‘That Country Way Of Life’ — Residents Unite In Battle Against Big Molino Development

July 14, 2023

“Dirt bikes. Chickens crowing. Fireworks going off. Baby shower, big booms. I can hear it now…What they’re going to do is they are going to try to change our way of life, the way we live up there because now they’re city folk. We making a city out of Molino.”

That’s what Molino resident Kelly Rogers (pictured above) said would be the complaints if thousands of people moved to a planned massive development in Molino.

“They don’t have the right to come change the way I live,” she told the Escambia County Planning Board Thursday afternoon. “Because my chickens are going to crow. My kids are going to ride dirt bikes. We’re going to ride horses down the road. We’re going to do that country way of life, and they aren’t going to change it.”

The board denied Exit 3 Investment’s Escambia County Sector Plan opt-out applications, while the investment company withdrew all rezoning requests.

RELATED STORY: Planning Board Denies Sector Opt-Outs, Rezoning Requests Withdrawn For Huge Molino Development

The Woodland Park development, once completed, would have had thousands of homes and nearly 100 acres of commercial development in a 1,500 acre area to the south and west of Highway 196 and Highway 29.

Residents from Molino, Cantonment and beyond packed a standing room only meeting room Thursday united against the growth. Only one person submitted a form indicating that they were in favor of the development.

One after another, they told the board how they opposed Woodland Park and how it was simply just incompatible with the rural, agricultural area.

The owner of the Homestead Lounge and Package on Highway 97 joined them with concerns that a proposed school would legally be too close to his bar, while speakers from the local gun range said nearby residents would create a safety hazard and residents would complain about noise.

Vernon Prather, president of Molino Utilities for the last two decades, said the development would require perhaps two new water wells and a large elevated storage tank. The cost for the utility, which normally adds just 20 to 30 homes per year, would reach an estimated $9 million.

“I want to thank so many people for being engaged and attending the meeting today, especially regarding the sector plan issue,” District 5 Escambia County Commissioner Steven Barry said Thursday night. ” Also, I want to thank each one who has sent an email or called the office. It may have taken a few days, but I believe I’ve responded to each person. I only ask that my concerned friends and neighbors wait to pass judgment on what is going to happen until our board hears the requests on August 3rd.”

On August 3, the Escambia County Commission will receive the section plan opt-out denial recommendation from the planning board and make a final ruling.

After over six hours in Thursday’s meeting, Planning Board Chairman Walker Wilson thanked the applicant and the public for participating.

“This is truly incredible to see this effort by community. Whether you were for it or against it,” he said. “It was great to see your involvement and this and to stick with it all day long. I’d like to thank the applicant for going through this process as well…this is a great showing of this community. And I would just like to thank you all for being here and being a part of this process.”

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54 Responses to “‘That Country Way Of Life’ — Residents Unite In Battle Against Big Molino Development”

  1. Curious on July 16th, 2023 9:06 am

    Thanks Bill and Shawn. I will enjoy! If you ever get a chance to visit somewhere, perhaps you’ll see the difference. You may do so and be happy living where you are. If so, good for you! As for your admonition to stay away, I will continue visiting my family there, however, it’s just not a place I choose to live anymore after seeing how poorly the area has been managed/maintained. The automatic vitriol for anyone with a contrary opinion that exists down there is a big reason the area is no longer an attractive place for some to live and raise a family.

  2. Shawn on July 16th, 2023 7:51 am

    Curious on July 15th, 2023 7:42 am
    Glad you moved away 20 years ago and decided not to move back, you have no dog in this hunt now, so stay in your lane and enjoy YOUR idea of a utopian community that YOU found.. see the irony? This is our utopia and you found yours but you want to condemn ours and tell us how we are to live ours.. so typical.

  3. ThePatriot on July 16th, 2023 6:58 am

    The project will continue by changing the number duplexes constructed. The local politicians only see tax revenue and permit fess and nothing more. The same thing happened on Woodbine in Pace as DR Horton promised not to have leased units but now is advertising for leasing agents for the property. Be informed of your local representatives and their ties to political contributions and owned property. Many in government positions are slumlords already. Be prepared to have a new neighbor in the rental, leased units next to you. Most will be subsidized and will end up looking like a HUD development in a few years.

  4. Rose Casey on July 15th, 2023 6:26 pm

    Be careful what you allow in, look at Pace and now Chumuckla, we have grown so much, so fast that you can’t get around, the homes are popping up faster than fleas, not enough schools, our taxes doubled and now all you hear is sirens! The amount of flooding is amazing considering we have lived here for over 40 years and never flooded. They don’t correct the infrastructure before they start dumping 1000s of homes on every inch of available property! Unfortunately, acreage doesn’t mean anything to a lot of people, it’s all about the money and that is sad, developers come in, buy ALOT of acreage and triple the price so that almighty dream of owning quiet land has not increased beyond your reach unless you want to live in debt until way past your death. They run your wildlife out and could care less, the new people then boohoo about the bears, foxes, coyotes and whatever displaced animal is trying to survive because it’s in their yard. Again Just Sad that they allow this to happen!

  5. CW on July 15th, 2023 4:57 pm

    It would take years and years to fill all those little lots up. By the time the last houses get built, the first ones will be old and run down. The company would likely be out of business before this thing ever came into fruition.

  6. Jim on July 15th, 2023 3:08 pm

    Country life…even I could explain it …you still wouldn’t understand.
    …..there’s a better way..please think of those that follow in our foot steps..this isn’t a rehearsal…we only get 1 chance.

  7. Robert on July 15th, 2023 2:26 pm

    Well remember a while back when the city wanted consolidation with us? Yes we would have been under city rule. And we shot it down, Same thing, here, We do not want city rules. We sure don’t want people who do not respect our way off life. We have all dealt with city people who move in, then complain because they say it is the locals. We have live stock, chickens, dirt bikes, 4-wheeler’s, bon-fires, and shoot guns. We love our rural life. Peace-full nights, low crime rate, less traffic, all this stops when you bring in more people. And if you think we need this , I suggest that you move.

  8. Graham on July 15th, 2023 12:39 pm

    The myopic selfishness of the “ag’in it” crowd is sad but expected. Growth is inevitable, and planned, organized growth is good for the community and new families seeking a good place to live and thrive.

  9. Bill T on July 15th, 2023 10:25 am

    @ curious:this is exactly what I’m talking about you said you lived elsewhere and like it and ya don’t like this area !!! Because of non development and things haven’t changed since the 70s and 80s !!! WELL I’m so happy you left and hopefully you will live forever elsewhere and that’s what the people of this area want is people like you to be gone and stay gone !!! A favor please don’t come back ok

  10. Bob on July 15th, 2023 10:19 am


    You’re right. Zoning is not a “left or right” issue.

    …but it is hypocritical how the same people that call any kind of government regulation “Communism” and “Marxism” are the same people who are now calling on the government to regulate what people are allowed to do with their private property.

  11. They'reRight on July 15th, 2023 7:44 am

    I don’t live in Molino or even in the areas nearby, but I do live in the country, and I completely agree with these folks standing against this expansion. I think those who are for it are very much missing the bigger picture here. They speak about increasing tax revenue and adding jobs, but they’re obviously not paying attention to what is happening to the American economy. The dollar is dying, and with it will go the entire economical system of America. And it will hit bigger cities first and then smaller cities, which will all crumble to the ground. And THEN everyone from those places will try to run to the country looking to escape, looking for peace and protection. Make fun of “backwater” living all you want, but soon enough you’ll try to flee to God’s country to survive the inevitable demise of the almighty dollar.

  12. mnon on July 15th, 2023 7:42 am

    @Bob preserving your way of life is not a left or right issue it is a preservation issue and no one is begging the big government for anything here. We are telling big government and small-town government we don’t want this and will not accept it. Absolutely zero reason to turn Molino into a sprawl when there are still plenty of places around the Cantonment area still.

    I’d rather salt the Earth and make it useless or use it as an oil dump before project housing starts being built out here and that is exactly what this plan would be in 10 years a HUD housing project complex in disrepair.

  13. Curious on July 15th, 2023 7:42 am

    These envious comments about “big money” “fat cats “ are interesting. Who else do you think would invest in developing a community? It’s certainly not the backyard chicken brigade,

    I was born and raised in the area and lived there until my 30’s. I’ve been gone for 20 years. I return a couple times a year to visit family and until about five years ago thought I’d retire there. After living elsewhere and realizing how nice a community can be when it has the infrastructure and amenities that make life easier and more enjoyable and comparing that to the crumbling, dirty, unchanging place the Pensacola area and surrounding communities have become, I have no desire to return. I’m sorry, but Pensacola and company are much like when I grew up there in the 70’s and 80’s but worse. Just take a drive through most of the town and it’s depressing.

    In the end, selfish interests, including “country folk” who want to pause time and live in some imagined utopia cause the blight that is now NW FL.

  14. Robert Hudson on July 14th, 2023 6:04 pm

    Well read the commits, I believe the people have spoken, And they are not happy! We are country! And we like it that way. We live here for a reason. And No, we don’t need city people . We are good. Truly hope this is blocked.

  15. Bob on July 14th, 2023 5:16 pm

    I think it’s hilarious that so many people is Escambia county are scared of Boogeymen like “sOciALiSm” and “biG gOvErNmEnT”.

    …but as soon as a group of private companies start using free market capitalism in a way that inconveniences then, they start begging the government to save them.

  16. SRR on July 14th, 2023 5:11 pm

    I’ll spend my last breath and blood to keep our community from turning into Beulah or a sprawl. I’ll get every environmental group, green peace, and animal conservation group involved if I have to. That’s a promise.

  17. @ Elaine on July 14th, 2023 4:11 pm

    “….I moved out of pensacola 3 years ago.i thank God I did.escambia co is a scam.the people of molino stand your ground.”

    Like you did…. Thanks and bu bye

  18. Jim on July 14th, 2023 3:51 pm

    Just look Eastward 20 miles and see what has become of Santa Rosa County in just the past 20 years all under the name of progress. The growth just created more of a quagmire. Its not sustainable when the policy is to ask for forgiveness rather than permission. If we don’t learn from our mistakes we are surely damned to repeat them …again and again and again. Let’s leave
    something for the next generations.

  19. elaine on July 14th, 2023 3:00 pm

    I moved out of pensacola 3 years ago.i thank God I did.escambia co is a scam.the people of molino stand your ground.

  20. Daryl Timothy on July 14th, 2023 2:38 pm

    Well that’s what’s happening here in Ensley all this building has got to stop. God isn’t making any more dirt all these developments are doing is clear cutting all the trees and running all the wildlife out into.the surrounding properties where all the properties around the development has to contend with. Notwithstanding yhe drainage problems that come with all the building in the area. Escambia County can not keep up with the drainage problems and cannot fix the the problems left behind by the developer’s. My driveway and yard is flooding and washing out every time it rains.

  21. John Stanley on July 14th, 2023 2:29 pm

    It’s coming and you can’t stop it you can whine and you can cry about it but it’s coming just as sure as 30 years ago Beulah was a little hit town it’s now being overrun, when that big money starts waving that giant bag of money in front of them Farmers faces they’ll sell out they always do, it’s just the way it is to have you ever seen a city that didn’t expand outward in every direction? You can still live in the country you just going to have to move

  22. Jim Stanton on July 14th, 2023 2:15 pm

    John Conner, why don’t you come clean about who you really are. It’s sounds like you either work for the company that wants to build this subdivision or represent them. So tell us who you really are, if you have the backbone to.

  23. Anna on July 14th, 2023 1:54 pm

    John Conner….I think it is best for you to pack your bags and go live in a city that fits your lifestyle…like New York! Not us people that lives in Molino wants to have the city life…we want the country life. You also need to stop think about what it will do to our wildlife as well?! Why don’t the developers fix up some of the run down areas in Pensacola and make it a nice community….that is affordable and leave Molino alone?

  24. Susan. BARNES on July 14th, 2023 1:52 pm

    Mr.Conner shame om you were not stupid and we love living up here we choose this lifestyle that’d what we want we love living thus way we like being Way fro. People like you as for uou putting down Century I grew up in Bluff springs wouldn’t have traded my up bringing for the world you need to adk God’s forgiveness for acting like we’re nobody’s you Sir need a mouth washed out with soap I bet one of us hicks cou l d ablaze you

  25. Jimbo on July 14th, 2023 1:25 pm

    I can certainly appreciate people pulling together and having their voices heard. It is nice to see people in action outside of verbal forums. It is a small victory, but the reality is this, if that developer already owns that land, homes are a comin. He will go back and tweak it to comply some with a more rural community, but you can bet that they will be back with bulldozers. Even if the commissioners keep saying no to appease the masses, they will go to court and there, ownership and sound stewardship will win. Fight on and fight hard, but unless you buy more land, it is going to change. You are only living in a rural community because your neighbor who owns a lot of land allows it to be rural. When they decide to sell, it will all change. Yet, I really do like to see the activism.

  26. JJ on July 14th, 2023 1:19 pm

    John Conner
    Really,hunt from the road?
    You’re an idiot of unknown thoughts.
    Shoot a deer from the road and your next road trip is to the county jail or shot by the local land owner,ME.

  27. Marguritte Cook on July 14th, 2023 12:59 pm

    We don’t want all these people up in molino,traffic is bad enough,we all moved to molino to be in country like life,and hear all these people want to move in on us.and not only that the wild life land being taken away,they have no place to go and roam already.we need potions for all molino residents to sign.im sure we all would sign it.

  28. Robert Hudson on July 14th, 2023 12:56 pm

    No we don’t want your help. If we wanted to live in a city . We would. Lived in Pensacola for about 9 years. You can keep it. It’s not about what we want, It’s about the money they think they can make. They honestly do not care about us. Not every one who wants to help you out is your friend.I think the people have spoken. Best listen to them.

  29. Kane on July 14th, 2023 12:20 pm

    So, you want to complain about things like poor internet service, but you don’t want growth? Also isn’t this America where if you buy something you can do what you want with it because you know you own it? Buy the land yourselves and solve the problem.

  30. Bill T on July 14th, 2023 11:19 am

    @John Connor : I live in an area I love and own it lock stock and barrel!!! Now you got some people who know it all like you mr. Connor !!! Bottom line is apparently you want big business and lots of growth and revenue and taxes and everything bad so do everyone in the molino area a huge favor if you want to help MOVE AWAY From HERE And TAKE YOUR Opinions With You!!!!!!

  31. Pineywoods on July 14th, 2023 11:10 am

    All this did was let the developers, regroup and come up with a new plan and strategy. They already have plenty of money tied up in it and plenty more to inject into it

  32. Pat Sightler on July 14th, 2023 11:06 am

    My husband and I went downtown to the address given on the card we received in the mail, but the security guard there told us the meeting had been cancelled!! Where was the meeting held? How can we make sure we have correct information about future meetings?

    But thank you everyone who did attend!! We have lived in the area where the development is being planned for 30 years…we have seen and currently see several wildlife species that are on the endangered list. Birds on the endangered species frequently feed at our pond. There are also pitcher plants on this property. We need to get some environmental group involved to help save this wildlife habitat, but don’t know who is best to contact. Does anyone have any suggestions.

  33. Molino Miss on July 14th, 2023 11:05 am

    Thank you everyone that showed up for the meeting, there are many more of us that couldn’t be there that feel the same way.

  34. Wake up on July 14th, 2023 10:58 am

    Wake up.. There aren’t enough jobs available to support that many people.. So why would we build that many housing units? Think people..

  35. Bonnie Exner on July 14th, 2023 10:23 am

    I want to publicly thank WILLAM REYNOLDS and northescambia.com for presenting both sides of the issue here…my problem with the proposed development is the process in which it occurred…the original purchaser of the properties bought from the paper mill went bankrupt so Exit 3 purchased it in 2016..a Mater plan was approved in Aug 2021[ height of covid] put the general population was not made aware of the rezoning request unil mandatory signs were put on Hwy 196 only 2weeks before the scheduled hearing on July 13th. WHERE IS THE TRANSPARENCY IN GOVERNMENT HERE..ARE ELECTED REPRESENTATIVES ARE TO REPRESENT ALL THEIR CONSTITUENTS..THAT HAS NOT BEEN THE CASE HERE!

  36. WE got all we need in Molino on July 14th, 2023 10:07 am

    Looks like the South Florida Developer got to meet a few Molino citizens yesterday!! Welcome sir!! Soon Steven Steven Barry will too!!

  37. Charlotte on July 14th, 2023 10:06 am

    Dear John Connor, where do you live?? The people in Molino/Barrineau Park want to be able to do country living to the max. We DO NOT was to be like Miami, Pensacola, or any other places similar to them, because we LIKE to have yards for the kids and animals. NOT houses 5 feet apart on 1/4 acre. You obviously DON’T understand this concept of enjoying life after work or after retiring. What is wrong with wanting to keep things the way they are? Economic growth means crowded roads, crime, and other things people from Molino don’t want. We have a gas station and there unfortunately will be another one on Hwy 95A along with several hundred houses. We have Walmart in town and other places to shop. Why would we want these things in our town? I think you might need to move to South FL where you will be happier and will be able to ENJOY the ECONOMIC growth. Things are just fine here in Molino, we aren’t money-hungry or power-hungry so if you don’t like it here, MOVE. The rest of us will continue to fight for our way of life which is NOT a dump, but FREEDOM to live a happy life.

  38. knarf on July 14th, 2023 10:01 am

    This is just a cancer slowly heading north to the Alabama line. Eventually everything north of Molino will be part of a gigantic “growth is better” scheme for the big money people. Remember years ago when Pace, Pea Ridge and Milton was three distinct little towns? I do!!! Now they are just one solid growth area from the Escambia River to Blackwater River. That is what the future looks like for Northern Escambia County.
    Ever notice how the For Sale signs on large wooded areas have kind of disappeared?
    Looks like those areas purchased planning for future growth as the cancer creeps north. Sadly a rural way of life is slowly eroding away…

  39. Josh on July 14th, 2023 9:44 am

    This is crazy, the people who doesn’t want change need to fork out the cash and buy the land. If you can’t afford it then don’t complain when someone who can afford it wants to do whatever they want with it. Because the truth is that if and when they do build it’s gonna be the same folks complainings kids and family buying the house to live close by. Same thing with DG, no one wants them around but the parking lots stay full once they are built. I think Barry is doing a wonderful job and knows well enough what it takes to prosper. Don’t like it then get you a sign and wave and run for election!

  40. InwardJ on July 14th, 2023 9:40 am

    Hope everyone remembers this when the kids can’t find a job locally or affordable housing to start their adult life.

    Molino will turn into another Century in a few years. No jobs, kids turning to drugs, no housing.

  41. Concerned Citizen on July 14th, 2023 9:39 am

    Crying won’t help you, praying won’t do you no good
    No, crying won’t help you, praying won’t do you no good
    When the levee breaks, mama, you got to move, ooh

  42. City of Quintette on July 14th, 2023 9:36 am

    In order stop the development, north county residents will have to bring up more important issues than “the destruction of the country way of life”, crowing roosters disappearing, and the inability to shoot a gun in the area.

    But one issue that will stand out is the protection of the watershed’s tributary creeks and streams to the nearby Perdido River, as well as that areas rather substantial contribution to groundwater recharge to the Sand and Gravel Aquifer.

    There are no grants or land protection programs to preserve the “country way of life”, except for museum displays. But for watershed and groundwater recharge and protection… well, there’s the pathway to winning more than the battle.

  43. Duke of Wawbeek on July 14th, 2023 9:25 am

    @John Conner; where are you from; sir.

  44. Jlb on July 14th, 2023 9:19 am

    Can’t wait to see who Barry supports..his district or the developer. Just remember election are coming….

  45. The City of Quintette on July 14th, 2023 9:13 am

    I remember as a kid in 1969 when my father drove us on an old rural country road down in southwest Orange County. He pulled off the road near an old Florida cracker farmstead and house. He pointed east over the house and said, “There’s the new Walt Disney development over where that land is being bulldozed.” Today, the SR 429 tollway lies atop that road, surrounded by subdivisions, and shopping centers selling upscale clothes, gasoline, fast food, and mango smoothies.

    There is only one way to stop this, north county residents. The land has to be purchased by the government or a land trust, with the development rights have to be transferred elsewhere, and the land can then remain undeveloped in perpetuity.

    Otherwise, other’s comments are correct. The development will eventually be approved and will occur.

  46. Clark on July 14th, 2023 9:09 am

    I’m sure new developments would be better appreciated in all the empty lots interspersed among the gas stations and buildings we already have instead of making more fragmented forest lots out of intact space.

    That property is probably more expensive though due to being near things that already exist.

  47. John Connor on July 14th, 2023 8:36 am

    Everyone at that meeting doesn’t need a job. They are all likley retired. They don’t care about other generations being successful here in Escambia. They want their backwater no growth, abandoned buildings like Century and depressing area. They want Billy Bob in a big ole pick up truck to be able to hunt deer from the road. They want Escambia to be like rural Alabama just depressing.

  48. Jessica Lindley on July 14th, 2023 7:56 am

    I remember when we were all excited when we got that upgrade to the Tom Thumb in like 2009. We need a small medical center out here and not thousands of apartments. I understand that Pensacola and Santa Rosa are getting over crowded, but there ain’t many quiet spaces left.

  49. Mayor Pike on July 14th, 2023 7:55 am

    Wondering if some of the people worried about how their “Mayberry” will be changed by crime and criminal activity ever read NorthEscambia? Mayberry has the same issues as everywhere else when you pull back the curtain.

    Did we listen to the concerns of the original residents of this land? We shipped them to Oklahoma on a train.

    Once “I’m” in, close the door and keep everyone else out…How can a new resident to the area stand up and complain about others coming in?

    Growth is inevitable. Pensacola is restrained on 3 sides by water…the only place to go is north. A quality, well developed plan is needed.

    When I was a kid, my dad and a group of other used to dog hunt deer in the very areas where many of you now live in big fancy houses…what was pristine land, is now where your house sits.

    Don’t be hypocritical is all I’m saying.

  50. Once Fields of Dreams.. Now Tracks on July 14th, 2023 7:34 am

    Talk all you want….. In the end it’s big money that will get the prize… Build it; they will come”

  51. John Connor on July 14th, 2023 6:24 am

    I think everyone at that meeting that opposed this is selfish. The economic benefit from this development out weighs you wanting this to stay country. Plus they even added a 4 lane parkway that goes north and south. This will also bring other development and jobs and boost that commerce park up there. Growth has to come or Escambia County will fail. To say there isn’t any country left in Escambia county is laughable. Go to walnut hill and or Century they can be your backwater haven.

  52. John Connor on July 14th, 2023 6:15 am

    This is why Escambia is a hot mess because the old guard complain about growth, complain about upgrading/ expanding roadways. They lived here since the 80s and when something positive that will bring growth and tax revenue to Escambia they cry. They sit there and while about it not being country. Well we are moving away from being a backwater dump and joining the other Florida counties with actual job growth. Yes it involves Molino growing for the better. It is because of you old retired stubborn people that there isn’t more incorporated towns with a police force to help Escambia county Sheriff. All the issues we have is because of the likes of you that came out to.that meeting wanting Escambia County to turn down jobs and tax revenue so you can feel like it’s a backwater country dump. * Like Century!

  53. Rodney Bradley on July 14th, 2023 5:31 am

    I agree I am from Walnut Hill, FL NOT far from this area, I basically grew up passing through that area. Leave it alone. Fix the roads and develop the schools and assist those residents in upgrades to their existing life styles.

  54. Zee Bart on July 14th, 2023 4:40 am

    I am so glad that the residents have spoken. We have to fight these fat cats..like the woman said…you cannot take away our country lifestyle!
    Props to you ma’am…