Reports: DOJ Won’t Charge Rep. Matt Gaetz In Sex Trafficking Investigation

February 15, 2023

The Justice Department will not pursue any charges against Congressman Matt Gaetz in a federal sex-trafficking investigation, multiple national news organizations reported Wednesday afternoon.

“The Department of Justice has confirmed to Congressman Gaetz’s attorneys that their investigation has concluded and that he will not be charged with any crimes,” Gaetz’s office told Fox News.

Reports first surfaced in 2021 that Gaetz was being investigated into whether Gaetz and a 17-year girl had a sexual relationship. Gaetz has maintained his innocence.

Pictured: Rep Matt Gaetz during a campaign kickoff event at the Walnut Hill Baptist Church in April 2022. photo, click to enlarge.


22 Responses to “Reports: DOJ Won’t Charge Rep. Matt Gaetz In Sex Trafficking Investigation”

  1. Lee on February 16th, 2023 4:35 pm

    He wasn’t charged. That doesn’t mean he is innocent. Consider his involvement with Greenberg, not to mention past charges against Gaetz that just “disappeared”. We wouldn’t even know his name had his dad not proceeded him in office. We need to put party aside and elect people based on qualifications and integrity. It seems we are satisfied with rotten apples at the risk of spoiling the whole barrel. Shame on us.

  2. Josh Jones on February 16th, 2023 1:48 pm

    Many of the commenters here are “proud to be represented” by Gaetz. Please list some of his accomplishments (owning the libs doesn’t count), and especially, anything that benefited his district. Heck, he hasn’t even gotten Pensacola Naval Air Station reopened. It’s been over three years since the attack on the base, and citizens still do not have access to the Naval Aviation Museum or Barrancas National Cemetery. Yet, not a peep from Gaetz to have it reopened.

  3. No vote from me, ever. on February 16th, 2023 1:23 pm

    I’ve never voted for Gaetz, and never will. He just doesn’t meet a basic, moral, and decent standard that I seek in an elected official. It amazes me, given the thousands of good, educated, qualified, and wise people who live in FL-1, that this person actually represents us in Congress.

    So sad.

  4. Kane on February 16th, 2023 12:29 pm

    Wonder how much it cost him to get out of this one?

  5. Pepper on February 16th, 2023 9:58 am

    It was never *denied* that he traveled with a 17yo.
    I guess, all of you supporting fathers out there, would have been “real proud” when a almost 40 year old MAN would have been taking your 17 year old Daughter from hotel room to hotel room.
    It’s sad that so many people can overlook things like this for one government official and go mad-dog crazy over another.

  6. Robert on February 16th, 2023 8:17 am

    Not a fan of Gaetz at all but I do believe he was targeted simply because he supported Trump. That’s just how the Dems do things…trial by media and lies.

  7. Flash on February 16th, 2023 8:09 am

    Can’t charge an innocent man…. I know it don’t fit their narrative.

  8. Steve on February 15th, 2023 11:45 pm

    And you know if the feds had anything they would have charged him. They just wanted to slander his name in hopes of him not being elected. LUCKILY the people were not fooled by this and he won

  9. Just saying on February 15th, 2023 11:11 pm

    Well now he’s in the majority in the house maybe he will actually pass a law instead of making speeches and not accomplishing anything.

  10. Al Buchanan on February 15th, 2023 10:19 pm

    This dude is one of the few that are fighting for this country. That’s why the left is coming after him. Lies Lies and more Lies

  11. Just saying on February 15th, 2023 10:04 pm

    His “son”, as Gaetz refers to him, will be proud.

  12. Give me a break on February 15th, 2023 9:01 pm


    Sorry about that — public figures like Matt can’t sue for that.

    Hee hee

  13. Give me a break on February 15th, 2023 8:57 pm

    Matt escaped due to Daddy Don and his inheritance.

    Just like he has before.

    Don’t get it twisted, folks.

  14. mnon on February 15th, 2023 8:34 pm

    I knew it all along, I kept saying there was nothing to those allegations. Anything and I mean anything coming from the left, or the current administration I don’t believe a bit, 0, nothing… Anything they are trying to convince you of, they are doing themselves, or outright lying. They are trying to sink this country to rebuild it under their totalitarian regime, the reason it is being flooded with illegals, yes I said illegals. Then if you speak up about ANY of the lies, and what they are trying to do to this country, you get banned on social media, or your comments don’t make moderation, or you get jumped on like a pack of raptors by small groups of brainwashed people. I have never spoken to anyone in the real world who agrees with how this country is going, not a single person.

  15. Stephen on February 15th, 2023 8:30 pm

    Sounds like some defamation suits are in order.

  16. Justin on February 15th, 2023 8:25 pm


  17. Debra Kay Harscher on February 15th, 2023 8:24 pm

    I agree Rep Matt Gaetz is owed an apology. Fortunately he still won due to his popularity in NW FL and the fact that his opponents were not what most were looking for. That’s as nice a way I can put it. But had a better opponent showed up; their cooked up lies could’ve cost us a Representative!!! I figured the left was just libeling him because he supported Pres Trump. Now all those who jumped ship based on a false story meant to smear Gaetz and hurt his re-election, should also apologize. Stand strong next time! We need to back our candidates! Matt has done an exceptional job. His recent negotiations will affect every committee, every bill, every decision made in our House! Proud to be represented by Matt Gaetz!

  18. J.Larry Seale on February 15th, 2023 5:21 pm

    I am glad that both Earl Huto and Bob
    Sikes is not around to see how he has
    showed his rear….
    Even Jeff Miller never had these kind of
    problems when he was in office……

  19. Steve on February 15th, 2023 5:17 pm

    The media wanted so bad for any of this to be true. Sickening how they can attempt to destroy a person based off nothing but lies.

  20. Bama on February 15th, 2023 4:49 pm

    Notice that he was not exonerated, just not going to be charged. This was done because the democrats and the liberal media are corrupt. They want a stigma attached to his name so this will be brought up every time his name is mentioned.

  21. Phin on February 15th, 2023 4:21 pm

    The voting record doesn’t lie, unlike Mr. Gaetz. Wonder why he would have voted AGAINST sex trafficking? 400+ for the bill, 20, including this unfit representative against.

    It wasn’t a great look for Gaetz, who voted against a similar bill protecting sex trafficking victims in 2017. And the fact multiple Trump White House officials testified to the House Jan. 6 committee that Gaetz sought a blanket pardon from Trump as his presidency was coming to an end only adds to the rightful suspicions people have about Gaetz’s behavior.

    And we vote for him cause of his daddy I guess.

  22. northofI10 on February 15th, 2023 3:38 pm

    Yet he had his name dragged through the mud and was tried, and convicted in the court of the lying media. Have there been apologies? This is the state of politics today and those that smear are never held responsible or accountable.