“It’s The Little Details” – Century Amends Council Meeting Notices

July 14, 2023

Update: The Town of Century amended their amended council meeting notice following the publication of this story to include a large “2023″ above the list.

It’s the little details — the Town of Century on Thursday emailed an updated public notice for this year’s town council meetings, eight days after a meeting has halted due to an improper public notice.

NorthEscambia.com questioned the meeting public notice or the July 5 meeting posted  by the town because it lacked a meeting time. We had documented that meeting times had not been noticed for six months. Florida’s attorney general says every meeting, each and every one, must be noticed with date, time and place.

RELATED: Century Fails To Provide Complete Public Notices For Six Months, Council President Verbally Attacks Media After Meeting Halted

The meeting schedule public notice email Thursday by Town Clerk Leslie Howington noted the meeting month and day and added times. One detail, the year, was removed from the new notice.

A quote below Howington’s email signature from UCLA basketball Coach John Wooden stated, “It’s the little details that are vital. Little things make big things happen.”

Pictured: A public notice outside the Century Town Hall. NorthEscambiac.com file photo, click to enlarge.


6 Responses to ““It’s The Little Details” – Century Amends Council Meeting Notices”

  1. Anne on July 14th, 2023 9:29 pm

    Beginning to wonder if The Town of Century is some sort of Government Experiment by one of those Alphabet Agencies to see how far out of line it can be (mis) guided by the elected and appointed officials.
    Perhaps run by Aliens from the planet Whatsnextus?
    Pitiful….cannot even get a meeting notice correct, almost as if they are intentionally creating errors.

  2. Eric M on July 14th, 2023 6:07 pm

    “Florida’s attorney general says every meeting, each and every one, must be noticed with date, time and place.” Did they list a time?

  3. bob on July 14th, 2023 12:00 pm

    And they are in charge of 12 million dollars???

  4. Grandma on July 14th, 2023 11:19 am

    This is blatant disregard for the FL statute!
    Surely, it is very clear to the Town of Century council is stubborn as a mule at plowing straight furrows!
    It’s past time for the State of Florida to pull their charter. Without it all those millions of dollars in grants for operating the town would evaporate.
    There needs to be penalties for such disregard for the FL statute. Would love to know WHO is ordering these notices to be withholding the time. They should be accountable. Good reporting North Escambia! Without you all this would be would be swept under a rug and no one would know.

    Compliance is so easy! There is NO excuse!

  5. WENDY RONEY on July 14th, 2023 9:04 am

    What about the time?
    Isn’t that a “little detail that is vital”?

  6. SW on July 14th, 2023 4:59 am

    After all that, they still couldn’t get it right?

    The state needs to pull the charter on this failed town.

    It’s not funny any more.