Slayton Discusses His Political Future, Superintendent’s Future, Sales Tax At Town Hall

May 9, 2023

Escambia County School Board District 5 member Bill Slayton and Superintendent Dr. Tim Smith held a town hall Monday night at Tate High School.

Slayton discussed his political future, the future of the superintendent, sales tax and enrollment capacity during the meeting.

Slayton said since 2008, the district has spent about $90 million in half cent monies in District 5 for improvements and new construction, including the current Ernest Ward Middle School and Kingsfield Elementary.

“That school is running approximately 900 elementary students, so the question is what are we going to do next,” he said about Kingsfield Elementary. “We are looking; we are talking. We are seeing what we have to do.”

“Tate High School is closed for students to transfer into. They began the year at almost 2,200,” he said. The only pending upgrade for Tate he mentioned was covers for an outdoor eating space by the cafeteria to increase student use.

An audience member questioned if Slayton, who was first elected in 2008, will seek another term in 2024.

“That’s a question that my wife and I have discussed. I can’t give you the concrete answer tonight. Hang on until it’s election time,” he said. “I’ll let you know.”

He was a bit more decisive when asked about his continued support to retain Smith.

“I believe that you have to give people time to do the job. Nobody can walk in and do it, and turn everything around immediately,” he said. “You have to learn as you go, and you are learning on the job. There’s no other way to learn as a superintendent except become a superintendent…As long as I am in office, my intentions are to keep supporting the superintendent because that is what the team ought to be doing and that’s what the school board voted to do. ”

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13 Responses to “Slayton Discusses His Political Future, Superintendent’s Future, Sales Tax At Town Hall”

  1. straightshooter on May 9th, 2023 9:42 pm

    Don’t forget Slayton voted to keep milage the same with property values going up which is a tax increase.

  2. John Bone Jones on May 9th, 2023 3:46 pm

    @Green Rocket, I agree…. taking jobs away from people to save a buck isn’t the way forward for society, imo

  3. T on May 9th, 2023 12:55 pm

    “As long as I am in office, my intentions are to keep supporting the superintendent because that is what the team ought to be doing and that’s what the school board voted to do. ”
    There is reason enough to vote Slayton out of office. Smith is nothing but a yes man.

  4. just go on May 9th, 2023 11:58 am

    Slayton gets elected because there’s never anyone to run against him. The way politics is run now nobody wants there lives put under a microscope to be tossed publicly under a bus so he runs……and repeats every time. Hightower really never gets a challenge either so we get what they throw at us. Smith is horribly underqualified from experience to handle these duties and and needed time with a mentor of sorts to help him “learn” the school district a bit. He is probably a decent enough person, but decent people often are horrible “leaders” It’s not his fault that warrington is a failure, it’s not his fault that teachers are leaving the district as fast as they can be hired. A LOT of what is happening is NOT his fault but he is now the sacrificial pawn. Look deeper at the school board and you might be able to find where some fault lies. Think about it on the next election cycle…….or don’t. That’s why we have a now “appointed” school superintendent, so we got what we voted for.

  5. Green Rocket on May 9th, 2023 11:50 am

    If the current superintendent supports AI (Artificial Intelligence), or Mr. Slayton has the same feelings; I cannot support either of them. This idea (AI) cuts many jobs for teachers.

  6. Another thought on May 9th, 2023 11:50 am

    Close Northview as a high school.

    Build a new high school complex in Molino.

    Move Northview students and some of Tate’s northern district into the new Molino High School.

    Change Northview to a second middle or elementary school for the area.

    Problems solved for the current period as well as for future growth.

  7. Jean S Wiggins on May 9th, 2023 11:20 am

    The meeting format was nothing like I thought it would be. Much time was spent showing a video of school system goals, hearing about Mr. Slayton’s and Mr. Leonard’s tenure at Tate High School, and promoting the half cent sales tax. If this was a necessary part of a town hall meeting so be it, but then the ending time of the meeting time should have been extended to better address all the many questions raised.

    We were asked to write our questions on note cards. I do understand this procedure helps expedite the meeting; however, this limited the discussion and my written question was totally misinterpreted. On the card, I recalled a particular problematic bus situation and asked had Mr. Slayton personally seen the number of students on a particular bus, a bus route that had been brought to his attention earlier in the school year. The cards were divided up between Mr. Slayton, Dr. Smith, and Mr. Leonard. Dr. Smith responded to my card by explaining how busses have trunk routes and students are picked up at specific locations. This answer was generic and not a specific response to my specific question. And I wonder why Mr. Slayton did not respond. After the meeting I did tell the superintendent that my question was not answered and he told me to forward to him the email that was sent to Mr. Slayton back in September.

    This comment is not meant to ridicule any public school employees or public servants. They do have demanding jobs. But attention to the details of the concerns of our teachers and parents are an important component of the improvement of our students’ education. I do not think the town hall meeting was successful from this aspect.

    In case you are wondering why a bus issue was brought up at a town hall meeting at the end of a school year, it is because all other avenues within the school system have been exhausted and no solutions have been provided by anyone.

  8. John Bone Jones on May 9th, 2023 9:35 am

    @Do Better… such hyperbole. This ship will continue on like it always has.

  9. Eric M on May 9th, 2023 9:11 am

    Politics aside, Mr. Slayton has helped me out a few times when I had issues with a couple of schools. He was always one phone call or email away. I can’t say the outcomes were always in my (child’s) favor, but I’ve always respected people in elected positions that take the time to serve their constituents. I don’t know much about him other than he was always willing to help.

  10. Just Saying on May 9th, 2023 8:41 am

    Slayton lost our confidence and our votes a few years back when he made it clear that he doesn’t feel parents should have a say in what their children are being taught in “OUR” schools. He feels he, and the other board members opinions are all that matters.

    I told you back then Billy I would do my part to see you voted out and I am a man of my word! I encourage all NEN readers to check out this man’s voting record before you vote to re-elect him! You, nor your opinion seem to matter to him! He only cares about “our” money and what he can spend it on. Case and point, He voted to take away “our” (all 200k+of us) ability to elect a superintendent ourselves and put it the hands of 5 board members. We need our right to vote to be respected, not removed!

    See you at the polls Billy!

  11. Oversight on May 9th, 2023 7:29 am

    Whoopee for the behind the eight ball building plan of two schools in 15 years. One to replace a dysfunctional building from the 1940’s. And the other, it is not big enough to handle the fastest growing area in the county. Now top that off with providing a walker and training wheels for the new super hired to run the district. LOL! Now we know why Slayton ducked and dodged his way into dead last for a town hall.

  12. Do Better on May 9th, 2023 6:59 am

    I’m sorry, Mr. Slayton, but blindly supporting someone not capable of doing the job because “y’all” voted for him is absolutely insane. You don’t place someone into a position such as superintendent to “learn as you go”; instead, hire someone with experience with the role of a superintendent, the ability, and common sense to do the job. Right now, Escambia County taxpayers are paying Dr. Tim Smith “to learn”….umm sounds like he needs to be placed into an internship role to learn rather than making him captain to sink our ship.

  13. Jason on May 9th, 2023 1:12 am

    Slayton – and Patty Hightower – both need to give taxpayers and forego any additional time in office. Neither have missed an opportunity to reach deeper into taxpayer pockets for “new money” to fund ever-growing budgets. New growth should be what funds higher budgets and not increasing tax rates to every year.

    Slayton wont get my vote should he choose to run again. I hope others in District 5 will also say no to another term for him. These “would-be lifers” are prime reason why those who choose to serve should have term limits and only limited benefits while serving.