FPL Proposes 18 Acre Vehicle And Equipment Storage Lot In Molino

July 10, 2023

Florida Power & Light is proposing an 18 acre vehicle parking and storage yard along Highway 29 in Molino.

The property at 5400 North Highway 29 is across the road from Jimmy’s Grill and has been owned by FPL or their predecessor Gulf Power Company for decades.

FPL says the property would be used by FPL or FPL affiliates for the parking, staging or storage of vehicles and equipment, and those vehicles may include service vehicles, commercial vehicles, recreational vehicles, boat trailers, contractor trailers and equipment. Stored equipment might include power poles, cable spools, light fixture parts, solar panels and more.

“In addition, the site is strategically located and can serve as one of FPL’s staging lots for vehicles and equipment for our hurricane and severe storm response teams,” FPL said in a development application.

The proposed development includes a paved lot, stormwater management, lighting, landscaping, irrigation and a security fence and a gate. There are no proposed buildings.

The Escambia County Escambia County Development Review Committee will hold a pre-application meeting on the proposal Wednesday.

In 2019 and into early 2020, the then-Gulf Power used the lot to store equipment and supplies for an underground natural gas pipeline from Century to Plant Crist.

Pictured above: FPL is proposing an 18 acre vehicle parking and storage yard along Highway 29 in Molino. Pictured below: The site was previously used for staging during a natural gas pipeline project in 2019 and 2020. NorthEscambia.com photos and graphic, click to enlarge.


12 Responses to “FPL Proposes 18 Acre Vehicle And Equipment Storage Lot In Molino”

  1. SunrisePhoto on July 11th, 2023 6:35 am

    If this is the same property(I believe it is), then my home and many others are directly behind this. When FPL laid the gas pipeline a couple of years ago, they ran their equipment from 6am to 9/10pm daily and were constantly noisy and bad neighbors. They were loud enough that I could constantly hear them no matter what part of my house I was in. They kept portable spotlights on their eqiupment 24/7, which brightly shown in everyone’s back yards. They were a nuisance and couldn’t care less about their impact on the neighbors around them. I was happy when they finally vacated the property.

    I’m sure no matter what kind of fight is put up about this, FPL will win, as the BOCC only seems to care about corporate interests, not the interests of citizens.

  2. Dola on July 10th, 2023 7:45 pm

    Heck why not!? They’ve already turned so much of our local communities into eyesores a few more acres shouldn’t matter!! The evil empire expands again!!

  3. Kristin Manning on July 10th, 2023 6:28 pm

    What an eyesore for our community! Those vehicles will leak oil and fuel into the ground water and right in front of our hometown restaurant! Plus, the hazards of large vehicles pulling out and across 29 at an already bad intersection. No, no, no!!

  4. Gerald Wiggins on July 10th, 2023 5:12 pm

    I have 1800 SF and total electricity, with 4 adults. My bill was $212, with my thermostat at 77. I don’t know why some are complaining.

  5. Bird on July 10th, 2023 4:20 pm

    Why couldn’t they have used that property for their gas line instead of ruining other people’s property?

  6. David Huie Green on July 10th, 2023 11:08 am

    Don’t forget to put solar panels over all of it. Every little bit helps.

  7. retired on July 10th, 2023 9:29 am

    @ bill

    FPL owns the land

    FIRE PROTECTION a total of 1,000.00 in txes

  8. Disgruntled customer on July 10th, 2023 9:29 am

    They have plenty of space on the Crist power plant site. Let them put it there!

  9. Fisherman on July 10th, 2023 9:26 am

    @ Mnom
    I don’t understand your $400 electric bill My thermostat is set at 71 and my June bill was $255.You can call FPL and request an energy audit.They come out inspect your home to look for ways you can save energy.Extra insulation in attic new energy efficient windows.Your AC may need a check up.My utility bill has never been over $275 as a note I have all electric home and it’s 1800 square feet.

  10. Bill on July 10th, 2023 8:09 am

    So who owns that land?

  11. CYNTHIA Farrar on July 10th, 2023 8:00 am

    This is another scar on our landscaping out here in Molino and a insult to us that live here.

  12. mnon on July 10th, 2023 2:40 am

    …and no other place in the area can be found to put a big ugly eye-sore truck lot, that no one but FPL can access? and how much is this going to raise my already sky-high power bill?

    ERA customers pay a 3rd what my FPL power bill is on average, why is that FPL? Why can a person across the street on ERA pay $130 for their power bill with their thermostat on 68F while mine is always $400+ and I keep my thermostat set at 80F and a couple of fans running… I hate FPL, I hate them with a deep passion, them and Frontier.. they are parasites feeding off of all of us with their monopolies.