Parole Denied For Two Nokomis Brothers In 1993 Murder

January 11, 2023

Wednesday morning, the Alabama Bureau of Pardons and Paroles denied parole for two Nokomis men behind bars for the 1993 murders of a woman and 12-year old girl.

Shannon Dean Barlow and Franklin Lee Barlow, Jr. are both serving life sentences with the possibility of parole for the murders of Kathy Victor Hall Barlow and Angel Marie Hall.

They will be eligible for parole again in five years.

A large number of North Escambia area residents wrote letters and emails opposing the brothers’ release following a story last week.

On October 10, 1993, the Barlow brothers went out with Albert Ganoe “Rocky” Beasley, consuming alcohol and smoking marijuana. They then went to the home of Kathy Barlow in Perdido, Ala., shooting her in the head with a .410-gauge shotgun when she opened the door. According to testimony, he then went to the room of Angel Hall, 12, raped her and shot her in the face.

“They were shot, stabbed, raped, beaten, strangled, buried in the sand at the gravel lakes near our home, then urinated on,” said Marsha Maher, Kathy Barlow’s niece and a North Escambia resident. “They surely do not need to be paroled and pose a threat to myself, my family and to our community. So for the sake of our family’s sanity and security and also for our community.”

Shannon Barlow was sentenced to three consecutive life  terms, and Franklin Barlow was sentenced to two life sentences. Both were now eligible for parole from prison in Alabama. Beasley remains behind bars, sentenced to life without the possibility of parole.


34 Responses to “Parole Denied For Two Nokomis Brothers In 1993 Murder”

  1. David on January 17th, 2023 12:24 pm

    They should be put before a firing squad and terminated they put dogs down so why not a rapist,that way they would get what they deserve.did the mother or that little girl get an appeal? No they got the death sentence innocent people

  2. Bob on January 15th, 2023 4:40 pm


    Yeah, that’s not true.

    Florida stopped using the electric chair back in 1999.

    During the 90s, the murder rate in Florida was, on average, a little over 8 murders per 100,000 people.

    In the 2010s, the average was 5.2 murder per 100,000.

    The murder rate has been going down since “Old Sparky” was decommissioned.

  3. David on January 14th, 2023 8:49 am

    Old Sparky used to serve as a fairly good deterrent for vicious crimes, and when she was in operation Florida didn’t have as many murderers behind bars like we do now.

  4. Bob on January 14th, 2023 12:48 am


    We live in a society.

    We all contribute to the public good. My taxes pay for the fire department, even though my house has never caught on fire. They pay for elementary schools, even though I don’t have any kids. They pay for roads that I am never going to drive on. They pay for the police who arrest criminals, the judges that sentence them, and the prisons they live in.

    If you don’t want to participate in society anymore, you are welcome to build yourself a shack out in the woods.

    If you want to kill people that are safely locked away behind bars just so you can save a few pennies on your taxes? Then you sound like one of the monsters that should be locked up right alongside these two.

  5. Mike J. on January 13th, 2023 1:48 pm

    Bob, the fact that some people want everybody to pay for this monster’s housing, medical, and food is what’s disgusting. Here’s an idea: People who care so much for the basic human rights of a convicted murderer should then open their bank accounts and pay for the housing and medical care, etc. for someone who horribly murdered a woman and raped a young girl before killing her. Bob, you could even house the murderer in YOUR house. Have a nice day. The families of murder victims are not.

  6. Macks on January 13th, 2023 10:37 am

    Those two are right where Thay should be. I knew Angel she was a year younger than me. What thaise two did was horrable and Thay deserve way more than just sitting in prison for the rest of there life . I HOPE THAY NEVER ARE ABLE TO SEE THE OUTSIDE WORKD EVER AGAIN.

  7. David on January 12th, 2023 10:06 pm

    I am sorry brother Bob, I guess at 80 years old I am just a little out of date in the handling of today’s prisoners. But regardless of what you say, I still stand by capital punishment for doped up on alcohol and marijuana felons who rape, mutilate, and murder a mother and a twelve year old child. With the length of time that these two have been I believe that they have enough appeals and right where they are now is a very good place for these two.

  8. Bob on January 12th, 2023 4:08 pm


    In criminology, “justice” fills three roles: deterrent, rehabilitative, and preventative.

    As soon as you start invoking retribution, it stops being justice.

    If you’re going to work with prisoners, at least learn a little bit about the law and how it functions.

  9. David on January 12th, 2023 3:03 pm

    No Bob, it is not about money in any way, it is about justice for the victims, their family, and society as a whole, never about the money. Remember, I have dealt very closely with human monsters, and believe it or not, they do exist.

  10. Gail on January 12th, 2023 9:29 am

    I’m so sorry that the family of the victims have to constantly be reminded of how their loved ones left this earth. By parole hearings being offered every five years, the victim’s families have to also spend their lives being in a form of prison. If someone gets life then give them life. Let the families of the victims remember the good times that they shared with their loved ones rather than spend their time having to try to get the animals that took their lives, denied parole. Thankful they were denied parole this time. I wish the family peace until the next parole hearing comes up.

  11. Bob on January 12th, 2023 9:00 am


    If someone cannot be rehabilitated and reintegrated into society, they should be kept separate from society.

    If you are advocating for killing people because you want to save a few pennies on your taxes every year, then you sound like one of the monsters that doesn’t value human life and belongs behind bars with them.

  12. David on January 12th, 2023 8:05 am

    In response to Bob: it is apparent that you know nothing concerning monsters. I know that there are people who refuse to become “rehabilitated”, and who never show any remorse for anything or any crime they have ever committed. You see, I have worked among therm for several years in law enforcement within a facility. On observing them and conversing with them, I was and still am convinced that truly some of them are just what has been previously described: monsters. Yet they want to get back out among innocent people, as well as among the young and innocent children of our communities to do what? More of the same crimes? My opinion is hook them up to “old sparky” and let her do her work. That may sound cold, but it is better that certain members of the criminal element who cannot be trusted to be a contributor to others, need to be removed from the land of the living as it was done before times. That Bob, is my two cents worth.

  13. Vicky on January 12th, 2023 7:42 am

    They need the death penalty for what they did I’m not judging anyone but why couldn’t they get a death sentence because they didn’t have a second chance may God give the family peace

  14. Luis Santos on January 12th, 2023 5:49 am

    How the heck did a possibility of parole even become a part of the sentence?

  15. Debbie on January 11th, 2023 8:51 pm

    These men tortured and raped a 12 yr old child!!! And their stepmother!! Should have been took out back and put in front of a firing squad!! Can’t imagine how terrified that poor child was!!! They are monsters

  16. LouLou on January 11th, 2023 7:20 pm

    Thank the Lord

  17. Bass Pro on January 11th, 2023 6:57 pm

    They probably dodged the death penalty by snitching on everybody they ever knew.

  18. V from Pace on January 11th, 2023 6:30 pm

    Great news. I don’t even know why they’re still alive. Sorry pieces of crap. Hopefully they’ll just rot in prison.

  19. Ricky on January 11th, 2023 6:14 pm

    I don’t see why they still alive and is capable of parole hell they need to be done like they did the lady and child. We need to put them in that big yellow chair and get it where we don’t have to pay taxes on the and feed them …or put them in front of a gun line like the Old Days

  20. Bob on January 11th, 2023 5:01 pm

    @Mike J

    Thank God you aren’t the one writing the law.

    Everyone deserves a fair trial and the protections guaranteed to us by the law. Even monsters like these guys. Suggesting that we violate someone’s basic human rights just so we can save a few dollars is disgusting.

  21. Vicky Sanchez on January 11th, 2023 4:23 pm

    How are they still alive. They should had got the death penalty! This is sickening and they should never get released. If they can do that violent of a crime they deserve death penalty! Reading this story breaks my heart.

  22. Mike J. on January 11th, 2023 4:14 pm

    @mnon on January 11th, 2023 1:24 pm

    The ONLY reason it is currently costing millions of dollars to execute a convicted murderer is because of LAWYERS fees for appeal after appeal. Lawyers on both sides are paid by the government, prosecution and public defenders. Remove or put a ceiling on those fees and the cost to execute would be drastically reduced.

    As for their suffering in prison, at the cost of the taxpayer’s money, let convicted murderers stay in prison for 5 years then execute them. Anymore is not worth it. My opinion.

  23. Billy on January 11th, 2023 3:42 pm

    @Douglas. That’s my family that they executed in a tortuous way. THEY ARE NOT SUFFERING BY ANY MEANS !!!!!

  24. steve on January 11th, 2023 3:40 pm

    I did send a email. Not sure if it was needed as the severity of the crime should keep them in for life. But at what point is holding people in a cage working ? I am sure if given the opportunity there are some in there that would self terminate rather than be there existing as a number till you are so old that society has no use for ya.
    What is being done is not working and new plans even if they seem extreme might be mainstream one day.

  25. Roscoe on January 11th, 2023 3:20 pm

    Why are these three still alive? WHY!!!!!!!!

  26. Mike on January 11th, 2023 3:18 pm


  27. Douglas on January 11th, 2023 2:05 pm

    @pat…This is my family, and trust me I would love for them to be executed as well, but the things I’ve heard that have happened to them since being in prison…I’m certain they wish they could die as well. So I think they are suffering far worse by being forced to live their lives everyday as the prison female dogs they are.

  28. mnon on January 11th, 2023 1:24 pm

    @Pat believe it or not it costs more to execute them. It costs taxpayers roughly 4-6 million to execute someone, and it only costs 750k for a life sentence. So actually life costs us less and prolongs the suffering. I’m sure they’re not having fun at the Ritz.

  29. JJ on January 11th, 2023 1:09 pm

    Great, my one of many emails weighed in the the
    board vote. Wonder if any board member wanted to turn one or both out?????

  30. Brenda on January 11th, 2023 12:48 pm


  31. BK on January 11th, 2023 11:49 am

    Wow!! That is some good news for the day! Hopefully the emails we sent influenced the board’s decision. I will email the same thing in 5 years if reminded.

  32. Pat on January 11th, 2023 11:45 am

    Why are we wasting tax dollars keeping these monsters alive?

  33. EMD on January 11th, 2023 11:40 am

    Thank God. Savages should never be free to live in the outside world.

  34. SW on January 11th, 2023 11:19 am
