Free Wi-Fi Now Available On All ECAT Buses

July 12, 2023

Free wi-fi is now available on all Escambia County Area Transit buses.

Commuters can now use their travel time to catch up on work emails, attend virtual meetings or even stream their favorite shows, according to ECAT. Riders will simply need to connect to the network and accept the terms and conditions.

“Providing Wi-Fi on public transit is a game-changer for our commuters,” said Mass Transit Director Rodriquez Kimbrough. “We understand the importance of staying connected and we are committed to providing our riders with the best possible experience.”


7 Responses to “Free Wi-Fi Now Available On All ECAT Buses”

  1. Subsidies on July 14th, 2023 3:09 pm

    Jackson: “I’m getting really tired of paying additional gasoline tax for a service I cant use and is really not used by many others.”

    I feel the same way about paying road taxes for paving CR 99, replacing the CR 4 bridge, and maintaining community centers and parks in the north part of the county that I will never drive on or visit, nor do I know of many others who will, either.

    Totally illogical.

  2. Toucansays on July 14th, 2023 12:06 pm

    I’m going to guess this is not a secure WiFi since it’s for public access.

  3. Eric M on July 12th, 2023 4:03 pm

    “Commuters can now use their travel time to catch up on work emails, attend virtual meetings or even stream their favorite shows, according to ECAT” … it’s almost like the people at ECAT has never been on an ECAT bus.

  4. Swamp Gas on July 12th, 2023 3:59 pm

    The gas tax that helps fund ECAT should only be collected in areas that ECAT services and not county wide where this service is not even available to a funder of the tax if that person so choose to utilize this service.

  5. larry jackson on July 12th, 2023 12:14 pm

    I’m getting really tired of paying additional gasoline tax for a service I cant use and is really not used by many others. It should pay for its self in fares or be shut down.

  6. Swamp Gas on July 12th, 2023 9:04 am

    It may be free to the user of the public transportation but it is definitely nor free.

  7. Tax Payer at Large on July 12th, 2023 7:47 am

    ….”Commuters can now use their travel time to catch up on work emails”…

    Really? You really think so……