Convicted Sex Offender Found Guilty On Federal Charges For Viewing Child Porn At His Business

June 30, 2023

A convicted sex offender has been convicted on federal charges for viewing child porn on a smart TV.

Following a three day trial, 58-year old Frank Paul Knight was found guilty of receiving and possessing images and videos of child pornography. Sentencing is currently set for September 25 at the U.S. Courthouse in Pensacola before the Honorable United States District Judge M. Casey Rodgers. Based on his prior child pornography convictions, Knight faces a minimum mandatory sentence of 15 years in federal prison, with a maximum of 40 years.

“Protecting innocent children from sexual predators remains one of our highest priorities,” said U.S. Attorney Coody. “I commend our law enforcement partners and prosecutors who work diligently to identify these predators and bring them to justice so that they no longer have the opportunity to exploit any child again. Due to their efforts, our community is safer, and this repeat offender is exactly where he belongs – back behind bars.”

Between October 1, 2018, and October 12, 2022, Knight received, and attempted to receive, material containing child pornography. Also, between September 1, 2021, and October 12, 2022, Knight possessed, and attempted to possess, material containing child pornography. Knight is a previously convicted federal sex offender for similar crimes spanning 2002 – 2009. He served over six years in federal prison for those crimes but was released in 2015.

On October 5, 2022, one of the U.S. probation officers who was supervising Knight conducted a random check at Knight’s place of business and discovered electronic devices that had not been reported by Knight to his supervising officer.

On October 11, 2022, with the assistance of the Florida Department of Law Enforcement, the United States Probation Office seized additional electronic devices at Knight’s location that he also had not reported.

At that time, a smart TV was located in Knight’s personal living area within the business, which consisted of a small living room area and a connected bedroom. All the accounts on the Smart TV were logged in under Knight’s name and email address, and the browser history revealed child pornography websites had been recently accessed.

Investigators interviewed six of Knight’s employees. All of them stated they knew about Knight’s personal space, but none of them used the space or the television.

The electronic devices that were seized were analyzed by forensics examiners with the Department of Homeland Security, and numerous images and videos of child pornography were located on multiple seized devices. The devices all contained Knight’s login information, email accounts, credit card accounts, photographs, and other identifying information belonging to Knight. The devices also contained browser history searches and link files for child pornography dating back to 2018.

“This convicted felon once again showed no respect for the law by possessing child sexual abuse materials while on probation,” said HSI Tallahassee Assistant Special Agent in Charge Nicholas G. Ingegno. “Thanks to the vigilance of the North Florida Internet Crimes Against Children Task Force, the U.S. Probations Office, and the Florida Department of Law Enforcement, this repeat offender will now be behind bars, making our communities safer for our children.”


4 Responses to “Convicted Sex Offender Found Guilty On Federal Charges For Viewing Child Porn At His Business”

  1. Beth on July 3rd, 2023 10:49 am

    All child molesters should get death penalty! They NEVER CHANGE!!

  2. Creep on June 30th, 2023 6:18 pm

    No personal space for this sicko. He needs to spend time in gen-pop so they can show him how some of those poor kids felt. He had his chance to straighten up but his sick mind didn’t accept it. No amount of therapy in the world can fix this demented fool.

  3. San Antonio on June 30th, 2023 1:18 pm

    what does a fully grown human being see in a innocent child.. . I AM so happy that he is going to spend the rest of his life behind bars where he needs to be, can even process the thought of it!!! LORD LET YOU WIL BE DONE!!

  4. Susie on June 30th, 2023 9:35 am

    Give him some personal living space in an 8X8 cell without access to electronics. Maybe he will figure out what a creep he is and beg God’s forgiveness.