Speed Limit Lowered On Schaag, Green Hills Roads; New Weight Limit On Schaag

June 11, 2023

Escambia County has lowered the speed limits on Green Hills Road in Cantonment and Schaag Road in Molino , and imposed a new weight restriction on Schaag.

On the entirety of Schaag Road, the speed limit has been reduced from 40 mph to 35 mph.

A truck weight restriction of 10,500 pounds was also implemented on Schaag Road from Highway 196 to Highway 95A. There is an exception for trucks servicing or having business in the area.

The speed limit was also lowered from 35 mph to 25 mph on Green Hills Road between Pine Forest Road and Stefani Road.

NorthEscambia.com file photo.


5 Responses to “Speed Limit Lowered On Schaag, Green Hills Roads; New Weight Limit On Schaag”

  1. Yknot Benice on June 14th, 2023 11:15 am

    Called and County has already fixed the patch.
    Good people. Don’t be so hard on those folks. They have a thankless job.

  2. ScHaag Road Changes on June 12th, 2023 1:23 pm

    My Point of View-
    If attention was not given to 40mph, 35mph will not be observed either.
    “A truck weight restriction of 10,500 pounds was also implemented on ScHaag Road from Highway 196 to Highway 95A. There is an exception for trucks servicing or having business in the area.” – This seems a bit absurd. Maybe the weight limit is to preserve the recent paving – needlessly. The Square Cut Out at the bridge alone will take care of the beauty over time. My rig weighs upward of 24,000lbs but I do not cross the bridge for that reason – Thoughtful thinking looking at the structure. However, it does nothing to keep Heavy vehicles from doing so. Typical Brown UPS truck weighs upward of 20,000lbs.
    Putting out garbage cans and having “Near Misses” means neither driver nor person on foot was paying attention – had nothing to do with speed of travel. Lots of people walk or jog this road that pay attention from my personal experiences. I come over to the opposite lane to pass, when oncoming traffic is not present. It’s just Common Courtesy and it protects me if they trip, fall or dart out accidentally or purposeful. As far as the Speed Bumps, those are normally a maximum of 500 feet apart and are designed to keep traffic 10mph and under. The Speed Humps are not as tall but are longer and designed to keep traffic under 15mph. Either way you go, someone is going to cross and race to the next one and this really does nothing to adhere to the speed limit.

  3. JJ on June 11th, 2023 4:53 pm

    Bill, i asked for speed bumps when they repaved the road. OR AT LEAST RAMBLE STICKS ALL THE WAY ACROSS THE ROAD. was told couldnt have speed bumps above 35mph zones

  4. Bill Millet on June 11th, 2023 12:02 pm

    I have head several near misses on Schaag Rd placing my garbage cans on road side. The only way the speed limit (35 mph) on Schaag Rd will ever be enforced would be to place speed bumps on this road. It’s not unusual to have vehicles at a high rate of speed on the South end of this road. It’s not a race track, please slow down!

  5. SunrisePhoto on June 11th, 2023 10:51 am

    I find it interesting the county took the time to drive down Schaag to change the signs, yet either the county, FPL or another contractor cut a 2 foot by 4 foot section out of the north side of the east-west part of Schaag 9 months ago and the county has done nothing to fix this. This happened after the county spent a bunch of money to mill and resurface Schaag. It seemed to correspond with a power outage/tree across the lines that happened at that creek during a similiar time period, which is why I suspect FPL. Maybe Steve Barry can drive by there and get someone to fix it before Schaag is ruined.