Laziness Encouraged: No Mow March Promotes Pollinators in the Panhandle

March 3, 2023

Need an excuse to not mow your lawn for a month?

UF/IFAS Extension agents in the Florida Panhandle are asking residents to skip their soon-to-be-weekly outdoor chore until the calendar flips to April.

The idea for “No Mow March” is borrowed from “No Mow May,” a concept begun in the United Kingdom that has now spread to northern parts of the United States.

“Obviously, our lawns are growing way too quickly by the time May rolls around,” said Beth Bolles, UF/IFAS Escambia County horticulture agent who is leading the pilot effort this year. “Here in North Florida, March is our transition period, when grass is exiting dormancy. But it’s also when pollinators are starting to become more active, so it’s the perfect time to celebrate them and promote their health and habitat.”

Bolles is quick to point out, though, that the month is about more than just turf.

“We recognize that some communities have rules to follow regarding their lawns,” she said. “There are other things you can do to encourage pollinators to visit, whether it’s container plants or adding new shrubs or pollinator houses. We encourage everyone to find their own way to participate.”

You can sign the No Mow March Pledge by clicking or tapping here.


5 Responses to “Laziness Encouraged: No Mow March Promotes Pollinators in the Panhandle”

  1. Me. on March 7th, 2023 3:39 am

    I wasn’t going to mow my lawn, anyway! My husband was going to do it!

  2. Taree Huggers on March 4th, 2023 7:55 am

    How about “No Spray Ever?” Indiscriminating spraying of herbicides on our city, county, state, and utilities right-of-ways is not only ugly it isn’t good for pollinators.

  3. Give me a break on March 3rd, 2023 8:36 pm

    @Molino Resident

    Come on, dollars for donuts those are weeds, not grass! Lol

    But seriously, put out some flowers or blooming shrubs. It’s pretty and that helps too.

  4. Molino Resident on March 3rd, 2023 3:20 pm

    If I wait till April to cut my grass I won’t be able to see my house. My grass needs cutting right now.

  5. Warren Piece on March 3rd, 2023 1:36 pm

    Well, I know my son will appreciate this. My wife might be convinced. The real test will come when the Home Owners Association gets its tar and feathers ready. (LOL)