Escambia Children’s Trust Director Wants More North Escambia Involvement

February 21, 2023

Monday, the executive director of the Escambia Children’s Trust (ECT) told the Escambia County School board that they will make more of an effort to get more North Escambia agencies involved before their next funding cycle.

Last week, ECTawarded $5,104,482 in grants to 19 service providers for out-of-school time programming. Only two were located in District 5, receiving a total $612,601.

“We could only fund what we got applications for, so we recognize that we need to do more outreach,” ECT Executive Director Tammy Greer said.

Agencies that provide after-school and summer educational programs for children were invited to apply for the funding.

“When you go north of Nine Mile Road, there’s nothing there outside of school for the children. We really want to find the programs that are there that are serving children so that we can make them aware that we exist, because we didn’t get applications from them,” she said.

“I want to say this correctly,” Bill Slayton, District 5 board member said. “You may not have found education programs, but we play a lot of ball north of Nine Mile Road .We have a lot of ballparks and a lot of activities going on. Those parents are readily available to get their students to those activities and events. I don’t know what can spin off from those, but I’m very curious what might could spin off to help students that are doing and participating in other activities.”

Greer and Slayton plan to continue their discussions.

Escambia County students will not be limited to attending one of the ECT programs in their area; they can attend any program in the county.

The two North Escambia programs funded by ECT in District 5 are:

  • The Urban Development Center and their program “YouthFirst Century” plans to serve 750 youth ages 11-18 over a three-year period. The program will be held at three locations within the Century town limits. $397,556 for the first year.
  • Central Gulf Coast Freedom Schools and their program “Expanding Summer School” plans to serve 500 children ages 5-14 over a three-year period. The program will take place at the University of West Florida campus. $215,045 for the first year.


8 Responses to “Escambia Children’s Trust Director Wants More North Escambia Involvement”

  1. Jlb on February 22nd, 2023 9:07 am

    Its sad Mr. Slaton isn’t doing whats right for district 5. Just because we play ball,doesn’t mean everyone does. Tired of my tax dollars taking care of everyone else. Time to vote some one in who cares about district 5…Mr. Slaton obviously been in office to long.

  2. Thoughts on February 21st, 2023 11:23 pm

    Why not create a program to teach kids and young adults how to be self sufficient, grow their own food, plant fruit trees, teach them framing and low voltage electrical projects? Seems like a waste of an opportunity to teach our youth who desperately need guidance right now.

  3. straightshooter on February 21st, 2023 8:51 pm

    It was voted in by voters( not me). It is just another government bureaucracy that will never do what it said it would do. Watch and see, the rate will continue to rise like the fire tax, I remember when it started it was 5.00 now it is over a 100.00.
    Never vote for another new government program.
    “I’m from the government and I’m here to help”!!!

  4. Wizard on February 21st, 2023 3:57 pm

    Seems like the tax dollars could be allocated for use in the district from which it was collected.

  5. Scott on February 21st, 2023 2:59 pm

    What about the children that aren’t into sports, like my nephew? Where are the community centers? Parks? Hell, we don’t even have sidewalks in District 5 unless you’re in front of the schools on Kingsfield.

  6. Parent on February 21st, 2023 1:59 pm

    After school tutoring programs should be high on the list for the school district, since school achievement grades are so dismal. But there is little money or none at all available from the district I’m told by my kids’ school to fund tutoring activities. Playing ball north of nine mile road, Mr. Slayton? Looks like your priorities are stuck in reverse.

  7. Luman on February 21st, 2023 12:17 pm

    Here is just another disadvantages for our youth in District 5. North Escambia District 5 could use a Boys & Girls club. A facility with property to offer additional activities and sports.

  8. Steve on February 21st, 2023 6:37 am

    Dr Smith and crew continue to fail up . Long fall is overdue .