Florida Power & Light CEO Silagy Is Retiring

January 27, 2023

Eric Silagy, chairman, president and CEO of Florida Power & Light Company, is retiring after 20 years with the company, including 11 years leading FPL.

Silagy has worked for FPL parent company NextEra Energy for nearly two decades. Prior to his appointment as president of FPL in 2011, he served as senior vice president of regulatory and state governmental affairs and as chief development officer, managing all generation development, including solar, natural gas and nuclear energy projects. Silagy also spent time working for NextEra Energy Resources where he served as vice president and general manager of the southern region, and vice president of business development.

Armando Pimentel, who previously served in several senior executive roles with NextEra Energy, will rejoin the company and is named president and CEO, FPL. John Ketchum, chairman, president and CEO, NextEra Energy, was named chairman, FPL.

“Eric is a passionate advocate for continuous improvement and under his leadership FPL has transformed into the nation’s largest electric utility, providing our customers with the country’s most reliable service with bills significantly lower than the national average,” Ketchum said. “He is commitment to putting customers first was on full display last year during hurricanes Ian and Nicole, where his dedication, commitment and compassion drove the FPL team to restore power in record time and quickly put the state of Florida back on its feet. Eric has been a devoted supporter of the state and his work for a variety of organizations has helped to foster Florida’s economic growth, strengthen the state university system and grow the next generation of Florida leaders. I wish Eric and his family all the best on this next chapter in life.”

“It has been an honor and privilege to lead the FPL team for more than a decade and I couldn’t be more proud of the accomplishments we have delivered to our customers and the state of Florida,” said Silagy. “Over the last decade, we have transformed FPL’s generation fleet into one of the cleanest, most reliable and lowest-cost portfolios in the country, delivered award-winning customer service, ensured bills are significantly lower than the national average and provided our customers the best grid reliability in the country.

Pictured top: Eric Silagy, FPL chairman and CEO, during a commissioning ceremony for the Cotton Creek Solar Energy Ceremony in McDavid on March 24, 2022. NorthEscambia.com photo, click to enlarge.


10 Responses to “Florida Power & Light CEO Silagy Is Retiring”

  1. Northender on January 29th, 2023 9:13 am

    Yep….exactly what all the previous commenters said, and then some.

  2. Denny on January 27th, 2023 1:19 pm

    Funny how he’s stepping down after south Florida papers reported that under his tenure FPL has been tied to surveillance of journalists critical of FPL and to using dark money to fund campaigns of politicians and media companies who publicly state FPL is wonderful. Even FPL’s parent company, NextEra, is investigating. Of course, FPL says his retirement is just coincidence.

  3. Beach Boy on January 27th, 2023 11:14 am

    There needs to be an in depth investigation by the Public Service Commission into the thievery you and your cronies are doing at fpl. It is a crime against humanity for the uncalled rates you are dishing out to the Florida citizens, especially the senior citizens on fixed incomes. We don’t get pay raises like you do….so “MAKE IT AFFORDABLE” for those on fixed incomes!!!!!

  4. So what on January 27th, 2023 10:19 am

    So what? Hopefully the request for rate increase is denied- it’s already unaffordable and it’s rediculous!!!

  5. Robert on January 27th, 2023 9:13 am

    he finally ripped off enough of us that he can retire with a huge bonus…Now we will have another guy come in and rip us off even worse to pad his bank account…No honor among thieves…

  6. RaD on January 27th, 2023 8:43 am

    “Over the last decade, we have transformed FPL’s generation fleet into one of the cleanest, most reliable and lowest-cost portfolios in the country…”

    I disagree sir. What you have done is transform a fleet to one that is 70% reliant on Natural Gas. If it wasn’t for the 4 nuclear units, the last of which came on line in 1983, that number would be over 90%. 50 year old Turkey Point has to be nearing retirement and St Lucie will be a decade behind it with no plans for replacements on the table. All coal fired plants are either being refired with NG or closed down, which will raise the generation with NG to 75%.

    What all this means is, every time the price of NG rises, all of our rates are going to rise as well because fuel cost are passed along to the customer. But hey, enjoy the retirement.

  7. hootnholler on January 27th, 2023 8:30 am

    you do better just running off a pas powered generator or a natural gas powered generator

  8. Well on January 27th, 2023 8:19 am

    Poor Mr. Silagy.
    Hopefully fpl can get another rate increase to make his retirement affordable.

  9. Molino Resident on January 27th, 2023 7:44 am

    He’s getting out before the public comes for his head. FPL has ripped off the residents of Florida for years and it’s only getting worse. Their latest request for a rate increase needs to be denied. Power is already so expensive that a lot of people can’t afford it. It’s nothing more than legal theft.

  10. mnon on January 27th, 2023 4:21 am

    So… don’t let the door hit ya… Enjoy your retirement from fleecing Florida citizens.