Homebuilder D.R. Horton Offers $33 Million Cash For County’s OLF-8 Property On Nine Mile Road

February 12, 2023

A homebuilder has made a $33 million cash offer for the entire OLF-8 property owned by Escambia County.

Saturday, Escambia County commissioners received the offer for 540 acres on Nine Mile Road from D.R. Horton, including a promise $1 million to be held in escrow during an inspection period.

In January 2019, Escambia County acquired the 636 acre OLF-8 helicopter field in a land swap with the U.S. Navy for property in Santa Rosa County at a total cost of about $18 million. A portion of the property was previously sold to Navy Federal to expand their campus.

“It’s a big deal for this area, and we will be nearly $20 million to the good,” Escambia County Commissioner Jeff Bergosh told NorthEscambia.com on Saturday.

A design plan is in place for the property with a combination of commerce, residential and amenities. It allocates 271 acres to commerce and industrial; 61 acres to residential including duplexes, townhomes and multifamily; 47 acres to a mixed-use center such as residential over retail and office over retail; and 45 acres to trails and public amenities such as a post office, school, day care and community garden.

D.R. Horton said the company “intends to incorporate multiple commercial and residential uses into its future master plan. (D.R. Horton) intends to approach a third-party developer with regard to the development of the commercial parcels.”

“I say we consider it,” Bergosh said. “I want to hear from my counterparts at a meeting. With $6.5 million per district, you could do a lot of good stuff.”

The February 10 offer letter requests a response within 10 days.

Pictured: Images from the OLF-8 Master Plan accepted by the Escambia County Commission in June 2021.


67 Responses to “Homebuilder D.R. Horton Offers $33 Million Cash For County’s OLF-8 Property On Nine Mile Road”

  1. Katherine Richards on March 14th, 2023 9:17 pm

    Is the builder still actively doing the practice of owning the rights to minerals and gas beneath the new home one purchases? I know he agreed to stop and return the rights to homeowners they could reseach. But Florida was to readdress the issue of it reoccurring again.

  2. Harry Paratestes on February 17th, 2023 7:49 am

    Build an amphitheater!!! The revenue from concerts would be ridiculous. Basically like the one in Orange Beach. Go ask them how profitable it is.

  3. Adamssam on February 16th, 2023 9:45 pm

    My first comment on this forum. Usually I just read them. I agree wholeheartedly with another comment on this article. Sell the property to FPL for solar farms. The ENTIRE area would benefit – not just a bunch of $$$ hungry developers. In addition – no infra structure strain ie TRAFFIC. FPL would not have to de-Forest more area. Makes perfect sense. Exactly why the “good old boys” of Escambia county will never consider it.
    I’m glad I no longer live in Escambia County.

  4. Duke of Wawbeek on February 16th, 2023 12:37 am

    You people elected Bergosh, get overyourselves and live with your choices.

  5. Sadgladmom on February 15th, 2023 4:03 pm

    Mr. Bergosh himself thought that a “town cent
    er” was a good idea when they were negotiating with the navy for the property. As soon as the deal was complete, he said it should be an industrial park. Now he wants to let a subpar construction company build subpar housing. We have enough houses in Beulah. We need ballparks, tracks, an amphitheater, a post office, more restaurants. What happened to the master plan for the development that took into consideration for the residents of Escambia county

  6. Charlie on February 15th, 2023 12:54 pm

    It has been awhile and I may be wrong, but out of the money spent to acquire OLF 8, (18 Million?) didn’t the County have to also spend money to build a replacement OLF new site up North? If so, did that figure in on the possible sale of OLF 8 profit from a possible sale of 33 Million?

  7. keveo on February 14th, 2023 7:21 pm

    The math.. 18mil minus 4.2mil for 96 acres from NFCU equals 19.2mil. There are more factors. one is a entity for 47 acres under project sapphire that wants to invest 40 million and up to 338 good paying jobs. Triumph fund offering 14mil with county paying 3+mil for infrastructure for the industry portions of the land.
    I say take the money and run… Its cash. Lets see what their plan is. otherwise like with the county and city commissions they are notorious for hew hawing around and development companies end up walking away… With a lot of tax money/jobs on the line they need to pounce now..

  8. It's a shame on February 14th, 2023 6:18 pm

    I do believe DR Horton falls extremely short in building quality homes. I looked at a few homes when I moved down here 5 years ago. Measurements off along with multiple other issues. I bought elsewhere. I have also been extremely disappointed by the commissioners and how they make decisions. They tell us the voters one thing and do the opposite. They claim they listen but don’t. I agree the math does not add up. I read Henry Coe and believe him. How did Jeff Bergosh allow what has happened. I don’t want to call the man a lair because I have not dealt with him. But I will ask why don’t you know what your staff is offering for deals. This screams of incompetence.

  9. Charlie Dillard on February 14th, 2023 5:45 pm

    To have D R Horton build anything is like putting water in the gas tank. It want work.
    Never sell this much land to one company !
    Oh Mr Jeff do you know you are building a new fire house not even close to center of Beulah?
    Many things can be built on the land. Please no more houses.
    Next you will want to change the name from Beulah to D R HORTON, FL.
    Listen to the people and say no to D R Horton. No land available.

  10. Charlie on February 14th, 2023 5:30 pm

    I worked out at OLF8 when it had helicopters. The Navy spent a ton of money building a huge “mound” to simulate hilltop landings. Will that have to be leveled? Other than that & some trees, a large piece of prime wide open property. I am not in real estate, but think that $33 million for land like that is a steal. Who will pay for roadways & utilities? It should be the developer & NOT the County. From reading other comments, it sounds like a bad deal for the taxpayers, & a big win for DR Horton, should they acquire it.

  11. Just a thought on February 14th, 2023 2:00 pm

    I’d love the see something our way that would actually be FUN! We don’t have any community pools (the city does) or anywhere else for that matter for families to go do things together that aren’t going to cost an arm and a leg. If our kids aren’t involved in county or school sports or music, they don’t have much else to do. Sports are extremely expensive.

  12. CJ Lewis on February 14th, 2023 10:14 am

    I live in the city but every time I drive past OLF-8 I imagine a massive public park with world-class recreational facilities to include outdoor and indoor tennis courts, outdoor and indoor swimming pools, a performing arts center better than anything we have in the city, an outdoor area slopped for concerts like the Hollywood Bowl, soccer/lacrosse fields, baseball fields, etc. How about stables and a horseback riding trail? Commissioner Underhill once described how the BCC made decisions – “Ready, Fire, Aim.” This seems like something similar with D.R. Horton a Delaware corporation headquartered in Texas holding the BCC hostage. It’s ridiculous to even think about a few millions extra. The BCC increases the property tax levy each year as much as it would make selling the land to D.R. Horton. Once paved over, its gone forever.

  13. Gerald David lamb on February 14th, 2023 10:09 am

    Escambia voters, at election time “Bergosh Needs to Gegone”

  14. Klem on February 14th, 2023 12:26 am

    I moved into Beulah 10 years ago because it was quiet and rural. Now just traffic and noise. No infrastructure for the existing construction much less OLF-8 development. Want to see what Horton looks like – drive up Beulah road and look at the subdivisions they are doing. And connecting Oak Haven just screwed everyone living off Frank Reeder. Deforestation, water run-off, cheap housing. Where is all this new prosperity going? Not seeing anything improving here.What I have learned since moving to Pensacola 15 years ago.
    1. Developers get whatever they want.
    2. Don’t believe anything Jeff Bergosh says.
    Maybe he can take the “profit” of OLF-8 and build that stupid elevated walkway over 9 mile he thought was a good idea.

  15. Beulah Bobby on February 13th, 2023 10:30 pm

    This parcel 540 acre parcel has the potential to be developed into something transformative for the region. Selling to DR Horton would be an extremely shortsighted decision and would represent a massive missed opportunity. Sounds like Bergosh is in DR Horton’s pockets and trying to railroad this through. Barry, May, Bender and Kohler – do the right thing and reject the Horton offer. And District 1 help us all and vote Bergosh out of office!

  16. Rat Rod on February 13th, 2023 10:29 pm

    So we are considering selling this property for an ultra low $61,000 an acre. Heck, I’ll take 10 acres.That’s ridiculous . Flash some cash and these politicians go nuts. We can do better Beulah!

  17. Douglas Robbins on February 13th, 2023 7:02 pm

    Since the county purchased Coastal Airport and built a school on the only public grass strip runway in the county the aviation community is starving for that type facility. This property is already suited for that type activity and in my opinion, the most appropriate in the county. There is a lengthy waiting list for hangar rental space in the region, years at some airports. South and Central Florida have numerious airparks which are residential communities with airstrip access from the hangars at their home. Baldwin County Alabama has multiple airparks, Escambia County has none. It would be great to see a portion of that acerage used for that type facilitiy and it would be complimentary to many of the other activities mentioned in their plan. At least we should test the water, determine the interest level. I would bet there is more the ample interest to support the project and willing to flop down their own money preconstruction to be guaranteed a lot but the faclity should also support those who just want to store their airplanes and use the airstrip.

  18. Jasen on February 13th, 2023 6:41 pm

    More housing means bigger economy, which means they will bring all of those other things things that you would like to see happen. More money for the county not just on land sale but all of the taxes paid by sales on the homes money made by all of the construction workers and everyone else involved . More homes means more people which means more everything . More is better rat rod

  19. Jasen on February 13th, 2023 6:37 pm

    They are far from a mediocre builder. They are one of the top builders in our nation. Jeff and it would create A TON of jobs to blue collar workers .

  20. Rat Rod on February 13th, 2023 3:41 pm

    Smells like a crockpot full of cash for some. There is no hurry to sell off this prime property to a mediocre home builder. How about a corporation with some good paying jobs, retail, sports venues, restaurants. It’s our money Jeff. Listen to your constituents! More housing is not what Beulah wants or needs.

  21. Go Away on February 13th, 2023 10:52 am

    They do not need to do this, I am so sick and tired of vacant land going to these new subdivisions, don’t ya think y’all have built enough in Beulah already. DR Horton does not care what anyone thinks or have any regard to the people who have lived out there for years. This is not downtown Pensacola this is Beulah and we do like our quietness. DR Horton is getting stopped in Lillian, AL. so they want to come over here and destroy what little bit of country we have left in Beulah.

  22. Tierd on February 13th, 2023 10:18 am

    Yay !!!!!
    More homes and people and traffic from gid knows where. Cant wait

  23. Resident on February 13th, 2023 9:18 am

    I love these homes they are green they biodegrade within 15 years and everything on them is made to look nice till the sales office is closed down. The streets last long enough till the last home is sold. And with in 15 years the homes are rotting away and the subdivisions are mostly rentals but the good news you can go to a another new location and buy one and do it all over again.

  24. TB on February 13th, 2023 8:42 am

    The quality of construction of these homes are poor, a family member that owns a floor covering business told me when he was putting carpet in one of the new homes his power stretcher “Moved the exterior wall out!!!” Apparently the sill plate wasn’t even nailed down to the slab!

  25. Bobby on February 13th, 2023 12:20 am

    DR Horton builds homes with terrible quality. Their homes are filled with a lot of defects from exterior paneling allowing water leaks to the interiors where door knobs become loose after 1 year, they use the cheapest appliances (dishwashers, microwaves break within 1st year) They are quanity over quality for homes that don’t last. Not to mention they tear down a ton of forests and create a lot of traffic congestion because of thier cookie cutter styled homes. Damn man, I can’t stand this builder.

  26. Local on February 12th, 2023 11:31 pm

    I sure hope they don’t accept this bid. It would be a big mistake.

  27. Citizen on February 12th, 2023 10:39 pm

    This will be an interesting vote. I bet Barry will oppose, May will agree with Barry as well as Bender. Kohler will just be like a deer in the headlights. This swap was for economic development and a few residents pressured them into another vision for residental development rather than a great opportunity for jobs and economic development.

    Don’t sell it to DR Horton.

  28. Just my 2 cents!!! on February 12th, 2023 9:49 pm

    As a business owner and subcontractor for DR Horton in Walton and Bay county, I admit the DR Horton is definitely quantity over quality. However, the comments about the townhomes being compared to section 8 housing is ridiculous! DR Horton offers a variety of homes in a wide price range. The townhomes are an excellent option for a family to have a nice home in a respectable community. Homeowners just need to make sure they are involved in the construction process, so when an issue arises it can be addressed.

  29. Heidi Lipe on February 12th, 2023 9:27 pm

    Beulah does not have the infrastructure in place to support the past few years of development. Now Mr. Bergosh wants to add more development into the mix. He’s interested in hearing from his fellow commissioners. The people of Beulah have voiced their opposition to previous large scale development plans for this area as it’s too congested with traffic already. Sadly I fear that the voices of Beulah will not be heard as I’m sure this proposal has been discussed for some time as it would be uncommon for a transaction of this size to be announced without it being a “done deal”.

  30. Mike Kikendall on February 12th, 2023 7:59 pm

    The county got this land from the Navy. This land should not go to privatized housing, but instead needs ti be out to use as open recreational land or for a large scale city park. This land has a nice wetlands area that could be open for a variety of different public uses. County should NOT be in the business of selling and making profit off land that was paid for originaly with taxpayer money.

  31. Jan kutsch on February 12th, 2023 7:10 pm

    I bought/lived in Navy Oaks as one of the original homeowners. I fought the city, county and even state level about the stagnant supposed “holding” pond drainage issue and after Horton sold the last property washed their hands of any further issues even though there was a 2 yr responsibility to fix issues. We sold and left in late 2021 and the issue as of today is still is an issue . I was on the HOA board for this property and allowing DR Horton this OLF 8 land is ludacris! They will say what you want to hear but you will all regret this in hindsight. This is political payoff. Just my opinion.

  32. Duke of Wawbeek on February 12th, 2023 6:53 pm

    A great opportunity for the commissioners.

  33. Say no on February 12th, 2023 6:19 pm

    DR Horton is the worst builder in the nation!! Anything they build will be shoddy work and not worth any monies that the county gets.

  34. np630ss on February 12th, 2023 5:45 pm

    If I thought complaining, quoting statistics, reviewing past construction failures or lack of infrastructure would do any good at all, I would. For those that consider this “growth”, I’d remind them this isn’t growth, it’s sprawl. Big difference between the two. What this boils down to is who will “grease the politicians hands” and get away with it.
    Multi family housing equates to section 8 – better known as low income housing – devaluing everything around it and increasing the likely hood of crime. With the close proximity of the interstate, I shudder to think of the possible criminal enterprise looming at Escambia County’s door. Years ago, Pensacola presented itself as “Florida’s Western Most Gateway”. Now I wonder – a gateway to what?

  35. Olin Schultz on February 12th, 2023 5:32 pm

    This deal has stink written all over it! As usual, Bergosh has his mitts in the middle of the deal! Sounds like someone is bound to get rich off of it and I’m not one to point fingers but Stink is stink!

  36. Alex on February 12th, 2023 5:13 pm

    The last thing I want is for someone to hand the government of Escambia County $33mil. DH Horton builds junk properties, they will fill this place to capacity, get the money, and that’s all she wrote, no concern for the community.

  37. Willis on February 12th, 2023 5:04 pm

    Yall come on to Century.
    Got room for ya.

    Just kidding.

  38. Nick on February 12th, 2023 5:01 pm

    “Multi family Homes and Duplex’s” are what Southtown is downtown. And the duplexes and triplexes being built west of downtown not projects or section 8. Progress is needed but it must be done with planning and forethought. Build the infrastructure first then the support building and services as you build the residential areas.

    Bergosh is looking for a quick $20 million by selling it off to a sub par developer instead of insuring the area is properly planned to serve the people and not just DR Hortons bottom line. The potential tax revenue from light industry and commercial structures within a thriving residual neighborhood will far surpass the revenue generated by simple single family low to mid value homes.

    Once these commissioners can look 10-20 years into the future instead of the next election cycle, Pensacola might finally be able to become a cohesive metro area that works for all its people instead of a hodgepodge of half developed projects on underdeveloped infrastructure.

  39. Cynthia on February 12th, 2023 4:18 pm

    I agree with @crystalball, “multi family homes and duplexes” screams future section 8 housing! Why not advertise the land and take bids? Why not sell to a developer who sells the lots to people and let them get their own builder instead of a bunch of cookie cutter houses?

  40. Chuck on February 12th, 2023 2:10 pm

    All of you need to stop crying about growth. This has to happen or this area becomes Jackson, MS. Just a failing area with no future job growth. I’m not saying 10k homes need to be buit there but it has the potential to create thousands of new jobs. Now my only concern is they need to focus on clean industrial jobs not tech jobs. As tech is becoming more of a fragile industry. Also need to stray away from building a mall type atmosphere we have Cordova Mall that is enough. Finally leave a spot for a Costco. As for road infrastructure I get your concern but sadly the only way to get funding from the state is to build it first than they fund. We are not South Florida where they build the roads first.

  41. Simple math Mr. Begosh on February 12th, 2023 12:22 pm

    Last time I checked 33 million minus 18 million is 15 million. How Mr. Begosh thinks its close to 20 million doesn’t add up. Unless the 5 commissioners are each getting a million for them selves.

  42. Crystal ball(again) on February 12th, 2023 12:09 pm

    I see in the near future Burgosh having a “town hall” meeting with the residents of the area. He’ll promise that he’s looking out for the good of his constituents only to do the usual bait-and-switch routine behind their backs. I’d guess his pockets are being padded somewhere along the line whether it’s under the table bucks or “favors” along the way. It’s pure politics and it needs to go away. No development in the area until they can build infrastructure to support it. Oh geez, another 9-year road project!!

  43. My My on February 12th, 2023 12:06 pm

    Escambia Counties infrastructure is really not prepared for an additional project like this, houses are already being built along Beulah Road. 9 mile was already increased to 4 lane, and from this particular parcel most of the egress will be exiting to the west, besides the point that it is locked by I-10 to the NE and North except for a small section of Frank Reeder to the west we have additional subdivisions and the East is Navy Federal. Additional commercial property will bring more truck traffic to an already congested 9 mile and Beulah Road. Lets not forget the WaWa station being built on the South West corner of 9 mile and Beulah. More people, more traffic and more waste. I believe the landfill, may be expanding, from an additional article in North Escambia, will we be able to handle it. There are more things that need to be considered.

  44. anne on February 12th, 2023 11:48 am

    Coming here 32 yrs ago I told people this are was like Detroit in the 50’s. Now it is fast becoming the Detroit I ran away from. Who Knew!

  45. Gerald David lamb on February 12th, 2023 11:45 am

    I remember when 4Hers were the proud owners of a very impressive 600 acre piece of land that was the envy of the rest of the state, thank s to the Matt Langley family. Then along came Navy Federal. Many of us tried to get the county commissioners to consider OLF8.
    The county commissioners, including Bergosh, to consider OLF8. They cleared their throats and stuttered and said that wouldnt happen. Why. we asked. Because the Navy would never give up that land, they said. so they took our beautiful camp for 3.6 million , LESS THAN 1/2 ITS VALUE AND BUILT Navy Federal. There was going to be an Aircraft manufacturing facility on OLF8. They had plans for OLF8 and were secretly.
    conspiring with uppity ups and mucity mucks with those plans, and lo and behold the Navy was pressured to trade. Now the mess is coming back on them. T hey owe a great deal more to 4Hand they need to correct their wrongs.

  46. Lexi on February 12th, 2023 11:25 am

    I’m okay with as long as this community gets everything we need without having a 20 minute commute. A post office, more restaurants and food options, another pharmacy,car washes already seem to be in the works. A Target, Trader Joe’s, Aldi, etc. We desperately need those retail/commerce out this way with the homes DH Horton has already built.

    That aside we need another outlet to access 10. Alt5 exit, 9 mile to pine forest, Pine forest to 10 is a nightmare. What is the plan to eliminate the congestion that happens multiple times a day ? Is there development in place to create other exits and entries to our community outside of Beulah Road ? Will the residents be able to access 10 without competing with NFCU traffic?

    While this area needs housing (affordable I might add) for this area the priority should not be the residential building first!

  47. Chris Abramowitz on February 12th, 2023 11:18 am

    If this land is worth $33 million now, why not wait 20 years and see how much it’s worth while we let the infrastructure to support all this “growth” catch up. Consider it a prudent investment.

  48. Pam Walket on February 12th, 2023 11:17 am

    Too much over developing in our area…use to be quiet enjoyable living here…now overridden with traffic….stores overcrowding…and stresses increasing.. Use to live downtown..stress was high when I would get to this side you could feel a major difference…I am worried our area becoming too much “Metropolitanized”. Its also affecting wildlife in road kills and taking away from them…not happy with our Local Government allowing this

  49. Mary Holzinger on February 12th, 2023 11:11 am

    Number one lesson to my clients is,
    “You can only control what you own”, so, why not let’s own it?
    Everyone who is opposed to this, contributes money to to buy it.

  50. Money talks on February 12th, 2023 10:35 am

    I’d rather see helicopters flying still flying out there versus acres of mediocre housing…maybe let FPL have it to create a solar farm, since it’s already open land they wouldn’t have to deforest.

    Don”t you know the developers must salivate over Gulf Islands National Seashore property and NAS Pensacola property every time they think about it…

    Glad they can’t get it, at least for now…

  51. Susan Sheets on February 12th, 2023 10:33 am

    Words from Jeff Bergosh in 2018. What happened to this idea??: Building a new, clean-tech center at OLF 8 would be an additional win for the area.

    Imagine an elementary school in the southeast corner (15 acres), a walking/biking trail all the way around this field, and as many as 6-8 parcels (along Nine Mile road) to bring restaurants and other service-related businesses to Beulah (perhaps an urgent care facility and a postal store for two of these spots). We might sell 75 acres to Navy Federal Credit Union for additional jobs they may bring. Maybe we’ll set aside recreation facilities for citizen use. Let’s plan intelligently so everyone can get something from this land — but most importantly, let’s support a “jobs per acre” plan to create diversified employment opportunities going forward.

  52. Worried Citizen on February 12th, 2023 9:50 am

    WOW! We don’t need this on 9 mile road. Why not build us a nice amusement park or water park or better restaurants, like a Cheesecake factory? Stop building residential, because the only people that can afford it are outsiders from other States. Build in neighborhoods that are already established. Help the homeless,build a homeless shelter. Just think about your citizens for once, instead of money.

  53. TM17 on February 12th, 2023 9:46 am

    I hope at least three commissioners can see though this quick money scheme and not sell off a premium asset to
    DR Horton. The fact they want an answer in 10 days should raise a flag.
    DR Horton is a very savvy and sophisticated financial operation that one would be wise to go slow when negotiating with.

  54. Just a Guy on February 12th, 2023 9:38 am

    The area is not ready for a sub par design to be built by a sub par home builder. DR Horton has ran around throwing money and unqualified contractors throughout our area building houses and developments for quite some time now. However they are in the front pockets of our commissioners along with every other decision maker at the West Park Place establishment and will get what they want. The area is a congested mess that is 10 years behind design and 20 years over budget. The Beulah area doesn’t need anymore housing it needs industry to support the tent city already created by horton in the area. It’s really a shame that our public officials pay more attention to the self claimed “opportunities” & “great deals” instead of the important matters at hand!
    Remember though; “We will be nearly 20 million to the good” & “Its a BIG DEAL”

  55. EMD on February 12th, 2023 9:15 am

    Will there be any rural areas left when the wealthy can do what they please? Many illegals are flooding the country. Do we want Florida to become one big concrete and asphalt jungle? Do not build it, and they will not come.

  56. Wizard on February 12th, 2023 9:13 am
  57. Escambia Native on February 12th, 2023 9:08 am

    Wonder how much money has been donated/funneled on behalf of this through various sources tosome of these county commissioners. Most of the them get the great majority of their campaign funds through developers and contractors. My personal opinion is that if an elected official has received campaign contributions that are tied to an entity or a shell company tied to that entity appearing before the board that the elected official should recuse themselves from any vote pertaining to this entity due to a conflict of interest. But, we all know that this won’t happen because money talks. We’ll just end up with another poorly built development, with poorly built homes and a bunch of drainage issues. Google DR Horton Complaints and Lawsuits.

  58. Fredtp on February 12th, 2023 9:05 am

    Crystal ball you are sooo correct! When all this site 8 stuff started I knew this was going to happen! Total disappointment!

  59. Anne on February 12th, 2023 8:34 am

    OLF-8 Seems to me a lot like ‘Town of Century’ we keep hearing about it and usually not good news then it just seems to sit and nothing is really done with it.

    Friend has a home by this builder in Pace and it has has quite a few problems that should have never been done during construction. Bottom line there is be very careful deciding on builders no matter how huge their firm may be.

    Like being stuck in traffic, just wish Something would MOVE with this OLF-8 property to get it paying taxes.

  60. Beach Boy on February 12th, 2023 7:55 am

    @ crystal ball

    I do agree with you to some extent. However, Pensacola isn’t what it used to be either. In 2004 after hurricane Ivan hit, nearly 300,000 people from other states came to help clean up and get us back in shape. Almost all of them stayed and never left. So we have had to adjust to the population explosion even in recent days. Unfortunately, that brought in crime as well, and unfortunately, there is crime no matter where you go. I do believe that our County Commissioners and City Officials are trying to do the best they can with what they’ve been dealt with. And that is no easy task. I know from experience.

  61. Beach Boy on February 12th, 2023 7:52 am

    @ crystal ball

    I do agree with you to some extent. However, Pensacola isn’t what it used to be either. In 2004 after hurricane Ivan hit, nearly 300,000 people from other states came to help clean up and get us back in shape. Almost all of them stayed and never left. So we have had to adjust to the population explosion even in recent days. Unfortunately, that brought in crime as well, and unfortunately, there is crime no matter where you go. I do believe that our County Commissioners and City Officials are trying to do the best they can with what they’ve been dealt with. And that is no easy task. I know from experience.

  62. Honest John on February 12th, 2023 7:23 am

    Folks they are not going to stop building on 9 Mile Rd.until every square foot is consumed. Enjoy the traffic.

  63. Just saying on February 12th, 2023 5:28 am

    Remember when Commissioner
    Bergosh, who lives across the road
    from OLF-8, wrote in a viewpoint, “I
    have skin in the game, and I don’t
    support any residential development
    on the OLF-8 site and won’t support
    selling this parcel off so residential
    developers can make a quick buck.”

  64. Wizard on February 12th, 2023 2:54 am

    After a storm, it’ll need to be rebuilt. From what I understand, the builder does average quality work at best. At the very least, the 271 acres for industry and commerce should be stricken the from the deal to be considered. Money isn’t everything and after reading page after page after page of that state budget request, this seems unnecessary. On top of that, the disproportionate uses of existing funds are questionable as is. Learning how to say ‘no’ is a good skill to practice…

  65. JJ on February 12th, 2023 1:56 am

    break it into large parcels 4-8 and auction off by parcel over 60days OPENLY!!!!

  66. Henry Coe on February 12th, 2023 1:52 am

    That’s interesting. From my experience I’m pretty sure trusting anything Jeff Bergosh says in connection with D.R. Horton is a bad idea. Here is my experience and it includes a conversation I had with Jeff two days ago in regard to D.R. Horton property at the end of White Tail Ln on the back side of the Deer Run subdivision.
    I live at the end of Oak Haven Rd and for about a decade they have been using Oak Haven Rd as a rear entrance to Deer Run for construction and my neighbors and I had been being told by Jeff Bergosh that this access was temporary and when the main construction was done it would be gated off and would only be an access for emergency vehicles if needed.
    Over the past year or so D.R. Horton bought the tail end of White Tail Ln and Jeff Bergosh told me that unbeknownst to him someone on his staff had OK’ed and signed off on a deal with D.R. Horton that White Tail Ln would connect to Oak Haven Rd and would be open.
    I called Jeff the other day because I saw they had installed a gate about two weeks ago but then this week they installed two speed bumps on Oak Haven Rd. I asked Jeff why we needed the speed bumps if the new gate was going to stay locked. Then he told me about the deal with D.R. Horton that he said was done behind his back and that he was really pissed off about it.
    In 1996 I bought my house at the end of this dead end road so I would never have to worry about traffic and starting with logging trucks in 2003 there has been a lot of traffic and it is slowly year by year getting worse.
    I don’t know for sure if Jeff has been blowing smoke up my rearend all these years or if he really doesn’t have control of deals being made with contractors out of the Sunshine of Public Hearings but there is a stinky rat in the mix between Jeff Bergosh, his office staff and D.R. Horton.
    Btw, I’m pretty sure part of the deal with us getting OLF-8 was that it was going to be developed by locals. If D.R. Horton buys it they will developed it how ever they see fit. It’s what my Dad called the golden rule. Those who have the gold make the rules. Especially if they need an approval in the dark there are evidently people on Jeff Bergosh’s staff who are for sale.

  67. crystal ball on February 12th, 2023 1:20 am

    Well that was an easy one to predict. With DR Horton in the back pockets of the county commissioners it’s not hard to see this coming. Now the the 9-Year Road…..er I mean 9-Mile Rd project is “done” let’s see what we can do to add more congestion to that area. Duplexes and multi-family structures almost guarantee’s Section 8 housing in a few short years. This area used to be a nice place to live but the more it grows, the more it goes down hill with crime. Pretty soon there will be no decent, quiet places to build in this area. Oh well, more people should have seen it coming and voted for new commissioners.