State Investigation Underway Into Inmate Injury At Century Prison

February 20, 2023

A state investigation is underway after an inmate was seriously injured last week at the Century Correctional Institution.

According to the Florida Department of Corrections, “staff observed an inmate with injuries”. The nature of the injuries was not disclosed.

The inmate was flown to an area hospital by medical helicopter, according to Escambia County.

The FDC’s Office of Inspector General is the lead investigative agency.

“Due to the open and active investigation, we are unable to provide names or any additional information at this time,” FDC Press Secretary Paul W. Walker told

“The Florida Department of Corrections (FDC) is committed to providing for the safety and wellbeing of all inmates in custody,” Walker said. “Inmates who cause harm to others are held accountable for their actions. This includes administrative sanctions, placement in restrictive housing and criminal charges if applicable. This is done for the safety of staff and other inmates.” photo.


12 Responses to “State Investigation Underway Into Inmate Injury At Century Prison”

  1. TB on February 21st, 2023 8:16 am

    Anybody ever think that this might be an inmate on inmate attack?
    Seems like a lot of people rush to blame staff.
    Even if the investigation shows it was two inmates people still gonna blame staff.
    I wonder if the critics were previous residents at one time and hate all authority figures.
    The full story always comes from the inmates to the visiting family members but people on the outside still ignore the truth.
    Let’s not rush to judgement here.

  2. Bob on February 20th, 2023 11:57 pm

    @Concerned citizen

    Absolutely not.

    Our country has executed people only to later find out they were innocent far too many times.

    Even if we had a way of absolutely determining someone’s guilt with zero chance of mistrial, it is significantly more expensive to execute someone than keep them in prison.

    The only way we could kill people cheaply and quickly would be violating their civil rights.

    That’s not the kind of country *any* of us should want to live in.

  3. Concerned citizen on February 20th, 2023 10:19 pm

    Get rid of Life in Prison and replace with what these criminals should be getting, the death penalty. Stop dragging it out, give them the death penalty and kill them the same week. You get rid of a dangerous criminal that will attack these officers, free up tax money, and it gives other criminals something to think about.

  4. Randall Lucas on February 20th, 2023 9:41 pm

    Most of the people that make remarks about it being the Officers fault are living in denial..If,any of these experts on prison life have actually been inside an institution you would understand that this is Societys failures all living in one big House…They have nothing to do but,plan how to get back at someone…Their are occasions where Officers go overboards..But,Hell,Who wouldnt..The State cares less about Officers than they do inmates….Your,just a number as an inmate,as you are an Officer…Quit,blaming COs for doing what 80% of the population won’t do.Thats entering a Prison to do a thankless job..So,if you got something to say,Become a Correctional Officer and Show everyone the right way to do it,Since yall are Obviously smarter than anyone,else..Quit crying and Become a CO….

  5. Kp on February 20th, 2023 8:40 pm

    It’s rather scary to see how many people are anti law enforcement on here. You do realize these people are in jail for a reason, right?

  6. Staff on February 20th, 2023 7:12 pm

    I know a lot of citizens comment on the articles about the prison and like to blame staff, and I’m not saying that the prison system is not flawed (it most definitely is), but this incident was not involving staff. The perpetrators and victim were on camera, they have been confined, and the perps will have to face disciplinary action per FDC policy after an investigation. Just want to clear up that staff was not involved in this before the blame game continues.

  7. Willis on February 20th, 2023 5:42 pm

    Wallace it’s about lights out time.
    Put the illegal phone up before your caught.

  8. concerned on February 20th, 2023 4:02 pm

    Correction officers do not carry guns. I could say a lot more than this but. I will say that these human inmates yes a lot of them act like caged animals. don’t do the crime and you won’t do the time.

  9. Meme on February 20th, 2023 1:37 pm

    I know that the whole prison system is messed up and ya the fdc will make up something so they don’t look bad.we need real people to investigate all the prisons that have lots of complaints. I know I have put up with to to much of there lies. They need to get punished just like the inmates.they human just like se but with a gun because they are cowards.they get paid to lie to us

  10. derek on February 20th, 2023 9:08 am

    The ultimate penalty should be expanded to violent felonies! End prison overcrowding!

  11. Bill T on February 20th, 2023 9:07 am

    The one I read about that attack the corrections officer that was doing life and I said he has nothing to lose I was wondering if it was him !!! I also stated that the officer’s need to stop the attacks on fellow officers !!! So I guess someone finally listened to what I was saying and took action!!!!

  12. Wallace on February 20th, 2023 4:45 am

    We all SHOULD know that FDC favorite line is they walk together ! The staff did it ! And it’ll
    Never hit light because fdc is using its own investigators!