Molino Utilities Considers Tap Fees To Cover Cost Of Growth, Including Possible Huge Woodland Park Development

July 18, 2023

Molino Utilities is considering impact fees that will offset the cost of infrastructure needed to provide water service for new developments, including the planned Woodland Park that would double or triple the population of the area.

The Woodland Park development, if completed, will add thousands of homes and nearly 100 acres of commercial development in a 1,500 acre area to the south and west of Highway 196 and Highway 29 — all in the rural Molino Utilities franchise area that currently has 2,400 customers.

Vernon Prather, president of Molino Utilities for the last two decades, said the development would require perhaps two new water wells and a large elevated storage tank. The cost for the utility, which normally adds just 30-40 homes per year, would reach an estimated $9 million or more.

“We as owners have an obligation to service them in the franchise,” Prather told the members of Molino Utilities. “I don’t believe we have an obligation to empty our pockets out in a fiscally irresponsible manner to fund any type of expansion.. ”

During a Molino Utilities board meeting and workshop Monday evening at the Barrineau Park Community Center, about 50 residents heard plans for an increased tap fee beginning at $2,200 per new residence. The current tap fee is around $1,200.

For more photos, click or tap here.

“We are way too cheap,” Prather said. “That puts us more in line with the other utilities.”

In the case of Woodland Park, the tap fee would raise many millions toward the cost of the needed water wells and elevated storage tank without current customers footing the bill.

RELATED: ‘That Country Way Of Life’ — Residents Unite In Battle Against Big Molino Development

Molino Utilities constructed their fourth and most recent well on Gibson Road 23 years ago. If Woodland Park move forward, it is estimated that it would take two or three years to build the water wells and tank due to permitting and construction time.

Last week, the Escambia County Planning Board denied Exit 3 Investment’s Escambia County Sector Plan opt-out applications, and the investment company withdrew all rezoning requests. It is expected that Exit 3 will return at a future date with new plans for Woodland Park.

The Molino Utilities impact fee was not finalized Tuesday evening; the board will hold a vote at a future meeting.

For more photos, click or tap here.

Pictured: The Molino Utilities board of directors and their customers discussed growth issues Monday evening at the Barrineau Park Community Center. photos, click to enlarge..


11 Responses to “Molino Utilities Considers Tap Fees To Cover Cost Of Growth, Including Possible Huge Woodland Park Development”

  1. Jimbo on July 19th, 2023 1:49 pm

    YIPPEEE!! It is good to see people really start to think about things and act. Impact fees are absolutely needed and should make the money needed to support the necessary infrastructure. Don’t ever believe that the little victory with the commissioners is the end..they will be back and they will is when you prepare to at least not have to pay to support the builiding that surrounds this type of community. Great job by all at that meeting in at least understanding this and being proactive.
    Those of you complaining about it ruining country life. If you dont have at least 10 acres, you dont have country life, your neighbor with the land does and you are enjoying the by-product without paying for the land, it taxes or taking care of it.

  2. Two Cents on July 19th, 2023 9:36 am

    Santa Rosa always has had in agricultural areas a 1 unit to 1 acre zoning while Escambia 20 acre to 1 unit. That difference has led to significant land value swings and development impact over the decades. Now Escambia has the dilemma, or as I see it the beneficial position, to not cave to normal development pressure. Going from such a restrictive residential density of 1:20 to 1:1 or greater, they can down grade to say 1:5 ac which is already in LDC. What does that do? It provides many benefits keeping a country way of life so may enjoy now yet provides reasonable growth that will, if done right, add to it….

  3. Oversight on July 19th, 2023 9:18 am

    Just do it like Century does – write the fee down on a napkin. LOL!

  4. dave lamb on July 19th, 2023 6:01 am

    Across from 95A at the beginning of v196 Don Salter has a large sign… Land for sale Last visit to that area in March a high school friend that owns land in that area said a development in that area was coming soon. Need schools, parks and ball, soccer fields as part of infrastructure there also. Watch your taxes go higher so a developer can get rich at your expense!

  5. Concerned Citizen on July 18th, 2023 6:59 pm

    David Lamb
    I agree. The citizens of Escambia Co. should NOT have to foot the bill infrastructure for their expansions! However we do not have those protections in place…our county leaders in the past have removed concurrency for schools and other protections in favor of the developers and builders.
    While Mr Hemmer noted their “generosity” in donating land for a school and Fire Dept. etc…there are no funds for teachers for firemen or staff.
    I know growth is coming and needed but not in this density and haphazard way!

  6. CB on July 18th, 2023 1:19 pm

    Thank the good lord above im moving the heck out of this county and this state soon. They are ruining and going to continue to ruin, barrineau park, cantonment, molino areas just like they have pace, milton, Beulah and then some. It’s ridiculous that these money hungry people in offices want to ruin our country living way of life with more people, crime, etc.

  7. Kane on July 18th, 2023 12:28 pm

    Tap Fees!! lol Yeah that subdivision is getting built. Every incumbent int the county is salivating over the number of those fees. All you folks who wanted to preserve your way of life just got double helixes around a single axis’ed.

  8. Speak up on July 18th, 2023 10:42 am

    Isn’t it sweet how everyone is so ready to take on the developers to “protect” your way of life! All you really need to do is show the covenant that says no big development will happen in perpetuity and you’re golden! Wait…what? You say you don’t have a document that says that? Maybe it’s time to start thinking of ways to profit from the influx of people so you can move further away!

  9. Molino Resident on July 18th, 2023 4:41 am

    @Keeping it Country,

    Amen to tha! We need to get in from of this NOW as a “no fees” development only inspires sprawl and low value areas to be built. Every resident out here that wants to stay and maintain our homes’ values needs to speak up.

  10. dave lamb on July 18th, 2023 4:24 am

    The area should be looking at power, gas, waste, sewer and other large requirements , such as fire, police roads and evacuation routes for such a large project. With Cedar Tree Lane, Quintette and other rumored housing projects coming soon to your area, you need to be ready. The developer needs to be responsible for these added costs.

  11. Keeping it Country on July 18th, 2023 2:07 am

    Developers in other municipalities EXPECT to pay substantial impact fees. The fact no true impact fee exist in Molino makes the community vulnerable to more and larger developments. I expect Exit 3 is already re-thinking their strategy on resubmitting their plan so the time to act is NOW.