Molino Man Prefiles For Escambia School Board District 5

May 20, 2023

A Molino man is the first person to prefile for the District 5 seat on the Escambia County School Board.

Scott Taylor prefiled Friday with the Escambia County Supervisor of Elections.


13 Responses to “Molino Man Prefiles For Escambia School Board District 5”

  1. Raider on May 23rd, 2023 12:13 pm

    Not that I speak for all of District 5, but there are many in this district who believe that God directed and guided our United States to the greatness we have achieved – “In God We Trust”. With that said, we are losing ground daily and have lost our focus on God. Things like gender confusion, pornography, and ignoring Biblical teachings that our country was founded, is disturbing. There is debatable issues that are worthy of discussion, but there are basic fundamentals that are not debatable, e.g., male/female identification, sexual perversion. We need leaders that are enforcing basic fundamentals that will help our kids become good God fearing people. Folks, teaching kids that men can become women or vice verse and delivering these type messages in our school literature is wrong – wake up parents, this is evil stuff.

  2. Flo on May 21st, 2023 4:30 pm

    Need new blood on the school board.

  3. Donnie D on May 21st, 2023 3:30 pm

    District 5 needs you. Thank you Mr. Taylor for prefiling. You have my vote.

  4. Julie on May 21st, 2023 3:07 pm

    I will vote for him!!!! Slayton needs out!!!!

  5. Scott Taylor on May 21st, 2023 10:42 am

    Thank You Momof3. I greatly appreciate it.

  6. Momof3 on May 20th, 2023 8:45 pm

    Scott Taylor, I am glad to hear that you weren’t the same one. I was concerned for our area. My 3 have gone to school in District 5 for most of their education. Good luck in your endeavor.

  7. Scott Taylor on May 20th, 2023 6:51 pm


    I am the candidate Scott Taylor. I have never been associated with, employed by, or through Hendrix in any way. I am currently a dump truck driver for a local construction company here in Escambia County.

    My wife and I live in District 5 and have children who attend school in District 5. This is why I am running for office. I want to make a positive difference for all children in Escambia County. I believe It’s time for Less Talk and More Action.

  8. Momma of 3 on May 20th, 2023 5:21 pm

    Momof3 no it’s a different Scott Taylor!

  9. Willis on May 20th, 2023 4:23 pm

    Momof3 seems to be seeing the picture.
    The choices we have….

  10. Momof3 on May 20th, 2023 3:20 pm

    Would this be the same Scott Taylor that was president of Hendrix Lawn and Cycle??

  11. Momma of 3 on May 20th, 2023 11:35 am

    The way this county is going with their educational policies we need someone who is willing to be the voice of everyone north of Cantonment! Life does surely exist north of Cantonment and we do have voices now to get them heard! I will surely vote for this guy!

  12. Beach Boy on May 20th, 2023 9:02 am

    P.S. Now if we can just get someone in District 2 to run and win against Patty Hightower!!!!

  13. Beach Boy on May 20th, 2023 8:52 am

    If I lived in District 5, I would SURELY vote for you. No hard feelings…but anybody has to be better than Bill Slayton. I’ve known Bill since the 80’s and he has turned 180 degrees since then.