D.R. Horton’s Proposal Down To $24.1 Million For OLF-8. Here’s Exactly What They Are Offering.

July 30, 2023

D.R. Horton’s offer for the county-owned OLF-8 property on Nine Mile Road has been dropped from $42 million for over 500 acres to $24.1 million for 297 acres.

That’s because Escambia County is holding back 241 acres for job creation near the Navy Federal Credit Union campus.

D.R. Horton proposed to use 99 acres for commercial use including restaurants, retail, offices, medical and a town center. The plan also shows 170 acres with 1,133 residential units, including 360 townhomes and 336 apartments.

To read the  entire 27-page D.R. Horton offer, click or tap here (pdf).


16 Responses to “D.R. Horton’s Proposal Down To $24.1 Million For OLF-8. Here’s Exactly What They Are Offering.”

  1. dave lamb on August 2nd, 2023 12:09 am

    @ Bill
    Yes what happened. When they just had to have Langley Bell 4H camp and were asked “why not get the OLF-8 landing field” we were told that the Navy would never give it up. Well as some say “That was a lie. . Look at where are today. A lot of side stepping.

  2. Bob on July 31st, 2023 6:44 pm

    @Philip Lamanac

    We have a homelessness problem in Escambia County. A larger supply of housing and regulations preventing speculative house sales would help address that problem.

    We have a wage problem in Escambia County. Cost of living has exploded over the last 40 years while wages have remained stagnant. Creating more commercial/industrial businesses would help address that problem.

    We have a drug problem in Escambia County. People who can’t financially support their families legally are often resorting to crime. Again, a housing project like this would help address that problem.

  3. John Stanley on July 31st, 2023 5:53 pm

    If it walks like a duck it talks like a duck it’s probably a duck, something sounds fishy in regards to this property, I’m reminded of the soccer complex on 29 that got so many of our County Commissioners in trouble, deja vu?

  4. Philip Lamanac on July 31st, 2023 3:45 pm

    We do not need any more apartments! Not do we need a industrial park. Leave all as a green space. Navy Federal has destroied enough of the beautiful property. Apartments everywhere empty apartments empty strip malls. LEAVE US ALONE.

  5. Clippy on July 31st, 2023 2:43 pm

    “It looks like you’re trying to say ‘restaurant’ in your legend, DR Horton. Instead you typed ‘resturaunt.’ Would you like to run SpellCheck before submitting this legal contract to the county? No? Just leave it as-is?”

  6. MIke J. on July 31st, 2023 12:53 pm

    We have more development building now on Bridlewood road, another one recently completed off the same road, and more in so many new neighborhoods that it’s hard to remember them all. Beulah is not the country anymore. :-(

  7. michael on July 31st, 2023 12:16 am

    We don’t need another industry Park they need to fix the roads on Ellison field

  8. Overdeveloped on July 30th, 2023 12:25 pm

    Can we leave a little bit of forest for the other inhabitants of our area?

  9. Marie on July 30th, 2023 10:27 am

    As usual the County Commissioners are not listening to the citizens or looking at what is best for the county and citizens. It’s the money. Approval of all development within Escambia County without the proper infrastructure in place and paid for by the developers is a dereliction of duty. There is a Master Plan approved… follow it. Pick a better partner for development too!

  10. Olin Schultz on July 30th, 2023 10:27 am

    We,the citizens of this community got together and realized what a stupid idea bringing an industrial park to our beautiful community was! For most people, they left the city life behind to build in the country. We didn’t like the noise and the traffic of the city. Unfortunately, the city moved to us! That included crime. We never had to lock our doors of our cars or our houses. You knew that if you went to Beulah, you didn’t mess around after dark! It was a respectable community. Now you say we need an Industrial Park? Not no but heck no. It’s bad enough that most people in these new over night sub divisions don’t know who their next door neighbors are! I challenge everyone to go on the state’s website for sex offenders and search a five mile radius of your home! We did not have this problem 30 years ago. No to an Industrial Park! That says I!

  11. Albert on July 30th, 2023 8:55 am

    This will devolve to yet another 9-Mile Road strip mall. We don’t need more vape shops and pot stores. I don’t trust the County, nor Horton. Just stop. Hold the land and wait. We know they will not build anything near the master plan.

  12. JJ on July 30th, 2023 8:46 am

    Its less than 750 townhomes-apartments. 20% from what you stated

  13. bob c on July 30th, 2023 7:57 am

    Seems to me that any time the County gets in real estate deals or trying to design anything beyond normal things like roads. drainage, maintaining county owned vehicles and facilities the end result is a mess for We the Taxpayers.
    We’ve heard about flooding issues, tragic roads where lives are lost or many injuries, needs for cleaning up illegal dumps, on and on yet the BoCC eyes sparkle and ears perk up when Real Estate is brought to the table.
    What a long dragged out mess and flip-flop deal this OLF-8 business has been.

  14. Bill on July 30th, 2023 7:22 am

    We need an industrial park. The county commission sold that idea to the public when they just had to have the property. WHAT’S CHANGED?

  15. Just curious on July 30th, 2023 5:15 am

    Increased tax revenue? More money spent on an already fragile infrastructure.

  16. Jason on July 30th, 2023 12:41 am

    The only benefit of this pending build is the tax dollars it will generate. Its and absolute god-awful plan. There isnt one section of the proposed housing that I would want to purchase a home. IMHO, it wont take long for those 3600+ Townhomes to become nothing but slum housing. Seriously, who wants to live cramped into quarters packed liked sardines.

    Escambia County residents need to demand better — even if it the property sells for less money.