No Arrests In Triple Shooting Last Week At Cantonment Park

June 3, 2023

There have been no arrests made in the shooting of three people last Saturday night during a “May Day”gathering in Cantonment.

The victims were two females both age 18 and a 21-year old male. The Escambia County Sheriff’s Office said all three were transported to the hospital with injuries that were not life threatening.

The shootings were reported about 9:10 p.m.  in the area of Carver Park on Webb Street where the suspect opened fire into a crowd, striking the victims. The event was not sanctioned or approved by the community association that manages the park or Escambia County Parks and Recreation.

The Sheriff’s Office estimated about 2,000 people were in attendance. None of the bystanders provided witness information to deputies.

Anyone with information on the shootings is asked to contact the Escambia County Sheriff’s Office at (850) 436-9620 or call Gulf Coast Crime Stoppers at (850) 433-STOP. file photo.


9 Responses to “No Arrests In Triple Shooting Last Week At Cantonment Park”

  1. Jcellops on June 4th, 2023 8:46 am

    Crime Stoppers is all good and well.. but, with the young age of most of the estimated 2,000 attendees, it’s going to take a significant $$ reward to motivate someone to speak up. It’s just a miracle that no one died. Why this huge gathering occurred with NO authorization totally baffles me. Someone in the chain of command obviously dropped the ball. Will we ever find out? No doubt, there will be liability ramifications from the victim’s families. DHG is spot on. If the crowd knew that there were security cameras, (posted video surveillance signs) this may not have even happened.

  2. M M on June 3rd, 2023 8:01 pm

    In my opinion – some of the bystanders know who the shooter is. They are not getting involved so therefore remaining silent.

  3. David Huie Green on June 3rd, 2023 6:40 pm

    Perhaps set up cross recording poles with cameras and recorders for neutral, honest, unbiased video and audio. They are public events, not protected by privacy concerns.

    Even so, require a court order to view and listen to the recordings .
    David for technofixes

  4. Wait a minute on June 3rd, 2023 5:29 pm

    So an unsanctioned event at a county (?) property ends in shooting victims and disruption of county roads and private businesses? Isn’t there a process for approving this type of use of this facility? If not, why not?

    There’s no way that 2000 people should be gathering at county(?) facilities without being required to maintain security, insurance, and traffic control. If it was an impromptu gathering, it should have been shut down before it got out of hand.

    Escambia County Commission needs to address deficiencies in the use of this park.

  5. Beth on June 3rd, 2023 12:03 pm

    The crowd was massive at the Racetrack and created traffic issues on 29 as well. Where were authorities? Why was it allowed? They may never find the shooters as well.

  6. MQ on June 3rd, 2023 11:52 am

    People are probably afraid to say anything g for fear of retaliation.
    But, I think they could call an anonymous tip line?
    I hope the shooter gets is found.

  7. NPC on June 3rd, 2023 11:31 am

    Same type of event, same story, same result. Improvements begin with proper diagnosis of problems, which aids in determining a proper solution.

  8. just a fact on June 3rd, 2023 9:17 am

    2000 people’ one would think someone would have seen the shooter.

  9. Chris on June 3rd, 2023 7:14 am

    2,000 people. Nobody saw anything?