Blue Wahoos, Kazoo Read To Escambia Westgate Students

February 21, 2023

Kazoo and the Pensacola Blue Wahoos recently visited Escambia Westgate School to visit with students. Kazoo and the Wahoos read to 11 classes as part of Kazoo’s Reading Program. Photos for, click to enlarge.


One Response to “Blue Wahoos, Kazoo Read To Escambia Westgate Students”

  1. JordansNana on February 22nd, 2023 3:03 pm

    Thank you for taking time to report this story. This is a VERY important & special school who needs more of the community’s support! You can see all the precious special needs children they teach daily. I would love to see more about this school from time to time.
    There’s truly NOTHING for most special needs children except this school! If parents want (really NEED) to go out to see a movie once a month, there’s no where to take them.
    Not sure why a few certified trained people haven’t opened a special needs daycare/evening care where you could drop your son or daughter off for a few hours with someone who is qualified?
    Every day more & more children are born with autism & other special needs.