Mark Your Calendars: Food Distribution Set For March 11 In Gonzalez

February 24, 2023

A food distribution is set for Saturday, March 11 in Gonzalez.

The distribution will begin at 8 a.m. and continue while supplies last at the Gonzalez United Methodist church. Vehicles can begin lining up at 7:30 a.m., and organizers say there will be enough food for at least 300 families.

“I have thoroughly enjoyed getting out into the community and being able to help our friends in District 1 get what they need”, said Rep. Michelle Salzman. “Along with Farm Share and the Gonzalez United Methodist Church, these events have become an amazing asset to help us provide food once every quarter to this part of the county that needs it so much.  Especially with prices rising as they have been, it’s comforting to know that we’ve helped ensure some food on their tables every few months.”

‘“And the King will answer them, ‘Truly, I say to you, as you did it to one of the least of these my brothers and sisters, you did it to me.’,” said Gonzalez United Methodist Church Pastor Andy Perry, quoting Matthew 25:40. “As a Church, we cannot live isolated from our community. Rather, what Jesus and even the season of Lent reminds us of is that we are to be truly engaged in caring for those who do not have the means that many others have. Being involved in this food distribution allows us to engage and connect with the people in North Escambia county in a very real and tangible way, as the hands and feet of Jesus to help our neighbor. This is truly an opportunity to fulfill the commandment: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself’.”

The food distribution is intended to provide supplemental help for families who may be struggling through a hard time.

The distribution will be made possible by Farm Share, Escambia County Sheriff’s Office, Commissioner Steven Barry, Congressman Matt Gaetz, Kevin Stephens with ECUA District 5, International Paper, the Marine Corps League, Gonzalez United Methodist Church, Aaron Erskine, Thompson Trucking, and other community partners.

Pictured: A food distribution at the Gonzalez United Methodist Church last November. photos, click to enlarge.


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