Grateful To God: Deputy Swept Under Highway By Floodwaters Recounts His Story

June 28, 2023

An Escambia County deputy is thanking God for saving him after he was swept under a highway by raging floodwaters on June 16.

As torrential rain fell, Deputy William Hollingsworth was on patrol along Highway 98 where there was a lot of flooding and stranded vehicles. Deputies were stopping to check on motorists, going car to car to make sure no one was in danger.

He found a woman inside a vehicle with an open passenger door; she said her male passenger got out.

That man was Davis Boss. He was helping another person with their nearby submerged vehicle.

“I went over to kind of shout and talk to him from across the road because the water was between us,” Hollingworth said. “I wondered if he could make his way to me, and we kind of started going towards each other, and then he was wading.

“Then he started swimming, and then he just disappeared under the surface. I went to where I saw him go under, and I jumped in. And that’s when I found out why he disappeared so quickly under the surface. The suction on the drain culvert was very strong and grabbed me by the legs and pulled me in.

“At first I thought, I’m in trouble, this is pretty bad. I kept the presence of mind to not try to stop myself, not that I could anyway just because of how fast the water was going I just kind of let it take me. And just hope and pray that it’s going to spit me out somewhere where there was some air. I just just tried to remain calm and hold my breath.”

In reality, Hollingsworth was underwater for about 30 seconds as he traveled about 100 feet under Highway 98. But it seemed more like an eternity.

“It did not not feel good being in the dark, underwater, underground.”

Hollingsworth emerged to see David a short distance away. Neither was injured.

“We were both shaken up definitively, but very grateful that God saw us through that. I’m always grateful to God for the things that he has given me, particularly a wonderful family that I get to see again. I was just extra thankful for my life that night.”

Hollingsworth has not yet watched the whole video all the way through, calling it “surreal”.

“I am just thankful that we both made it out okay. That fact that David was out there helping somebody else whenever I saw him – I think that says a lot about Escambia County residents. They are willing to help each other out whatever calamities happen.

“Two strangers willing to get out in the elements and help each other.”

The bodycam video is available on the Facebook page.


4 Responses to “Grateful To God: Deputy Swept Under Highway By Floodwaters Recounts His Story”

  1. Ima1037 on June 28th, 2023 7:50 pm


  2. Diddle on June 28th, 2023 10:51 am

    PRAISE GOD! for men like these two.

  3. Duke of Wawbeek on June 28th, 2023 9:36 am

    Tender Mercies of the Lord.

  4. Beach Boy on June 28th, 2023 9:00 am

    So very thankful that God had you by the hand and brought you out of that scary situation. I too have been in turbulent water and can identify with being held under water for a short period of time which seems like eternity. As a surfer for more that 60 years, I’ve been held under the crashing waves in complete darkness not knowing if I’m right side up or upside down, wondering if I’ll ever make it to the surface.
    There is a picture of Jesus standing on top of the water and His hand is reaching through the water to pull us to the surface. I’m always thankful that He is there to help me in times of trouble. Thank you Jesus.
