Walnut Hill Man Charged With Allegedly Hitting Juvenile Girl With A Rubber Hose

April 4, 2023

A Walnut Hill man has been charged with allegedly beating a juvenile female with a rubber hose.

Matthew Connor Williams, 32, was charged with felony child abuse without great bodily harm domestic violence related. He was released from the Escambia County Jail Tuesday night on a $15,000 bond.

The victim told deputies that she became angry during an argument with her mother over attending a gender reveal party, and the victim said she punched a hole in the wall of her room, according to an arrest report. The victim said she heard Williams enter the residence slamming doors, at which time she knew he on his way to her. She stated that she sat on her bed with a knife in her hand for protection but at no time did she threaten Williams with the knife, the report continues. Before Williams entered her room, she started recording a video with her phone that was hidden under her pillow.

According to the Escambia County Sheriff’s Office, the video did not show anything that took place, but it had audio with a girl screaming and “what sounded like her being hit with an object”. A male voice then said “let go of the hose and ‘I will beat you every day’,” the arrest report states.

Williams told deputies that the girl had been arguing with her mother and punched holes in her wall. She stated that Williams entered her room to find her holding a knife, at which time he struck multiple times with a rubber hose because of the knife.

Deputies noted multiple bruises and welts on the girl’s legs and one on her wrist, ranging from four to eight inches long and consistent with being struck by a rubber hose, ECSO said.

Deputies located the hose, which the girl confirmed was the one used in the alleged beating, and it was seized as evidence.


23 Responses to “Walnut Hill Man Charged With Allegedly Hitting Juvenile Girl With A Rubber Hose”

  1. Seriously?! on April 7th, 2023 11:54 am

    To Joy: Seriously?!! Abuse is abuse! Hitting is never necessary, on ANY part of the body!!! Your comment disgusts me almost as much as this incident! I fear for our children whose parents advocate abuse as “correcting” or “puttting back in place.” So damn sad.

  2. Tammy on April 6th, 2023 11:17 pm

    Sounds like this or much worse has happened to the girl before, and this time she was prepared. And her punching holes in the wall, she’s probably seen that done before, sounds like they all need counseling. Glad he was arrested… maybe mom and daughter will get the help they need…

  3. Duke of Wawbeek on April 6th, 2023 9:52 am

    Past time to go.

  4. Joy on April 5th, 2023 8:04 am

    God gave children extra padding on their butts, he didn’t on their arms, legs, and backs. When a parent cannot stop in the middle of a spanking and put a child back in place to ensure they spank only the child’s butt, the parent is spanking out of anger and not discipline! Children will move during a spanking, it’s just what they do and you probably would too! But parents who cannot stop themselves from hitting a child AT ANY point, is spanking out of anger and that’s abuse!

  5. Sheila hubbird on April 5th, 2023 4:33 am

    The age of this “child” has not been disclosed..
    Punching holes in walls because they can not attend a party..maybe there behavior prevents them from being allowed extra activities. I would have spanked my kids ass and made them repair the holes that they put in my walls.
    Holding a knife, have to wonder if that’s a first..kud definitely needs discipline, not coddling.
    Parents seem to be overwhelmed, if both have to take such a harsh response. Wonder what this “childs” school record looks like, any disciplinary problems there or just at home.
    Social services need to dive deep into this case.

  6. L. L. P. on April 4th, 2023 3:30 pm

    Ok first, none of us know what has and was going on. Second why would this child have a knife on her……. Third, again none know what was going on before and when this happened. Both were in the wrong…. So, opinions are like butt whole some have two…… Just very sad that any of this happened. For all involed will be praying for the whole family.

  7. RWA on April 4th, 2023 2:40 pm

    Sounds like they both have anger issues that need to be dealt with. Counseling seems to be needed on both sides. Growing up I certainly wouldn’t have argued with my mother or father to that degree and damaged walls or anything else. I appreciated the fact I had basic necessities provided to me plus extras. Some kid’s don’t seem to appreciate that anymore but feel they are entitled. My parents also wouldn’t have used a hose on me. Fly swatter maybe, no hose.

  8. Steve on April 4th, 2023 2:24 pm

    Holes in a wall can be fixed. Stop being hung up on that. The child CHILD is a direct result of her parents. The outburst did not just happen, its been brewing long before. Sounds like the parent had no clue how to handle this situation and took it too far.

    To the people defending this guy… Skeletons…

  9. Pam on April 4th, 2023 1:37 pm

    Gee, when my teenager put a hole in his bedroom door, all I did was make him fix the hole.

  10. Bewildered on April 4th, 2023 1:05 pm

    Poor mom! She’ll have her hands full raising that girl. Why guys get tangled up in these situations beats me – hope he learned his lesson.

  11. David on April 4th, 2023 12:41 pm

    Just trying to look beyond the obvious, but it seems like deeper problems exists which brought this family to this terrible point. None of us know all of the facts except what has been reported in the news. To me, this whole family needs our prayers and much counseling without finger pointing at just any of one of the people. Just my two cents worth.

  12. Local man on April 4th, 2023 12:03 pm

    Whew todays kids couldn’t survive back in the day . We got whipped with whatever was convenient and near by . I can not remember ever pulling a knife to stop me from getting whipped for something I did wrong. I feel so bad for this man , trying to keep this juvenile in line and punishing them when they step out of line and getting arrested for it.

  13. Reader on April 4th, 2023 11:17 am

    He entered the room with the hose and discovered she had a knife. That was intent before knowing about the knife. He didn’t walk into the room, see the knife and then get the hose. And after seeing the knife he could have called 911for help. Those facts would make him guilty.

  14. Molino Mr. on April 4th, 2023 10:21 am

    Big man. Trying doing that to a grown man…

  15. John on April 4th, 2023 10:15 am

    I’ve been beat with worse

  16. JJ on April 4th, 2023 9:41 am

    Thought recording without permission was a FELONY?? just a thought

  17. J-THE-G on April 4th, 2023 9:35 am

    I think that without knowing more not much should be said. A person with a knife depending on the situation may deserve the beating. If they successfully punched holes in the wall they are at least a teenager, and depending on the events it may have been necessary to use something with more range than your bare hands.

  18. Uncle M on April 4th, 2023 9:02 am

    Next time use a belt!!! Sounds like the girl got what she deserved and needed, except for the rubber hose part.

  19. 2well on April 4th, 2023 8:11 am

    Whereas the hose goes over the line…inference seems to suggest this man may have been fed up with an ongoing situation…what happens to the child for punching holes in the walls of a home the family worked hard to pay for….

  20. Olin Schultz on April 4th, 2023 8:04 am

    Before I start, beating anyone with anything is wrong! When I was young, we as children were told one time to do something. We never showed disrespect without getting a spanking, peach tree switch or bedroom slipper! We never punched holes in walls because we watched our dad and mom work their fingers to the bones to have a nice place to live. This was taught to us early. That people, is called respect. We didn’t cuss our parents or even think about having an open knife out ready to defend ourselves against punishment. Todays youth have it a lot easier than we ever did. Just saying!!!

  21. Concerned Citizen on April 4th, 2023 7:42 am

    So why was Mr. Williams arrested? This is called discipline, hole in drywall is belt whipping material, having a knife??? Oh yeah that’s hose material right there.

  22. Jr on April 4th, 2023 5:39 am

    Ol big man beating on a young girl. Yep, I hope she realizes what she’s getting herself into with this type of fella. A grown man(only in age) beating on a woman and then telling them “I will beat you every day”…get away from this one snd press and execute these charges ti the fullest extent of the law. Sad excuse for a man(I use that term very loosely). These types of males won’t do this to another man because they have to hold power over what they see as the weaker of the two…yep, real stand up type of person…hey fella, you are a piece of work that needs to be taught a lesson.

  23. Steve on April 4th, 2023 5:01 am

    Beating a kid with a hose… Thats not nice. People need to figure out how to deal with others without resorting to violence or anger.