Century Man Tries To Run Over Man He Thought Was Convicted Sex Offender, ECSO Says

February 22, 2023

A Century man is charged after allegedly trying to run over a man he thought was a convicted sex offender as he walked out of a liquor store.

Kinte Hassan Franklin, 45, was charged with felony aggravated battery using a deadly weapon.

The victim told the Escambia County Sheriff’s Office that Franklin was the driver of a maroon car with the window partially down outside the Fusion Liquor store next door to the Food Giant on North Century Boulevard.

The driver, Franklin, told him “I’m going to kill you because you are a convicted child molester,” according to an ECSO arrest report. He then turned the car around and struck the victim in the legs, the report continues. The victim’s wife was with him at the time. She told deputies that another occupant of the vehicle told Franklin, “You just need to run over this [expletive] you just need to kill him”.

According to the ECSO, surveillance video showed Franklin circle the parking lot multiple times and pull up to the victim and say something. The video then shows Franklin pull into a parking spot if front of the store, back out, and then pull forward, striking the victim with the vehicle multiple times.

Franklin was released from the Escambia County Jail on a $10,000 bond.

According to the U.S. Department of Justice National Sex Offender Registry, the victim is not a convicted sex offender.


10 Responses to “Century Man Tries To Run Over Man He Thought Was Convicted Sex Offender, ECSO Says”

  1. David on February 23rd, 2023 11:23 pm

    Randall Lucas, if you’re looking at the S.O. Registry, you’re wrong. Those are actually NOT the people you need to worry about. You NEED to worrying about NOT ON The Registries: the stepfathers, coaches, teachers, tutors, music instructors, martial arts and gymnastics instructors, clergy, family “friends”, etc… And don’t forget the Child Porn producers… yes, I mean the middle school kid who sends a nude pic to another kid. Yes, look it up & check the news: they get arrested on CP charges!

  2. Bob on February 23rd, 2023 3:31 pm

    @Just sayin

    Absolutely not.

    If Franklin believe his victim had broken the law, he should have called the police. There is absolutely no reason why private citizens should be taking the law into their own hand and electing themselves judge, jury, and executioner.

  3. Al E. Thea on February 23rd, 2023 2:59 pm

    @Randall and @Mike E
    Did you NOT read that the victim is NOT a sex offender??
    You all have been fed a fat lie about the so-called ‘frightening and high’ recidivism rate for people with sex offfenses.
    All the empirical data and statistics even that by the Department of Justice show the actual recidivism rate is less than 5% for a convicted sex offender.
    Less than 1% is done by a stranger.
    You all need to look at your news and see that 95% or more of sex offenses come within your own family, doctors, teachers, gym coaches, clergy, and now even law enforcement.-people NOT on the registry.
    Keep barking up the registry tree while your children are being molested right under your noses by people NOT on the registry.

  4. Kane on February 23rd, 2023 12:12 pm

    Soooo, I can physically assault someone with a deadly weapon and get off for 1000.00 bucks as long as I claim, “thought he was a sex offender”? Good to know.

  5. Mike E on February 22nd, 2023 11:14 pm

    I have to believe that this was individual was a family member of someone who was involved with whoever he thought the other person was he was trying to run over .. You still can’t take matters into your own hands. It’s not worth it .

  6. Randall Lucas on February 22nd, 2023 7:05 pm

    Lol…I’m,Sorry for the Victim first of all,I hope you get better.Secondly this Guy who was driving,Dude…Lol.I Understand your frustration when these judges dont do anything about all the pervs who mess with these children and old folks….You,Sir are a Stand up Guy in my opinion..Maybe more folks should do this.Then maybe the pervs will think twice about molesting kids.

  7. Just sayin on February 22nd, 2023 2:38 pm

    Weeeeellll….imo he did have good reasoning for trying to run the man over just poor judgements on who the guy was

  8. Jennyrae0209 on February 22nd, 2023 8:57 am

    Let me get this right….
    You can essentially do attempted murder by trying to run someone over with a vehicle, commit battery, AND assault with deadly weapon and get out on 1,000 bond….. but a victimless crime is frequently given a higher bond amount…..
    What is WRONG with this picture here!?

  9. EMD on February 22nd, 2023 8:46 am

    Yes JJ: “Something” has been wrong for a VERY LONG time!

  10. JJ on February 22nd, 2023 8:23 am

    I can attempt murder,disable him and out on $1000 cash and its a violent crime.PEOPLE,ISNT SOMETHING WRONG HERE?