Juvenile With A Gun Detained Before Flomaton, Northview Game

August 26, 2023

A juvenile with a handgun was detained before kickoff of a Friday night football game between Flomaton and Northview in Flomaton.

According to Flomaton Police, the juvenile with the weapon and three others were removed from the stadium.

Witnesses told NorthEcambia.com that a football fan alerted law enforcement after overhearing discussion about the gun. Another witness said police took the juvenile to the ground before they were taken away from the Flomaton side of the field.

The Flomaton Police Department and the Escambia County (AL) Sheriff’s Office kept a noticeable presence during the game.

There were no other issues reported.

Pictured: Flomaton Police Department officers and an Escambia County (AL) Sheriff’s Office deputy watch the Flomaton and Northview game from the sidelines Friday night in Flomaton. NorthEscambia.com photo, click to enlarge.


17 Responses to “Juvenile With A Gun Detained Before Flomaton, Northview Game”

  1. Observer on August 28th, 2023 10:53 am

    I think the actual gun owner should be held accountable as well. If it was unlocked and someone took it–any crimes committed should also create charges for the negligent gun owner. This would lower the chances of guns being stolen from cars as well as juveniles taking their parents guns.

  2. Sedition on August 27th, 2023 2:30 pm


    How’s that concept working with illegal drugs?

  3. Scott Lunsford on August 27th, 2023 11:13 am

    Gun Free School Zone Act

    18 USC prohibits possession of a firearm within 1000 foot of a school property. Unless, the person has a valid concealed weapon license issued by that state. CCW holders in one state cannot be within 1000 foot of a school in another state. Unless, also licensed in that state.

    Florida law prohibits CCW holders from carrying at a school gathering or event. Unless, the event is a sanctioned firearms event.

    790.06 12 (a) prohibits carrying a firearm anywhere prohibited by federal law. You can find a list of federally prohibited places in 18 USC.

  4. Troy on August 26th, 2023 11:52 am

    I’m curious how many adults were packing in the stands as well…
    Not all gun control laws are stupid as mentioned below. Most make sense as long as they are followed and respected. Many are not, as shown here by a juvenile, but mostly not by irresponsible owners by not locking their vehicles at night, keeping their firearms away from children, or carrying where they should not.

  5. Alex on August 26th, 2023 11:33 am

    Put him as an adult and show his mugshot for his neighbors can see

  6. sam on August 26th, 2023 10:12 am

    put him in the jail for a while.

  7. Bob on August 26th, 2023 10:09 am

    @key word

    You are *so* close to getting the point of gun reform.

    Let’s say this kid bought the gun on the black market. If we make it more difficult for negligent people to buy firearms, that will make it harder for criminals to steal guns, reduce the number of firearms on the black market, and make it harder for kids like this to get their hands on a gun.

  8. Sedition on August 26th, 2023 8:58 am

    Some good Samaritan just made sure that game didn’t make the national news for the wrong reason.
    Whoever you are…good job.

  9. Jimmy Williams on August 26th, 2023 8:49 am

    If we would only stop babying our kids and teach them consequences. If that kid knew that once someone saw or found out he had a gun that he may or may not get shot in the head by an officer he probably wouldn’t have brought a gun with him. We have taught kids that the reaction to their actions is somehow up for debate instead of reality. I coached at PF for 10 years — “guys when you get in trouble with the law because of your actions remember he or she carries a baton, a flashlight, a taser, a walkie talkie, a car with a push bar bumper, a pistol, a shotgun and a long range rifle — once your actions lead them to REACT they can and will use one of the above to detain or kill you AND THAT DECISION IS THEIRS AND THEIR DECISION ALONE!!’ You do not get to ask to be treated fairly or with care. They can make your head look like scrambled eggs to the point your casket is closed at your funeral and that is all your fault.

    Maybe we can start being real and stop being our children’s friend. Maybe if they had a paddle or 2 in the schools because god knows parents have given up on disciplining their children.

  10. Jack on August 26th, 2023 7:48 am

    Thank you concerned citizens for reporting this fast. A kid with a gun is about as dangerous as it gets

  11. key word here on August 26th, 2023 7:36 am

    Great job for whomever reported it and for law enforcement eliminating the threat and taking quick action.

    There is a key word here people need to read and take notice of before the “we need more gun control” morons chime in. This was a JUVENILE with a gun. So, he’s not of legal age to purchase a gun, so no gun control law would have stopped him from getting it. He either stole it himself or got it from friend or family member with or without their consent. Great example of why gun control laws are stupid and won’t work. Several laws broken here so, prosecute him as an adult for illegally possessing a firearm, having it on a school campus with intent and any other charges you can come up with.

  12. Grandma on August 26th, 2023 7:23 am

    HEAR something-SAY something!!! It saves lives.

  13. Anne on August 26th, 2023 7:07 am

    Dumb choice to do this, hope the kid gets a good enough lesson they never consider anything like this again.

  14. Frank on August 26th, 2023 6:39 am

    Thank you fan – “See something, say something!” Be alert and speak up!
    your life could depend upon it.

  15. anne one of two on August 26th, 2023 5:47 am

    We need metal detectors at the gates. It is that kind of world now and people need protection to enjoy life.

  16. JJ on August 26th, 2023 4:47 am

    Thankyou FAN.

  17. Charlotte Bates on August 26th, 2023 2:06 am

    Thank God someone turned them in. Could have been a horrible night. Good job Flomaton Police Department, and Escambia County, Ala.