Viewpoint: Beulah’s OLF8 Development: A Huge Win for Everyone

April 25, 2023

Viewpoint written by Escambia County District 1 Commissioner Jeff Bergosh.

A recent guest editorial and letter to the editor about OLF 8 contained strident opinions presented as facts and half-truths conflated with misstatements.  Therefore, I feel obliged to add clarity to this important issue.

The OLF 8 acquisition, master planning, and marketing effort has been a 25-year evolution.

We’ve recently accepted an all-cash offer for OLF-8, allowing for the construction of restaurants, retail, a town-center, high-wage job areas, and other amenities for all Escambia taxpayers.

The bidder I favored–based upon better initially expressed intentions (Breland)—didn’t show up to the selection meeting held on April 6thThey were aware of the meeting and didn’t attend.

DR Horton, by contrast, attended the meeting, presented their plan, and modified their language indicating substantial compliance with the Board’s Master Plan.  They’ll be teaming with Stirling properties for the commercial/light industrial portions of the field, and they upped their offer significantly—to $42 Million Dollars ($7 Million more than Breland’s highest offer).

Also-Horton/Stirling’s plan indicates a piece of the parcel for potential sale to the school board for a Beulah High School if that board wants that. Breland’s rendering had no school site.  Horton/Stirling’s plan also has a town center; the Breland “rendering”has no town center.

Breland’s plan indicates miniscule retail portions, a tiny portion for job creation (light industrial) and the entire balance of the land residential.  Importantly: Breland’s plan didn’t reflect the master plan conformity they assured the board in their initial purchase offer.

The Horton/Stirling plan remains much more strongly aligned with the agreed upon master plan than does Breland’s—look at initial renderings, side by side, below. Judge for yourself.

From the beginning of this acquisition process- as the county worked on creating high-paying, high tech jobs on OLF-8– I forcefully advocated against ANY residential on that field– a position with which most citizens in Beulah with whom I’ve spoken agree.

Pressure applied on the BCC by some area residents and a few politically connected special interests, however, pushed aside the original plan as solely a regional jobs generator.

That’s how we got here.

Over the next 60 days, we’ll hammer out an agreement that’ll result in between a $20-$27 million dollar “profit” for the taxpayers— proceeds that will be used county-wide to address legacy deficiencies in infrastructure and fund quality of life enhancements.

OLF 8 will also generate significant new property tax revenue for the county and the school board; this added revenue allows us to ensure FIRST RESPONDERS are paid competitive wages-assisting us with staffing challenges without raising property tax (millage) rates.

Therefore, I’d caution readers to always be wary in believing a few voices of discord who want you to believe they represent and speak for everyone.

Remember: these same voices have deftly transitioned and recalibrated their opposition as we’ve responsibly advanced this project. “They’ll never complete this land-swap!” naysayers first howled.  “These commissioners are reckless—they’ll NEVER recoup this investment!” came next.  Now it’s “Commissioners only care about the MONEY.”

It’s very rich how the goal posts move, the attacks change— but the faces of opposition remain the same.

We’ll never successfully hit the Goldilocks zone for these folks—where the porridge is “just right,” but we’ve tried.  We engaged the community, compromised, and listened.

Now it’s time to act.

I’m upbeat, positive, and optimistic about the impending OLF8 sale/development.

With integrity and due consideration, we’ll close this deal to produce a huge win—-for everyone!

Viewpoint written by Escambia County District 1 Commissioner Jeff Bergosh.


32 Responses to “Viewpoint: Beulah’s OLF8 Development: A Huge Win for Everyone”

  1. Resident Beulah on May 31st, 2023 12:44 pm

    This is a good thing for Pensacola. Been here all my life, and it’s nice to finally see the city trying to put us in a good economic condition. Escambia is one of the poorest counties out there, and people are complaining we will be getting extra tax revenue out of this so instead of our property tax. The growth has brought so many wonderful things to this otherwise boring and sleepy city.

  2. Gerald David lamb on April 30th, 2023 12:41 am

    straight shooter wrote “Dave Lamb, You are correct, 4-H got screwed big time. What the county gave them is an insult as to what they took from them at the Matt B I thought there were already plans for this land. Our county comissioners have let us down. It’s all about the money. Just have to wonder how much of a kick back they got!ell 4-H center.

    klondike kid wrote “What some may see as a boon to the tax base , I see as the decimation of quality of life. Should have made a park & gave the rest of the land to
    4 H to make up for them being robbed to give land to Navy Federal….

    trish miller wrote ” I thought there were already plans for this land. Our county comissioners have let us down. It’s all about the money. Just have to wonder how
    much of a kick back they got!
    glad to see others see what I saw at the beginning of this years ago.
    follow the money trail, who got monies.

  3. Debi on April 28th, 2023 1:40 pm

    I don’t understand why the county can’t hold out of the sale enough property to build a new school (or 2) since they are all overcrowded at the moment. Why should the county have to buy back property that it already owns?

  4. Charlie Dillard on April 27th, 2023 5:31 pm

    Remember this people no high paying jobs will come.
    The county now has the land to be to be sold to his friend D R. .then we the county
    can buy it back to build a high school?
    Mr Jeff I will take dinner ! Please leave the land as is.
    Then we all win.
    Escambia County needs this land.
    Not for sale!!!

  5. Trish Miller on April 27th, 2023 11:30 am

    We really don’t need anymore subdivisions in Beulah. I thought there were already plans for this land. Our county comissioners have let us down. It’s all about the money. Just have to wonder how much of a kick back they got!

  6. Terri Sanders on April 26th, 2023 4:22 pm

    If I am not mistaken…isn’t there a cheesecake factory in Ensley already??? Close to Hersheys Ice Cream on the north side of 9-mile road??
    businesses are still shutting down because of the lack of people willing to work… a weak labor force is the result of too much government payouts…interestingly enough mom and pop store could flourish because they work themselves. If customers would just support us..

  7. Ed K on April 26th, 2023 10:21 am
  8. Olin Schultz on April 26th, 2023 12:27 am

    We as residents of this once proud community are tired of being kicked while we are on the ground. This District One Person that we are all learning is not at all interested in our Community, you are short on ears and long on mouth! Judgement day is coming one day and I can honestly say that I will stand before those gates and take mine. Wonder if he can do the same? Stands to reason that enough citizens show support for our community, we can have the voice to curb such enthusiasm from said officials! This deal has been done well before it was voted on. You would think that if the fingers were being pointed at him, he would react but of course he has stayed silent. This will not go away. Citizens of Beulah, highest bidder is not always the best result. Keep up the good fight and pray for our Community.

  9. Lou on April 25th, 2023 11:50 pm

    Thanks , commissioner’s berga . Please give some input to your fellow commissioner on district 5 . Mr investment banker . Escambia county is and will be expanding on his district . It’s the only land to grow . From nine mile road and pine forest to Century.

  10. straightshooter on April 25th, 2023 9:45 pm

    Thank you, Jeff, for answering my question. I have ask others on this forum and not gotten a response.

    Dave Lamb, You are correct, 4-H got screwed big time. What the county gave them is an insult as to what they took from them at the Matt Bell 4-H center.

  11. J.Larry Seale on April 25th, 2023 7:53 pm

    the county will do what is best for them.
    That is way this county has always done……

  12. Klondike Kid on April 25th, 2023 6:01 pm

    As a native & life long resident, I can’t see this as a win for the citizens of this part of the county. What used to be the very best (my opinion) part of the county to live has became a traffic logistical nightmare. I seldom drive north of I 10 on Pine Forest any more. What some may see as a boon to the tax base , I see as the decimation of quality of life.Should have made a park & gave the rest of the land to 4 H to make up for them being robbed to give land to Navy Federal.

  13. A.W.Thompson on April 25th, 2023 2:33 pm

    Win win for him and his cronies buddies.After D.R.Horton is finished with our county the countryside will be full of rotting down substandard housing.This “deal” has been worked out way before it was”voted” on residents will remember every one that stands with you at election time.Get all of shady money why y’all can.I wouldn’t want to be in their shoes come judgement day.

  14. John Bone Jones on April 25th, 2023 1:54 pm

    Looking into my crystal ball, I see vacant buildings, and run down cookie cutter houses and very little reason to celebrate. I hope my crystal ball is wrong.

  15. kevin on April 25th, 2023 12:31 pm

    @chuck.. As long as that big box store isn’t a walmart. I’m fine.. If you look closely at both renderings the big box stores are shaped exactly the same. They are layout like new costco’s with corner entries and end of building truck docks. My guess is costco has been in talks with both developers. Note @Jeff Bergosh states in the comments that they can not name select restaurants so maybe there is more to that as well…

  16. dave lamb on April 25th, 2023 12:21 pm

    You can never get me to accept this proposal until those in power correct the Langley Bell 4-H fiasco The monies spent then is nowhere near the is not near the value of that 4-H land and an adjustment needs to be made in good faith!

  17. Darin kilcrease on April 25th, 2023 12:03 pm

    It’s amazing a few commissioners are deciding the outcome $$$$$ is all they see.Good Luck

  18. Chuck on April 25th, 2023 11:35 am

    I could careless if 455 acres are turned ibto a landfill. Just GIVE ME A COSTCO on the remaining 45..

  19. EMD on April 25th, 2023 10:26 am

    Soon there will be no more rural homesites, and that will never be okay. More and more choices unavailable to the public, but more and more money to the city builders. Not acceptable. I thought our representatives were supposed to do what the majority of their constituents wanted. Some things never change. I think the voice of money is heard by most over the voice of God.

  20. Alan on April 25th, 2023 10:19 am

    My big concern is the quality of work that DR Horton will be doing. They are well known for their poor quality homes. I hope someone is watching over them like a hawk.

  21. George on April 25th, 2023 10:12 am


  22. Paying attention on April 25th, 2023 9:53 am

    I am so glad I saw though those including the author of that editorial and removed myself from that equation. They have been ruthless including bringing vexatious litigation to silence people who disagree with them. The PNJ should be a little more cognizant of publishing propaganda.

    Thanks Commissioner Bergosh for your steadfast adherence to educate the public and push through in spite of the negativity spread by those toxic individuals.

    I was one in favor of no residential on that panel and think the vision of the swap was commendable but should have been for economic purposes as planned.

    Yet here we are.

    Take the offer.

  23. Bill on April 25th, 2023 9:50 am

    Commissioner Bergosh,

    You should run for the US House of Representatives. You were great on the school board and you’re our best County Commissioner. You’re a solid conservative who gets things done.



  24. Olin Schultz on April 25th, 2023 9:26 am

    I was once told by a very wise man that the only reason he wasn’t running for office was because he was honest. Selling out to the highest bidder is not always the best strategy. That said, I can’t wait for reelection time. Some associates and the high bidder will get rich and the citizens of Beulah will get the bad end of this deal!

  25. Denny on April 25th, 2023 9:14 am

    Yeah, a huge win for a few years, until the low quality D.R. Horton buildings start falling apart.The tax revenue Bergosh touts now will decrease and Beulah will then have its very own trashy part of town.

    I’d be happy about this if it were anybody but this builder.

  26. Alan on April 25th, 2023 9:00 am

    “OLF 8 will also generate significant new property tax revenue for the county and the school board;”
    This is true. It will also require significant ongoing expenditures by the county and school board to service the residents and businesses that locate their. I am doubtful the income will exceed the cost.

  27. RWA on April 25th, 2023 8:42 am

    Agree with Citizen. Vacant land doesn’t always have to be developed. We need to stop building just to build.

  28. SunrisePhoto on April 25th, 2023 8:25 am

    Here’s the answer I would like to know. Why has the county (and frankly the state) not done more to widen Pine Forest. All of that building is happening at the foot of Detroit and I-10, adding thousands of vehicles on an already overused stretch, with little thought to the future. And you have allowed it. Now the second helicopter field is going to add more and more gridlock into Pine Forest.

    I remember some of the arguments against Milestone back in the late 80s/90s. Infrastructure wasn’t there, and look how the county dealt with it. They ignored it until it became such a problem that you basically had to shut down 9 Mile to fix that problem for 5-6 FREAKING YEARS. How about instead of adding more to the gridlock problem, you actually DEMONSTRATE to the citizens that elected you that you can put forth an actual plan to fix Pine Forest before no one can drive that road anymore. Slow the development. Fix the roads. I’m tired of words. How about some actual deeds from the commissioners?

  29. Jeff Bergosh on April 25th, 2023 7:33 am

    Straightshooter: All in cost was $18.5 Million. We have recouped $4.2 Million via the sale of about a hundred acres to NFCU a few years back, where they are currently building an athletic field for their employees and the public to use. So we are sitting on about $14.3 Million in debt for the balance of the field. This is why an offer of $42 Million can bring us such a windfall–which can be used all over the county for lots of projects. Jeff Tatum–I’d like to see some high-end local dinnerhouse, or like you said a higher tier national, full service restaurant or two. And I’m sure we will get a few. Unfortunately we can’t name select them, these firms base their selections on a lot of criteria including income demograhics, etc. But it sure would be nice to have a full-service restaurant in Beulah. In the nearly 20 years I’ve lived here there has not been one. Not one. So this field’s development will be a great addition for the community in addition to the jobs it will create once we move forward.

  30. Citizen on April 25th, 2023 7:11 am

    It should have stayed land. This growing the town is creating more problems for everyone

  31. Jeff Tatum on April 25th, 2023 6:31 am

    Only agree to this plan if they bring higher end restaurants like Cheesecake Factory, PF Changs, ect.

    If it’s filled with more low quality chains like burger kings, Panda Express, Panera Bread then it’ll be another laughing stock.

  32. straightshooter on April 25th, 2023 6:11 am

    I’ll ask again, how much was the all-in cost to county for the land swap. I know there were a lot of overruns and change orders on the Santa Rosa property.