State Visits Century To Evaluate $12.8 Million Grant Applications For Shelter, Bridges Repair

July 3, 2023

The Florida Department of Economic Opportunity recently made a site visit to Century as part of the town’s applications for $12.8 million in total grant applications for a hurricane shelter and repairs to three bridges.

The grants, if awarded, would be from Florida Department of Economic Opportunity (DOE) Small Cities Hurricane Sally Community Development Block Grant Disaster Recovery funding through the Rebuild Florida Infrastructure Repair Program.

Gym/Hurricane Shelter

Century is seeking a $10 million grant to turn the old Century High School gym property into a multipurpose facility that could also serve as a hurricane or other disaster shelter. The town does not own the old gym, which was constructed in 1960; it belongs to Pensacola State College.

Town consultant Robin Phillips, who is managing the grant submissions, said the gym is laden with asbestos and lead. It has been essentially abandoned for years, and is in poor condition. For those reasons, Phillips said an architect is recommending that the building be demolished and rebuilt.

If the grant is awarded to Century, the town plans to accept the funds only if PSC will transfer ownership to the town.

Bridge Repairs

Century is also seeking a seperate $2,862,137 grant to replace a failed bridge on Freedom Road that has been closed for three years, and make drainage improvements to two other bridges that suffered embankment erosion during Hurricane Sally.

The state budget recently signed by Gov. Ron DeSantis includes $1.257 million for the Freedom Road bridge. This funding would be in addition to any other DOE funds that might be awarded.

The bridge and drainage grant will not be impacted by the continuation or withdrawal of the gym application. photos, click to enlarge.


8 Responses to “State Visits Century To Evaluate $12.8 Million Grant Applications For Shelter, Bridges Repair”

  1. ANeighbor on July 8th, 2023 12:32 pm

    We live very near both. The gym needs to come down. And if they can into a hurricane shelter that would greatly benefit locals who cannot make the trek to other shelters located far away. But figure out some use year round so it’s not just sitting there. And in my honest opinion….the bridge is not as important as alot of other things that need addressing in this town. It only takes an extra minute to take Jefferson to 4 and route around the bridge. We’ve been doing it for this long. I’m not saying.never do it. But it’s such a minor thing compared to others at the moment.

  2. sam on July 4th, 2023 10:37 am

    no on both the bridge and gym. a waste of tax payer money.

  3. Willis on July 3rd, 2023 9:36 pm

    I agree with RaD.

  4. Susie on July 3rd, 2023 2:11 pm

    Code Enforcement should make PSC tear the building down and dispose of the hazardous materials. Century just wants everything given to them for free when they don’t even have the budget to maintain it.

  5. CF on July 3rd, 2023 1:34 pm

    Century make plans? Ha ha ha

  6. bobk on July 3rd, 2023 12:57 pm

    Get a qualified professional impartial person or persons to oversee any project. Especially one of this magnitude.
    Just a thought…….

  7. George on July 3rd, 2023 8:34 am

    Has the town of century made plans or had any studies to determine exactly how they are going to pay for maintenance and upkeep as well as operating expenses for a $10,000,000 building?

    Assuming they actually did get the grant?

  8. RaD on July 3rd, 2023 8:15 am

    Bridges yes.
    Building no.