EREC Members To See Lower Electric Bills

February 10, 2023

Escambia River Electric Cooperative members will see lower bills.

The “fuel cost adjustment” on member bills will drop to zero.

For EREC’s average resident customer using 1,450 kilowatt-hours per month, the savings will equate to about $30 a month.

According to EREC, about 40% of a member’s monthly bill goes toward fuel costs for PowerSouth – EREC’s wholesale power provider. PowerSouth uses that fuel to generate electricity which EREC then distributes to homes and businesses If the cost of that fuel goes up, the price EREC pays for electricity rises with it. In recent months natural gas, one of the most important fuel sources for PowerSouth, has reached its highest price in over a decade.

“Natural gas prices have nearly tripled, but we are continually looking for ways to keep costs down for our members,” said Ryan Campbell, EREC’s CEO. “We are able to cut certain costs and divert projects to a later date to help weather the storm.”

The cooperative said now that the cost of natural gas is decreasing, EREC is keeping their promise to pass the savings on to members and lower the cost of electricity.

“As a not-for-profit cooperative, we always work to provide reliable electric service at an affordable price,” said Campbell.

EREC serves about 10,000 members in northern Escambia and Santa Rosa counties with 1,800 miles of energized line.

Pictured: EREC’s Walnut Hill Office. photo, click to enlarge.


19 Responses to “EREC Members To See Lower Electric Bills”

  1. molino resident on February 12th, 2023 8:53 pm

    and now we see how our wonderful power company is wasting our money with superbowl ads on how green our energy is. awesome.. so happy

  2. joy on February 12th, 2023 7:14 am

    I live in Molino and would give ANYTHING to have a choice as the federal government promised Americans when they said AT&T and Bell was a monopoly roke them and all kinds of companies opened—BUT in not so free FL we had ZERO to say about Gulf power no longer here and the HORRIBLE greedy Fl power–And they are a monopoly and a GREEDY one at that!!! Retirees can’t afford to be warm or cool due to the incredible rate increases and another even bigger one coming and FL politicians give then the ok before we even here about it—I have already received emails from these crooks telling me over $30 a month more!!! I will NEVER vote for those in power again!! they are too busy banning books, checking on girls menstrual cycle-and telling you what you can an cannot say and taking over part of Disney to care about what the citizens of this state have to pay to live warm, cool, cook, wash, dry all the electrical things a household does. I know i will get nasty reviews but it is the truth

  3. Thunderbolt on February 11th, 2023 4:28 pm

    So happy to be a erec customer. I feel so bad for the ppl being forced to pay the ridiculous pwr bills of the organized crime ring (fpl) It is a shame to have pay for there solar farms…If fpl wants a solar farm let them pay for it or the overpaid executives that run that criminal organization….ppl having to choose between food and meds or a basic need of electricity. ..shame on fpl…

  4. CW on February 11th, 2023 5:59 am

    I had never even heard of Power South, but it looks like they also provide electricity for Southern Pine and Baldwin EMC (among many others).

    I’m curious if those companies have also reduced their rates?

  5. Willis on February 10th, 2023 10:16 pm

    EREC cooperative not for profit.


  6. Unhappy FPL Customer in Molino on February 10th, 2023 7:55 pm

    To Vee Dee

    Hahahaha! FLORIDA PILLAGE and LOOT! Perfect! Wish I’d thought of that! They are the worst!

  7. Unhappy FPL Customer in Molino on February 10th, 2023 7:54 pm

    To Vee Dee


  8. Vee Dee on February 10th, 2023 2:27 pm

    PLEASE bring EREC to Cantonment!!!! So tired of Florida Pillage and Loot!!!!

  9. Kane on February 10th, 2023 11:30 am

    FloridaPeopleLose is a giant company which goal is to make money. That’s its only goal, its purpose is not to bring you power, not to serve the community, not to care for your needs. It only makes money like ALL large companies of any nature. They will never care for any of us like a small wholesome community supplier like E.R.E.C and they are providing internet to boot sounds like I need to move.

  10. Ronald McGee on February 10th, 2023 10:30 am

    We really enjoyed having EREC I believe that they are a customer comes first organization keep up the good work and lower the cost if possible

  11. EMD on February 10th, 2023 10:27 am

    Best power company ever, and the employees are really nice too. In addition, we can speak with real people who can be understood. Thank you EREC.

  12. Molino Resident on February 10th, 2023 9:48 am

    How refreshing. I would love to see what the comparative rates for are between EREC and FPL per kilowatt hour.

  13. Bill T on February 10th, 2023 9:16 am

    I think FPL should take notice!!!! Apparently these people are doing it right !!! Unfortunately FPL continues to try and break the people of Florida!!!! The average power bill in Florida has gone up by 25 to 29 percent in the last year!!!! And now they want more!!! Looks like we are getting ripped off here in Florida everyday!!!!

  14. derek on February 10th, 2023 8:46 am

    Eat your heart out FPL

  15. tg on February 10th, 2023 8:29 am

    Could they share that formula with FPL..

  16. Swamp Gas on February 10th, 2023 8:11 am

    Thank you ERIC. So glad that I don’t have Fl power and lite.

  17. Molino Resident on February 10th, 2023 7:18 am

    Glad to see there is a power company out there that is willing to help their customers by actually lowering costs. Too bad Florida Power and Light can’t seem to do that. They must need that extra money something bad.

  18. Power to the people on February 10th, 2023 6:46 am

    I just offset the monthly amount I pay to FPL by buying their company stock. I figured since they are generating an extra profit by raising rates, I can get free power without adding solar just by moving some money around. Thanks everyone for the free cash!!

  19. Unhappy FPL Customer in Molino on February 10th, 2023 2:17 am

    Seems us under FPL service are constantly being charged for less service yet paying for greater company profits and any extra costs they decide to through at us. What a rip off. Should’ve moved out further and could be with EREC. FPL should take note. Perhaps we can gather signatures or vote them (FPL) out and get EREC to cover the Molino area. FPL is charging us so they can build the eyesores of the left’s dreams; solar farms, in our area. Bad, bad news!