Two Atmore Men Arrested In Monday Murder Of Man Driving Near Pace

June 22, 2023

Two Atmore men have been arrested for a fatal shooting Monday evening in Pace.

Joseph Liebe, 24, was in the area of Wallace Lake Road off Quintette Road and was shot while driving away. His vehicle crashed into a nearby wooded area.

James Jacobey Quartise, 20, is charged with first degree murder, and Marcus Terel Dickinson, 29, is charged with second degree murder. They are being held in the Escambia County (AL) Detention Center in Brewton awaiting extradition back to Santa Rosa County. SRSO investigators have traveled to Brewton to interview the suspects.

Santa Rosa County Sheriff Bob Johnson said Thursday morning that a definite motive is not known, but investigators believe it was a robbery. Johnson said there was no evidence of any drug activity, but it is believed the suspects had some sort of contact with Liebe earlier in the day and knew he might be been carrying money.

Shortly after the murder, deputies received a basic description of the suspect vehicle as a maroon Tahoe. That vehicle was later traced to Atmore, where search warrants were served on the vehicle and at the residences of both suspects.

Johnson said that social media rumors that this was some sort of gang activity are not true.

“There is no gang activity,” the sheriff said. “We don’t have any evidence to link this to gang activity.”

Johnson thanked the Atmore Police Department and the Escambia County (AL) Sheriff’s Office, including Sheriff Heath Jackson, for their assistance.


13 Responses to “Two Atmore Men Arrested In Monday Murder Of Man Driving Near Pace”

  1. Bob on June 25th, 2023 6:01 pm

    @Felt the sting

    I’ve known several people who were victims of physical abuse who grew up to be upstanding citizens. That doesn’t make child abuse good.

    I’ve known several people who grew up with a parent who was an addict who grew up to be upstanding citizens. That doesn’t mean having an addict for a parent is good.

    I’ve known several people who grew up in a household where they were spanked any time they said/did anything their parents didn’t like who grew up to be upstanding citizens. That doesn’t mean spanking kids is good.

    Crime is a complex topic with multiple contributing factors, and pursuing simple solutions like “just hit kids more” is counterproductive.

  2. Bag on June 25th, 2023 10:22 am

    Pure evil !!!! What has happened to our community. No matter the punishment it won’t bring this young man back. Praying for family and friends. Thanks to all LEO invoked for solving.

  3. Concerned Parent on June 25th, 2023 9:36 am

    I know the younger young man and his family. He had excellent upbringing with discipline, mentors, church family, coaches, and so many more positive influencers. He was NEVER a child that was disrespectful or one who was in trouble. He was a great example to other young men. Unfortunately, when we raise our children to the best of our ability, with God as the head of our lives, in sports to develop teamwork and respect for others and with spankings full of love and corrections, once they leave the house, the outside world has even a greater influence. They have to learn to fit it with others, some who are like them and some who are different while trying to maintain balance with the foundations of home. I support spankings coupled with having conversations before and after the spankings for clear understanding of the actions that caused the reaction. As a concerned parent, we must vamp up what we talk to our children about. We need to introduce them to real-life scenarios they might and will face outside of the home. Perhaps we can keep them safer when they walk into the ill-structured world call life. My heart goes out to all families hurt and torn by these yiung men’s actions. They must be held accountable. God we need you. It takes a VILLAGE!

  4. Felt the sting! on June 25th, 2023 8:51 am

    Your “solution” is EXACTLY what has caused these types of problems to manifest themselves. I’ll bet you advocate for a “time out”. I got my butt lit up on many an occasion and I also have spanked all 4 of my kids when they were youngsters. ALL of us have grown into productive, respectful citizens of society! It’s evident that a lot of kids and even some younger parents sure could’ve used a spanking or two!

  5. Bob on June 24th, 2023 10:32 pm


    No. It is not illegal to spank your child. CPS isn’t removing kids from abusive households because their parents used physical punishment.

    That said, if you can’t discipline your child without hitting them, then maybe you should take a class or something to try to be a better parent.

  6. Charlotte Bates on June 24th, 2023 11:42 am

    Nikki. Thank you for your wonderful comment. I hesitated to comment, cause I felt I would get a lot of hate responses. But the truth, sometimes, is hard to face.

  7. Nikki on June 23rd, 2023 9:39 pm

    @Charlotte Bates I wanna shake your hand and give you a hug, I as a mother cannot stress that enough, parents are so scared to correct and spank their kids because of that and I wanna thank you for saying what a lot of us think and feel!

  8. Charlotte Bates on June 23rd, 2023 5:24 pm

    When I was growing up, I had spankings, with the hand, a switch, a belt, or a paddle. Or I had to sit in a corner. I learn respect and what was right and what was wrong. Then the government steps in and says you can’t spank your kid or correct them, cause it’s child abuse. I am not talking about down and out beatings, that is child abuse. So now, a parent will go to jail if they spank, or correct their child, so they let the child do what he wants, which has become kids growing up into adults, and have no respect for anything, not even a human life. JMO.

  9. Dylan on June 23rd, 2023 7:19 am

    Im glad they were caught. I hope they get what they deserve.

  10. EMD on June 22nd, 2023 9:49 pm

    How sad. Is anyone out there sick through and through with all the evil that is going on in our world? We have always had crime, but I do not ever remember crime to the degree we see now every day. Such evil. Has hell thrown up onto the earth? Or do people just do not believe that there is a GOD that sees all this? If people do not repent ( a teaching rarely heard now days) and turn to Him, will we soon just destroy our own selves?

  11. Soobee on June 22nd, 2023 8:46 pm

    I agree. Why?? This seems like a senseless killing. Thank you to ANYONE who stepped in to assist with descriptions, details, etc. If you see something, say something. We are the extra eyes that law enforcement needs to solve these types of situations. Rest in peace young man.

  12. Me on June 22nd, 2023 6:14 pm

    Why would you do harm to this guy?

  13. Tyler lentz on June 22nd, 2023 12:32 pm

    Thank u for all your hard work on finding these low life worthless criminals Joey or anybody don’t deserve to get shot at and killed especially this young man that had a life ahead of him justice will be served on these criminals from all of us at his work thank u