie cutter subdivision? Now they want to start another subdivision but you don’t think it’s right for someone else to own a home in the Cantonment area. All I hear is a bunch of selfish people. “I don’t want anyone to have what I have.” I don’t blame folks for moving towards the north. Better schools and more.

  7. Nani on August 23rd, 2023 4:12 pm

    I wish people would stop buying these houses. Then the builders would just naturally go out of business. Take this decision out of the hands of the commissioners.

  8. Georgianne geller on August 23rd, 2023 12:02 pm

    Wonder how much the commissioners will benefit from this excessive building, plus schools are over crowded. Need schools over more housing.

  9. Jim on August 23rd, 2023 9:33 am

    Isn’t this just poetic justice for so many now concerned about the congestion and lack of and need for infrastructure improvements prior to adding more housing and commercial growth. Where’s was this empathy and concern for those who brought this to light years ago when the same issues were present prior to all the growth that encroached there world without any regard for the area being impacted.
    Those that took part in the prior encroachment themselves and justified it then as the overwhelming and required need for more affordable housing, more jobs and better pay BS are now themselves crying out about the aggressive home building and commercial sprawl agenda now in place and actually believe these officials give a dam over your concerns toward environmental or social stress impacts.
    Be careful what you wish for or who might want in power because you might just get it and then what…yep that’s right. It’s too late once some things are gone.

  10. Bonnie Exner on August 22nd, 2023 11:16 pm

    This is not PROGRESS DRIVEN..IT IS GREED DRIVEN…Our local commissioners were elected to represent their constituents…not the builders/ developers that pay big bucks in the form of campaign contributions …WE NEED TO CLEAN HOUSE AND START ALL OVER AGAIN AND INSIST ON A TWO TERM LIMIT SO THAT MONEY DOESNT DICTATE THE ACTIONS OF OUR ELECTED OFFICIALS.

  11. Bubba Ray on August 22nd, 2023 9:58 pm

    Y’all keep voting for the same commissioners and expect something to change. They are all for these developments because it raises the tax revenue and they can campaign on “I never raised your taxes”, nope you just allowed builders to ruin our quality of life..

  12. Bob West on August 22nd, 2023 9:19 pm

    @Cathy. East Kingsfield won’t accommodate that additional traffic and I am surprised Robinson Mill is allowing access to lots that are a third of theirs’ and will tank their values. They just spent all that money on sidewalks, on both sides of Chemstrand, when there are no sidewalks north or south of it on either side of the road. Furthermore, it will just be a waste of those taxpayer dollars when it has to all be torn up to do any road widening. And if that wasn’t dumb enough, they have already approved hundreds of apartments just north of Gulf Winds, on the west side of Chemstrand, so there will have to be a turn lane. It’s only taxpayer money! Kind of like the $3 Million and counting of taxpayer money that was used to repair Barry’s buddies’ private dam to restore their private lake just up the road…..

  13. Tagliere on August 22nd, 2023 8:52 pm

    This is an absurd proposal that makes absolutely no sense whatsoever.

  14. Sug on August 22nd, 2023 8:07 pm

    County commissioners are to blame and they just do not care. Say we need “affordable” housing. Housing here is NOT affordable – reminds me of “affordable health care”. Right! And better not hear anything about climate crisis when trees and foliage which eat up CO2 are being destroyed – eradicated from existence, not to mention the wildlife. Government does. Not. Care.
    Traffic! We all know how bad Davis at Univ Pkway is – today I experienced gridlock at Univ Pkwy and 9 mile. Light in front of Krispy Kreme was red and backed up to UP when the left turn light from UP north changed which caused standstill for vehicles heading W on 9 Mile when their light turned green while Kk light still red. The more traffic lights go up, the more this will happen everywhere with so many more inhabitants here. Commissioners could give a hoot. Need to be voted out! Notice property taxes went up over $300 again this year and want to take more from us for water services as well. Don’t even mention FPL!

  15. Janel Patterson on August 22nd, 2023 7:28 pm

    Enough people!!!! Stop the building. Your greed just will not stop. You will not be happy until every square inch of land is clear of every tree, bloom, and until you have killed off all the wildlife. Stop. We are already OVER populated. Our roads are in horrible condition can not accommodate this infrastructure and traffic. Navy Federal came in and has been the reason for so much destruction. Crime will rise. Schools are already over packed with unfair student to teacher ratio. I hope this proposal is denied.

  16. Fed Up Local on August 22nd, 2023 7:23 pm

    I am so sick of these greedy developers destroying our beautiful natural scenery with these horrid cookie cutter houses built out of toothpicks and plywood stacked on top of each other (with 3 houses to an acre you may as well live in apartment complex.) I live in this area and the traffic is already overloaded in the morning and afternoon. When is it time to say ENOUGH and stop letting these developers pillage our community for PROFIT.

  17. Kim on August 22nd, 2023 4:56 pm

    This is how we feel over hear on the West Side. All this “progress” with no infrastructure improvements. This is just insane how they are doing all of this.

  18. ed on August 22nd, 2023 4:19 pm

    how long before escambia votes like St Pete in the 70’s that the last 1000 to moved in have to move out

  19. JV on August 22nd, 2023 3:15 pm

    This is a terrible idea. Way too much density with zero infrastructure improvements. 2/3 to3/4 of that traffic is going to end up on Paddlewheel Way, in an existing neighborhood. East Kingsfield, Chemstrand, 10 Mile, US 29 and Palafox are already flooded with traffic. The County has already allowed our roads to fall way behind the growth up here. Adding another development and 800+ cars is a horrible idea. Widen all the roads and address all the terrible train track/Palafox/US 29 intersections….then we can talk about more high density neighborhoods. Approving this plan before addressing the existing issues is pure malfeasance.

  20. Sedition on August 22nd, 2023 3:11 pm

    Even more traffic for the roads that were never designed to handle the traffic from the LAST expansion of this area.
    Watch for the insurance rates and accidents to skyrocket.

  21. Jim Summers on August 22nd, 2023 1:57 pm

    wow, Escambia county will look like Tamps/St. Pete soon.

    With the people working “remote” they all want to live here. Can’t blame them, but, “Come on, Man”

    saw a DOT vehicle at the intersection of Kingsfield by the tracks to 29 just yesterday watching that cluster… lol

    Bet those people on Paddlewheel way are impressed with the increased traffic.

    time to widen Chemstrand and Kingsfield.

  22. Rick on August 22nd, 2023 12:53 pm

    Terrible idea. The traffic in that area is horrible right now and if you look at the new flood maps half of this is in a major flood zone.

  23. still a joke on August 22nd, 2023 12:43 pm

    500k on an indoor wading pool?

    Serves them right. My singlewide trailer is 3 foot off the ground, and i live on a hill!

    Good riddance to ignorance.

  24. Situation on August 22nd, 2023 11:43 am

    Nothing like building another subdivision in a swamp. Look how close all the storm runoffs are to the buildings. Horrible idea but zoning and planning will let it go right on through. Ask the Carrington lakes people how well this worked out for them! They had calf length water in there 500k home months after people started moving in. Praying for competency, but I know better. #moneytrumpsright

  25. Scott on August 22nd, 2023 11:38 am

    Perhaps they should have considered widening Chemstrand then, instead of sidewalks.

  26. Cathy Powers on August 22nd, 2023 11:26 am

    There are already too many vehicles traveling down that section of Kingsfield Road due to the multiple large subdivisions. Are there plans to extend the expansion of Chemstrand down to Kingsfield to accommodate the additional traffic?

  27. Fabrecas on August 22nd, 2023 10:03 am

    This proposed low-density subdivision is a reckless and shortsighted scheme that not only threatens the value of homes in Robinson Mill but also disregards the environmental sanctity of protected wetlands. It’s astonishing that anyone would consider prioritizing profit over the well-being of our community and the delicate ecosystems that surround us. Adding insult to injury, this ill-conceived plan will undoubtedly clog our roads with more traffic, further eroding our quality of life. Our area isn’t even zoned for that level of density! It’s time to put the interests of our community, their safety, and the environment ahead of short-term gains.

  28. Michele on August 22nd, 2023 9:59 am

    This is NOT PROGRESS. This is PRO MESS!
    Approximately 2-1/2 houses on ONE acre!

    Where’s the’s infrastructure to support all these people?
    Where are the jobs to support all these people?
    Schools? (= higher taxes)

    More vehicles and congestion.
    More taxes.
    More trash and garbage (they can’t handle the amount they collect now)
    More crime.

    Most importantly.
    Projects like these are the killing and murder of our natural environment: animals, insects and lush green beautiful Florida.

  29. The Cars on August 22nd, 2023 9:20 am

    I hope the Development Review Committee is keeping a running tally of the number of vehicles that will be loaded onto US 29, Nine Mile, Kingsfield, and Chemstrand during peak hours. Combined with other developments (shown recently on NE.com), creeping traffic is coming soon to a highway near you.
